Our President is “The Man in the Arena” and we Should Pray for Him

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
What has he done to increase jobs? Be specific please.

Lowered taxes on our job creators for one. Removing job killing regulations. Freeing them from Commie Care which stopped small businesses from exceeding 49 employees.

Businesses now feel they have a friend in the White House. We have an 18 year high in corporate confidence, and a 41 year high in small business confidence which is a new record.

But even without what Trump has done, just getting rid of the most anti-business President in our lifetime is a relief to big businesses and small.

The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

Lots of desperate people couldn't get healthcare until Obama came along and forced the insurance companies to sell it to everybody at a reasonable price. To hear you tell it those people would have rather died than to take advantage of insurance they couldn't afford before.
Obama saved people...lol...:21:

Obama action figure.jpg
The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
To be fair Ray... I was kicked off of my plan because of a pre-existing condition when I was in my twenties. I'm 60 now, so my condition wasn't anything worthy of cancelling my plan over, but they sure kicked me to the curb way back then.

Without some sort of mixture of free markets along with some government oversight in order to make sure the lower class don't get forgotten, then I just don't know what the answer is really.
The uninsured have increased by more than 3 million since Trump's inauguration.

Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.

The Heritage Foundation gave Trump the list of SC nominees he chose from.
Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
To be fair Ray... I was kicked off of my plan because of a pre-existing condition when I was in my twenties. I'm 60 now, so my condition wasn't anything worthy of cancelling my plan over, but they sure kicked me to the curb way back then.

Without some sort of mixture of free markets along with some government oversight in order to make sure the lower class don't get forgotten, then I just don't know what the answer is really.

The answer is simple. I checked into SS disability when government changed regulations for people with preexisting conditions to maintain being employed as truck drivers. The geniuses in our bureaucracies thought it would be a good idea to have government certified doctors who don't treat our particular medical condition to give us our physicals and certify we are still okay to drive. Like yeah, what doctor wants to give you a pass for a medical condition they don't treat?

In any case, what I found is if I wanted to apply for SS disability, I could get on Medicare two years after I was approved. The Medicare plans were very reasonable ($120 to $350 a month) and you can buy whatever you could afford.

So my idea is that instead of Commie Care, people with preexisting conditions could do the same as those on disability. Let them go on Medicare if they can't get reasonable insurance. That way it would take the high-risk people out of the insurance pool allowing them to keep rates down, and people who need care because of preexisting conditions can get affordable coverage.

But as we on the right already know, Commie Care was never about everybody being covered, Commie Care was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The Democrats were successful too. 20 million more new dependents on Commie Care and 20 million more new dependents on Food Stamps. So they created 40 million more new government dependents, and couldn't be prouder.
Ok, and how many of those are now uninsured because Obamacare forced them to get insurance that they didn't want and now are not insured because they finally have a choice? That's like saying people really like to drink piss because when you point a gun at them and tell them to drink it or they will die that they drink it. They're not a given a choice. Obamacare wasn't a choice. It was forced health insurance. Of course insured numbers will go up. You mandate it under penalty of law. When you remove the penalty people will get back off again. Doesn't mean anything is wrong now.

Your number assumes every single one is uninsured because they can't afford it.

Here is a big hint: Not everyone wants or needs health insurance.

The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.

The Heritage Foundation gave Trump the list of SC nominees he chose from.

So? Do you have a point or something?
The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
To be fair Ray... I was kicked off of my plan because of a pre-existing condition when I was in my twenties. I'm 60 now, so my condition wasn't anything worthy of cancelling my plan over, but they sure kicked me to the curb way back then.

Without some sort of mixture of free markets along with some government oversight in order to make sure the lower class don't get forgotten, then I just don't know what the answer is really.

The answer is simple. I checked into SS disability when government changed regulations for people with preexisting conditions to maintain being employed as truck drivers. The geniuses in our bureaucracies thought it would be a good idea to have government certified doctors who don't treat our particular medical condition to give us our physicals and certify we are still okay to drive. Like yeah, what doctor wants to give you a pass for a medical condition they don't treat?

In any case, what I found is if I wanted to apply for SS disability, I could get on Medicare two years after I was approved. The Medicare plans were very reasonable ($120 to $350 a month) and you can buy whatever you could afford.

