Our President is “The Man in the Arena” and we Should Pray for Him

From the Communist News Network:

Want more evidence that America's economy needs more workers? For the first time in at least 20 years, there are now more job openings than there are people looking for work.

There are now more job openings than workers to fill them

which (yet again) leads to
Alternative measures of labor underutilization:

Sep 2018, Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization: Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted | FRED | St. Louis Fed

along with the already hashed out U6 inclusion(s)

This man stepped forward because he felt a vibe amongst the people that we had been long forgotten. This man, who has all the wealth in the world, who did not have to stand for us...yet he did...deserves our fath in him.This man...who recognizes Americans potential is MY PRESIDENT. He is the man in the arena...he is the champion of the people.

I do pray every day,, that he'll burn in hell a champion of the KKK
So money and/or wealth is power to you, and not instead the power of the vote ??? That spells corruption to me. The idolization of money to represent power in this nation above and beyond the vote, runs contrary to our beliefs in this nation. So it seems that ever since your so called concentration of wealth and power found in that wealth lost out, now you are crying sower grapes.

Most of the people are in the blue states.
Most of the wealth is in the blue states.

But we let the backward ass Red states run things..

How messed up is that?

Wealth is in the blue states because the cost of living is so high.

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This man stepped forward because he felt a vibe amongst the people that we had been long forgotten. This man, who has all the wealth in the world, who did not have to stand for us...yet he did...deserves our fath in him.This man...who recognizes Americans potential is MY PRESIDENT. He is the man in the arena...he is the champion of the people.

"This man stepped forward because he felt a vibe amongst the people that we had been long forgotten"

Yep the bigots, racists, white supremacists.
This man stepped forward because he felt a vibe amongst the people that we had been long forgotten. This man, who has all the wealth in the world, who did not have to stand for us...yet he did...deserves our fath in him.This man...who recognizes Americans potential is MY PRESIDENT. He is the man in the arena...he is the champion of the people.

I'm sure you prayed for Obama
This man stepped forward because he felt a vibe amongst the people that we had been long forgotten. This man, who has all the wealth in the world, who did not have to stand for us...yet he did...deserves our fath in him.This man...who recognizes Americans potential is MY PRESIDENT. He is the man in the arena...he is the champion of the people.

That is a good joke. Donald Trump is a hateful little pig who deserves what he is getting from Jews in Pittsburgh. We should all follow suit. Donald Trump is the real enemy of the people. He encourages right wing violence against Americans. He talks about prosecuting his political enemies. He is evil incarnate.
This man stepped forward because he felt a vibe amongst the people that we had been long forgotten. This man, who has all the wealth in the world, who did not have to stand for us...yet he did...deserves our fath in him.This man...who recognizes Americans potential is MY PRESIDENT. He is the man in the arena...he is the champion of the people.

Trump is a piece of shit sub-human troll. A real America would have impeached his sick ass.

We are now just a self-parody of a county.
He’s a boy trying to do a man’s job and failing miserably. He actually said that there should have been armed security at the Temple.

This is what you call failing? We have more jobs than workers. So what's your point about him saying they should have had armed security?

What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.
He’s a boy trying to do a man’s job and failing miserably. He actually said that there should have been armed security at the Temple.

This is what you call failing? We have more jobs than workers. So what's your point about him saying they should have had armed security?

What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

Lots of desperate people couldn't get healthcare until Obama came along and forced the insurance companies to sell it to everybody at a reasonable price. To hear you tell it those people would have rather died than to take advantage of insurance they couldn't afford before.
This is what you call failing? We have more jobs than workers. So what's your point about him saying they should have had armed security?

What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

Lots of desperate people couldn't get healthcare until Obama came along and forced the insurance companies to sell it to everybody at a reasonable price. To hear you tell it those people would have rather died than to take advantage of insurance they couldn't afford before.

And many of us lost our insurance because of it as well. But we don’t count in liberal land because we were responsible enough to gain employment with health benefits. Liberalism is for people who don’t try. Then government gives them everything.

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He’s a boy trying to do a man’s job and failing miserably. He actually said that there should have been armed security at the Temple.

This is what you call failing? We have more jobs than workers. So what's your point about him saying they should have had armed security?

What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.
This is what you call failing? We have more jobs than workers. So what's your point about him saying they should have had armed security?

What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.
He’s a boy trying to do a man’s job and failing miserably. He actually said that there should have been armed security at the Temple.

This is what you call failing? We have more jobs than workers. So what's your point about him saying they should have had armed security?

What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

Roughly the same number that the taxpayers in a community now have to pay for when they go to County General because they were told that they didn’t need major medical.
This man stepped forward because he felt a vibe amongst the people that we had been long forgotten. This man, who has all the wealth in the world, who did not have to stand for us...yet he did...deserves our fath in him.This man...who recognizes Americans potential is MY PRESIDENT. He is the man in the arena...he is the champion of the people.

Trump is a piece of shit sub-human troll. A real America would have impeached his sick ass.

We are now just a self-parody of a county.

He is becoming one of top 10 Presidents of all time. You wouldn’t notice because your too busy attracting a guy’s penis up your anus.
This is what you call failing? We have more jobs than workers. So what's your point about him saying they should have had armed security?

What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

Lots of desperate people couldn't get healthcare until Obama came along and forced the insurance companies to sell it to everybody at a reasonable price. To hear you tell it those people would have rather died than to take advantage of insurance they couldn't afford before.
Obama saved people...lol...:21:
What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.
Anyone voting Demon-crat in light of all that has transpired currently or over the years, must undoubtedly have a serious mental condition or rather they are just ignoring the obvious in which has been messing this country up for a long time now, and this be it culturally, and/or socially mostly.

It's finally reached fever pitch, and the reversal of many bad policies and bad ideas has begun.... I'm thinking that that is what most people think currently or they are thinking almost always today. I could be wrong, but don't think so.
So money and/or wealth is power to you, and not instead the power of the vote ??? That spells corruption to me. The idolization of money to represent power in this nation above and beyond the vote, runs contrary to our beliefs in this nation. So it seems that ever since your so called concentration of wealth and power found in that wealth lost out, now you are crying sower grapes.

Most of the people are in the blue states.
Most of the wealth is in the blue states.

But we let the backward ass Red states run things..

How messed up is that?

Wealth is in the blue states because the cost of living is so high.

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The reason for that is that blue states generally have a higher capita income while red states have a lower per capita income.
Hmmm, why did I get re-directed to some very old post or Ops that showed up in the watched threads page I was taken to or ended up looking at "as if someone responded to a post or an Op that I had created or responded to in the past" (two to be exact), and yet I look up and it says this site unsecure or the page I was directed to was unsecure ?? Never seen that before.

Anyone ?
So money and/or wealth is power to you, and not instead the power of the vote ??? That spells corruption to me. The idolization of money to represent power in this nation above and beyond the vote, runs contrary to our beliefs in this nation. So it seems that ever since your so called concentration of wealth and power found in that wealth lost out, now you are crying sower grapes.

Most of the people are in the blue states.
Most of the wealth is in the blue states.

But we let the backward ass Red states run things..

How messed up is that?

Wealth is in the blue states because the cost of living is so high.

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The reason for that is that blue states generally have a higher capita income while red states have a lower per capita income.

Yes they do. However a house in a blue state that costs 800K is about 200K in my state and many other non-blue states. I see it on HGTV all the time; especially my favorite show, The Property Brothers.

So a person making 125K a year there gets the same quality of living that a person making 60K a year gets in other places. Much more cash floating around, but not much better living standards.

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