Our president is hitting a home run in Davos!

Yeah they seem very happy with him. So much for the world hating him.

It's like the big bully having the lesser bullies tell the big bully how great he is, and then say "so much for everyone hating him" while loads of victims are looking on with hatred.
They're willing to invest big bucks, so I really don't care. Quit your whining.

Yes, they are.

But have you asked yourself what it'll do to America? Do you understand the implications? Probably not.

Dang, don't tell me they want their very own reset button.

Are you going to discuss this seriously or just write bullshit?

"Either come back with a point or just go away."


I’m predicting your Anal Sphincter will collapse from you punishing it with a plethora of penis.

Has anyone else here been watching the reports?

Trump met with several world CEO’s who are now going to invest BILLIONS in the US! :2up:

And what do they get out of it? Pay no taxes for a long time? Get to suck the president's dick every day?

They're going to take Trump for a ride and see what they can get out of it, and Trump will pretend he's doing something good and then in about 5 years time the whole charade will come crumbling down.

predict trump economy will collapse - Bing video

the plural is penes because it is latin
Yeah they seem very happy with him. So much for the world hating him.

It's like the big bully having the lesser bullies tell the big bully how great he is, and then say "so much for everyone hating him" while loads of victims are looking on with hatred.

Except there are no victims and no one is bullying
I’m predicting your Anal Sphincter will collapse from you punishing it with a plethora of penis.

Has anyone else here been watching the reports?

Trump met with several world CEO’s who are now going to invest BILLIONS in the US! :2up:

And what do they get out of it? Pay no taxes for a long time? Get to suck the president's dick every day?

They're going to take Trump for a ride and see what they can get out of it, and Trump will pretend he's doing something good and then in about 5 years time the whole charade will come crumbling down.

predict trump economy will collapse - Bing video

the plural is penes because it is latin

penis | Definition of penis in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

NOUN plural penises, plural penes

It can be both.

Octopus has three plurals. -es, then latin and then greek.

octopus | Definition of octopus in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

"The standard plural in English of octopus is octopuses. However, the word octopus comes from Greek, and the Greek plural form octopodes is still occasionally used. The plural form octopi is mistakenly formed according to rules for Latin plurals, and is therefore incorrect"

Definition of OCTOPUS

plural octopuses or octopi play \ˈäk-tə-ˌpī\

So, one dictionary says octopi, another says octopodes and says octopi is wrong.
And what do they get out of it? Pay no taxes for a long time? Get to suck the president's dick every day?

They're going to take Trump for a ride and see what they can get out of it, and Trump will pretend he's doing something good and then in about 5 years time the whole charade will come crumbling down.
Sniffle tear sniffle.

Yes, they are.

But have you asked yourself what it'll do to America? Do you understand the implications? Probably not.

Dang, don't tell me they want their very own reset button.

Are you going to discuss this seriously or just write bullshit?

"Either come back with a point or just go away."


Don't feel bad. He's got a long ignore list. That's because he's the forum's biggest coward.
I’m predicting your Anal Sphincter will collapse from you punishing it with a plethora of penis.

Has anyone else here been watching the reports?

Trump met with several world CEO’s who are now going to invest BILLIONS in the US! :2up:

And what do they get out of it? Pay no taxes for a long time? Get to suck the president's dick every day?

They're going to take Trump for a ride and see what they can get out of it, and Trump will pretend he's doing something good and then in about 5 years time the whole charade will come crumbling down.

predict trump economy will collapse - Bing video

the plural is penes because it is latin

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Ok then how about a Cornucopia Of Cocks?

Lefty loves him lots of cock in the shit hole.

And By Shit Hole I Mean Chicago or California or wherever Cock Loving Liberals Live.
I’m predicting your Anal Sphincter will collapse from you punishing it with a plethora of penis.

Has anyone else here been watching the reports?

Trump met with several world CEO’s who are now going to invest BILLIONS in the US! :2up:

And what do they get out of it? Pay no taxes for a long time? Get to suck the president's dick every day?

They're going to take Trump for a ride and see what they can get out of it, and Trump will pretend he's doing something good and then in about 5 years time the whole charade will come crumbling down.

predict trump economy will collapse - Bing video

the plural is penes because it is latin
Has anyone else here been watching the reports?

Trump met with several world CEO’s who are now going to invest BILLIONS in the US! :2up:
If he fell totally on his face you'd still say he hit a home run and don't even try to deny it.
It's still way too early for any predictions but that doesn't stop you from kissing his ass
President Trump is totally amazing in Davos!

Proud of him! he is the best!!!!

GOD BLESS HIM and his family!
I was also impressed with how knowledgeable Trump was with these companies.

The man is amazing!
Knowledgeable? Lol
He's been justifiably called a lot of things the past year but knowledgeable isn't one of them.
People who work in the White House say he doesn't know the details to any of his policies.
President Trump is totally amazing in Davos!

Proud of him! he is the best!!!!

GOD BLESS HIM and his family!
Are you there watching?
Or are you relying on Fox News to tell you how great he is.
Has anyone else here been watching the reports?

Trump met with several world CEO’s who are now going to invest BILLIONS in the US! :2up:
trump in davos - Bing video

This is just like when he had his cabinet around him telling Trump how great he is. He's getting foreign firms who will make a lot of money and take it out of the US to kiss his ass.

The first guy is just like "Thank you Mr President for making us so rich and allowing us to screw over the American people"

The second guy is from a massive multi-national. Turns out it's ABB, from his accent I couldn't tell. It's a Swiss company which will be taking profits out of the US.

But then he said they've been investing in the US for the last 8 years.... who was president for 7 of those? Yeah, don't mention it, just lick ass.

Then he mentioned AI and robots and stuff. Basically taking jobs away from Americans and giving them to robots. And Trump's like "yeah baby".

The next guy is really weird. He's CEO of Anheuser-Busch InBev NV. Then he says "your company". Probably something to do with Budweiser claiming to be an American beer when it's Belgian owned.

He says they announced last year that they were going to invest in the US. Now, this sort of thing takes more than 10 days to figure out. They were probably thinking about doing such investment way before Trump became president.

Then the next guy claims it's Trump who created the momentum in the global market. Oh, please, more ass licking.
Then he goes on about the missions the US undertakes to "protect the world", are you kidding me? The US is the biggest destabilizer in the world. And this company makes profit from this warring. Oh, wow.

So basically you have large multinational corporations licking ass because they're going to be making lots more money, consolidating wealth among the rich elite, and screwing the normal guys over. Small business owners in the US beware, these companies are coming to take your business away from you.
Exactly. There's the real" Secret Society." The 1% ers rubbing each other's backs designing ways to screw the little guy.

Deplorable little guys: Way to go power elites!
They are laughing at the orange clown.


There is the deanrd we all have come to know and make fun of... Glad your back...
I never left. I put up a joke thread.

I'm shocked at how well Trump is keeping jobs from moving overseas

I changed the titles of the links to prove USMB Republicans don't read the links. They refuse to learn. They just don't have it in them. They will cheer any lie but refuse to see the truth.

And I proved it without a doubt.
They are laughing at the orange clown.


There is the deanrd we all have come to know and make fun of... Glad your back...
I never left. I put up a joke thread.

I'm shocked at how well Trump is keeping jobs from moving overseas

I changed the titles of the links to prove USMB Republicans don't read the links. They refuse to learn. They just don't have it in them. They will cheer any lie but refuse to see the truth.

And I proved it without a doubt.

I don't always read the links either. There's a reason. You make an argument. You present the link so I can look at it if I choose to do so. The link should not be everything.

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