Our next Civil War will be over abortion

Trump will call out the military and make logic tests for voters

The high logic can see easily how abortion harms the nation

So a logic test is now coming by trump and military and men
There will be no revolution... These goobers can't muster the courage to do anything but gang up on women and yell at them. And we are supposed to believe they would revolt? Haha....give me a break.
China brought abortion to survive

They lost so many in world war 11

They brought abortion to bring a lot more men to fight and die in wars
There will be no revolution... These goobers can't muster the courage to do anything but gang up on women and yell at them. And we are supposed to believe they would revolt? Haha....give me a break.

Wrong. Look at the polls on who supports who

Trump has the power voters
Now has his ace in the hole

He may call out the military on New York for having abortions at 9 months
New York Justice bringing the witch hunt on trump

Now trump can call out the military on New York because of their killing babies at 9 months
Trump now has his main issue

He already had the power voters

Now trump can declare a national security issue that will make America lose wars if not changed

That issue is. UNWISE VOTERS !!

He with the military will bring high logic ability tests for voters ... Liberalism will be no longer
The military fights to defend life

Trump calls up the military to stop new Yorks murder of babies

Calls up the military to bring wisdom tests to stop election crooks that destroys the nation
Trump now has his main issue

He already had the power voters

Now trump can declare a national security issue that will make America lose wars if not changed

That issue is. UNWISE VOTERS !!

He with the military will bring high logic ability tests for voters ... Liberalism will be no longer
Trump would not pass
Trump now has his main issue

He already had the power voters

Now trump can declare a national security issue that will make America lose wars if not changed

That issue is. UNWISE VOTERS !!

He with the military will bring high logic ability tests for voters ... Liberalism will be no longer
Trump would not pass

The voters logic is tested

Because they choose if a leader is helpful or hurtful with their higher logic

This abortion issue will spread like wildfire
The military will be called out on 4 states and wisdom tests made for voting quickly to stop the destruction of America
Fair point.

But the real question is, Do you believe any children are being killed by abortions?

Nope. not a one. Fetuses aren't children.

Even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for getting or performing them.

Wrong. Dead wrong

A drunk driver wrecks and hits a pregnant woman and he is charged with double murder .. manslAughter
Abortion and the wall that stops the Central American illegals will bring Mexican Hispanics over on trumps side

They will vote and make abortion illegal
Trump now has his main issue

He already had the power voters

Now trump can declare a national security issue that will make America lose wars if not changed

That issue is. UNWISE VOTERS !!

He with the military will bring high logic ability tests for voters ... Liberalism will be no longer
Trump would not pass

The voters logic is tested

Because they choose if a leader is helpful or hurtful with their higher logic

This abortion issue will spread like wildfire
Hasn’t for 45 years
Trump now has his main issue

He already had the power voters

Now trump can declare a national security issue that will make America lose wars if not changed

That issue is. UNWISE VOTERS !!

He with the military will bring high logic ability tests for voters ... Liberalism will be no longer
Trump would not pass

The voters logic is tested

Because they choose if a leader is helpful or hurtful with their higher logic

This abortion issue will spread like wildfire
Hasn’t for 45 years

Wrong it's in many states
Illinois: The killing of an “unborn child” at any stage of pre-natal development is intentional homicide, voluntary manslaughter, or involuntary manslaughter or reckless homicide. Ill. Comp. Stat. ch. 720, §§5/9-1.2, 5/9-2.1, 5/9-3.2 (1993). Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 720 § 5/12-3.1. A person commits battery of an unborn child if he intentionally or knowingly without legal justification and by any means causes bodily harm to an unborn child. Read with Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 720 § 5/12-4.4.
Abortion will now destroy the democrat party and lock up the whole deep state for brainwashing to help the murder of babies

This is spreading like wildfire

Trump can call out the military to set up logic tests for voters

To replace the whole crooked congress
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.

I agree that making abortion illegal will eventually lead to extreme civic unrest and possibly a civil war.

That's because we have an abortion based economy. Young people (labor) are not paid nearly enough to support families - even with both parents are working.

Nowadays, most people cannot afford to support a family until their in their late 20s or even later. This defies human nature. So far abortion has provided a means that young people can avoid having children until they can afford them. Young people are forced to practice 'pagan' sexuality - the vast majority would prefer 'love' relationships - but love relationships almost ALWAYS result in BABIES..

The level of education and jobs skills people need in order to just support themselves, much less a family, has gotten to be ridiculous. Yet each worker's productivity has sky rocketed in the past 50 years. Workers are generating enough wealth, but aren't being paid fairly.

If you take away abortion there's going to be legions of young poverty stricken families.

One alternative is to pay young people much better than they are being paid now - which is the way it used to be. A young man who was willing to do a fair days labor could afford to feed, clothe and house himself, his wife and any number of children.

They called it 'making a living'.
So, if you get to do abortions, we don't need your bullshit communism?


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