Our next Civil War will be over abortion

Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.

I agree that making abortion illegal will eventually lead to extreme civic unrest and possibly a civil war.

That's because we have an abortion based economy. Young people (labor) are not paid nearly enough to support families - even with both parents are working.

Nowadays, most people cannot afford to support a family until their in their late 20s or even later. This defies human nature. So far abortion has provided a means that young people can avoid having children until they can afford them. Young people are forced to practice 'pagan' sexuality - the vast majority would prefer 'love' relationships - but love relationships almost ALWAYS result in BABIES..

The level of education and jobs skills people need in order to just support themselves, much less a family, has gotten to be ridiculous. Yet each worker's productivity has sky rocketed in the past 50 years. Workers are generating enough wealth, but aren't being paid fairly.

If you take away abortion there's going to be legions of young poverty stricken families.

One alternative is to pay young people much better than they are being paid now - which is the way it used to be. A young man who was willing to do a fair days labor could afford to feed, clothe and house himself, his wife and any number of children.

They called it 'making a living'.
Abortion is murder!
Every life is precious!

Also conservatives:
Fuck your sick baby not my problem get a 3rd job
Only Red States will lose access to abortion.

Serves them right for voting Conservative

I'll take that bet.

Once the Supreme Court holds that personhood begins when a person's life does, no State law can trump that.

They will not make that ruling

Even before Roe vs Wade, States were allowed to have abortion on a stare by state basis

Today’s court will nibble at the edges making it more difficult to find abortion providers

Funny that you think you can predict what the court will do, even after they themselves predicted otherwise.

Read and listen closely.

Only Red States will lose access to abortion.

Serves them right for voting Conservative

I'll take that bet.

Once the Supreme Court holds that personhood begins when a person's life does, no State law can trump that.

They will not make that ruling

Even before Roe vs Wade, States were allowed to have abortion on a stare by state basis

Today’s court will nibble at the edges making it more difficult to find abortion providers

Funny that you think you can predict what the court will do, even after they themselves predicted otherwise.

Read and listen closely.

No court will ban abortion
Only Red States will lose access to abortion.

Serves them right for voting Conservative

I'll take that bet.

Once the Supreme Court holds that personhood begins when a person's life does, no State law can trump that.

They will not make that ruling

Even before Roe vs Wade, States were allowed to have abortion on a stare by state basis

Today’s court will nibble at the edges making it more difficult to find abortion providers

Funny that you think you can predict what the court will do, even after they themselves predicted otherwise.

Read and listen closely.

No court will ban abortion

Hense the OP and this thread.
Abortion is murder!
Every life is precious!

Also conservatives:
Fuck your sick baby not my problem get a 3rd job

Would it surprise you to know that condemning people for what you're "sure" they believe is not a winning tactic?

But hey, feel free to tell us more about how you're morally superior and care more for children because you would have just killed them. That's totally logical.
The abortion 'civil war' has already been fought. The cops keep arresting one side and throwing them in jail.

Turns out it was kind of a sleeper.
No court will ban abortion
Of course they wouldn't. And if they attempted such a thing, then the vast majority of public opinion against such a thing would put in motion the mechanisms to over rule such a stupid move.
Conservatives know they can’t ban it

So they make it next to impossible to run a clinic, harass pregnant women and doctors

Next best thing

Some states have only one clinic
abortion is an easy issue to understand

History will show how ignorant it was to make abortion legal
The problem is that history has proved the slippery slope.

Now it would simply be government telling a woman she must give birth to a child.

What is the next logical step?

It seems ridiculous that government would regulate consensual sex, but Statist Authoritarianism has a way of going to the extremes if no one fights them.

If we require women to carry a baby full term, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, under penalty of capital murder, would it not also be fair to hold men to the same standard for jacking off into a jizz rag?

How far should we allow our government to control us all?

There are competing interests between mother and unborn child. They are legitimate and valid on BOTH sides.

If you can admit that, you will be more likely to get consessions from the other side.


How far will we permit
Our nation to start losing wars??

How Far??

China made big laws to gain
Men and lose females because of the need not to lose wars

China lost over 20 million in world war 11

America gave help to
Married couples for a while because they are the ones that brings the nation strong children

Yes. Allowing abortion the. Brings chaos on juries

How can you charge one person right murder and another it's all fine

This unequal Justice makes a nation weak and will lose in wars

So yes all logic says that abortion must be made illegal
Bringing unequal Justice destroys nations

Murder of a fetus is no different than murder to gain money. Both murder greed crimes. Can't wait 9 months can be a greed issue. Same as murder for money by a poor person

Unequal Justice destroys nations

And bringing a big Imbalance of young to
Old also destroys nations

A nation must stop liberalism if it wants to survive
trump bringing this issue front and center is brilliant

This will help him do as Andrew Jackson and ignore low logic majorities

And the founders gave him the power when the nation is under a national security threat

Liberalism and wide democracy is indeed a national security issue

Trump should bring this front and center
Abortion is the issue that will bring a logic tests for voters and a lot fewer women allowed to vote

This will stop liberalism

This issue of abortion
If a mother is in labor...the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians & mother
Abortion will cause women to lose voting rights

And will bring logic tests for voters

This is an easy issue to understand by anyone with half a brain

So now we see how America will now change quickly

Men now will stop the unwise voters to stop the destruction of the nation

Trump will then do as Andrew Jackson who called out the military to control the Indians

The military will control the unwise like all thru history

Men now will stop the unwise voters to stop the destruction of the nation

Trump will then do as Andrew Jackson who called out the military to control the Indians

The military will control the unwise like all thru history

History repeats cause it's comes from universal laws

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