Our President Has Done A Good Job

The lowest labor participation rate in history.
Not even close. It's higher than any time before 1978

You might want to rethink the Labor force participation rate, which sits at 62.8 percent, the lowest it has been in 32 years. Free them and weep:
Katzndogz said "in history." Are you claiming history only goes back 32 years?????

I said it is higher than anytime before 1978, which is true:

Now....notice when the participation rate started its decline?

February through December 2009, when it dropped from 65.8% to 64.6%. Sorry, wrong again. Even after Obama took office it continued to decline. So why are you defending him again?
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Have you checked the price of gas or food? The lowest labor participation rate in history. The highest number of people on welfare in history. Dow is up because worthless money is being printed.

Yeah good job.
Yeah when he became president gas was under $2.00 a gal, and ground beef was .99¢ a pound. Now it's over doubled, thanks Obama.

The summer of 2008 gas was over $4.00 in California. Ground beef .99? Not even close. The problem republicans are having is that things are better now than when Obama entered office, so they have to make war on him and lie to win converts. You buy the b.s. they feed you poor working stiffs 24/7. You're being used. How sad.
The lowest labor participation rate in history.
Not even close. It's higher than any time before 1978

You might want to rethink the Labor force participation rate, which sits at 62.8 percent, the lowest it has been in 32 years. Free them and weep:
Katzndogz said "in history." Are you claiming history only goes back 32 years?????

I said it is higher than anytime before 1978, which is true:

Now....notice when the participation rate started its decline?

December 2009, when it dropped to 64.6%. Sorry, wrong again. Even after Obama took office it continued to decline. So why are you defending him again?
You can't read a chart if you think the peak was 2009

And how am I defending Obama? I'm only rebutting the false statement that current LFPR is the worst in history and point out that its decline has been going on for over a decade. Hell, Men's participation has been going down since 1948.
A page of pictures posted by republicans who hate obama. They know they hate him but can't articulate why in words. They've been told he's evil for so long they just know he's evil. So they shop around to find pictures and posters like third grade children. How sad.
No, carter allowed our ambassador to Afghanistan to be killed with no response leading to the eventual formation of the Taliban as well as the birth of Al Quieda.

Uh yeah, Carter did start it, by allocating $30 million dollars in aid to the Afghani resistance. And then that went up through the Reagan years. Ironically, after 1991, HW Bush stopped providing aid to Afghanistan, while aid was resumed in the Clinton years, followed by increasing aid by W Bush and even higher amounts of aid under the Obama Presidency. But Carter was the progenitor who got the rebels going. What you see was the product of two presidents (Carter and Reagan) sending money to the mujaheddin to fight the Soviets. Sorry Synth, you're my second victim today.

Who Is Responsible for the Taliban - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Afghanistan Is The Big Winner In U.S. Foreign Aid - TIME
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no matter what i say aint going to matter.....you just dont like the guy.....right?....
It's not a matter of like or dislike. You don't understand. No matter what you say I'm gonna keep on hating him. By hate I mean, more than any other politician we've ever had. Hell, I don't even like him as a person. I would not shake his hand. Not for a million dollars.
A page of pictures posted by republicans who hate obama. They know they hate him but can't articulate why in words. They've been told he's evil for so long they just know he's evil. So they shop around to find pictures and posters like third grade children. How sad.
How can I count the ways.. We'd need hundreds of threads to cover the reasons I hate him.
Every single word that comes out of the mans mouth is bile, a lie, putrid shit out the mouth of a devil worshiping communist pig.
The lowest labor participation rate in history.
Not even close. It's higher than any time before 1978

You might want to rethink the Labor force participation rate, which sits at 62.8 percent, the lowest it has been in 32 years. Free them and weep:
Katzndogz said "in history." Are you claiming history only goes back 32 years?????

I said it is higher than anytime before 1978, which is true:

Now....notice when the participation rate started its decline?

December 2009, when it dropped to 64.6%. Sorry, wrong again. Even after Obama took office it continued to decline. So why are you defending him again?
You can't read a chart if you think the peak was 2009

And how am I defending Obama? I'm only rebutting the false statement that current LFPR is the worst in history and point out that its decline has been going on for over a decade. Hell, Men's participation has been going down since 1948.

How are you defending Obama? If the shoe fits. If it was a typo, then you should have said "after" not "before." For roughly 30 years after the rate was higher than in 1978. However, the labor participation rate was quite steady around 66% under Bush (the latter) until the collapse when it dipped to 65%, so check the chart again. The initial decline began in June of 2000 (after fluctuating a bit) after it peaked in the mid 1990's. And when Obama took office in 2009, the Labor Force Participation Rate continued to plummet, hitting 62.8% as of the most recent jobs report. To say it was in decline for the 'past decade' is false. For the majority of the decade, 8 years to be exact, the participation rate remained steady.

So, just who are you accusing of not being able to read charts? My younger brother owns stock and he taught me how to read charts. Frankly a chart like that one resembles a chart that would scare the snot out of a good investor.
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no matter what i say aint going to matter.....you just dont like the guy.....right?....
It's not a matter of like or dislike. You don't understand. No matter what you say I'm gonna keep on hating him. By hate I mean, more than any other politician we've ever had. Hell, I don't even like him as a person. I would not shake his hand. Not for a million dollars.

Yes you would. Why lie?

You'd likely shake his hand for free if he was standing in front of you with his hand extended.

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