So my idea is that instead of Commie Care, people with preexisting conditions could do the same as those on disability. Let them go on Medicare if they can't get reasonable insurance. That way it would take the high-risk people out of the insurance pool allowing them to keep rates down, and people who need care because of preexisting conditions can get affordable coverage.

But as we on the right already know, Commie Care was never about everybody being covered, Commie Care was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The Democrats were successful too. 20 million more new dependents on Commie Care and 20 million more new dependents on Food Stamps. So they created 40 million more new government dependents, and couldn't be prouder.

Medicare for all. Great idea. Where have I heard that before?
Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
To be fair Ray... I was kicked off of my plan because of a pre-existing condition when I was in my twenties. I'm 60 now, so my condition wasn't anything worthy of cancelling my plan over, but they sure kicked me to the curb way back then.

Without some sort of mixture of free markets along with some government oversight in order to make sure the lower class don't get forgotten, then I just don't know what the answer is really.

The answer is simple. I checked into SS disability when government changed regulations for people with preexisting conditions to maintain being employed as truck drivers. The geniuses in our bureaucracies thought it would be a good idea to have government certified doctors who don't treat our particular medical condition to give us our physicals and certify we are still okay to drive. Like yeah, what doctor wants to give you a pass for a medical condition they don't treat?

In any case, what I found is if I wanted to apply for SS disability, I could get on Medicare two years after I was approved. The Medicare plans were very reasonable ($120 to $350 a month) and you can buy whatever you could afford.

So my idea is that instead of Commie Care, people with preexisting conditions could do the same as those on disability. Let them go on Medicare if they can't get reasonable insurance. That way it would take the high-risk people out of the insurance pool allowing them to keep rates down, and people who need care because of preexisting conditions can get affordable coverage.

But as we on the right already know, Commie Care was never about everybody being covered, Commie Care was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The Democrats were successful too. 20 million more new dependents on Commie Care and 20 million more new dependents on Food Stamps. So they created 40 million more new government dependents, and couldn't be prouder.

Medicare for all. Great idea. Where have I heard that before?

Must be the echoes in your head, because I never said Medicare for all.
The reason for forcing people to buy insurance is to stop freeloaders. These are people who buy insurance when they get sick and dump it when they are healthy. That leaves people who buy insurance holding the bag. Either you force people to buy insurance or you have something like a 90 day waiting period for benefits to kick in.

Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
To be fair Ray... I was kicked off of my plan because of a pre-existing condition when I was in my twenties. I'm 60 now, so my condition wasn't anything worthy of cancelling my plan over, but they sure kicked me to the curb way back then.

Without some sort of mixture of free markets along with some government oversight in order to make sure the lower class don't get forgotten, then I just don't know what the answer is really.

The answer is simple. I checked into SS disability when government changed regulations for people with preexisting conditions to maintain being employed as truck drivers. The geniuses in our bureaucracies thought it would be a good idea to have government certified doctors who don't treat our particular medical condition to give us our physicals and certify we are still okay to drive. Like yeah, what doctor wants to give you a pass for a medical condition they don't treat?

In any case, what I found is if I wanted to apply for SS disability, I could get on Medicare two years after I was approved. The Medicare plans were very reasonable ($120 to $350 a month) and you can buy whatever you could afford.

So my idea is that instead of Commie Care, people with preexisting conditions could do the same as those on disability. Let them go on Medicare if they can't get reasonable insurance. That way it would take the high-risk people out of the insurance pool allowing them to keep rates down, and people who need care because of preexisting conditions can get affordable coverage.

But as we on the right already know, Commie Care was never about everybody being covered, Commie Care was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The Democrats were successful too. 20 million more new dependents on Commie Care and 20 million more new dependents on Food Stamps. So they created 40 million more new government dependents, and couldn't be prouder.
You could have saved yourself alot of typing by just using this
Insurance companies know how to handle their own issues. They don't need big-eared Commies telling them how to run their business.

The reason he tried to force people into insurance is to mix people who didn't need insurance (younger physically healthy people) so indirectly they would be paying for those who were sick.

Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
To be fair Ray... I was kicked off of my plan because of a pre-existing condition when I was in my twenties. I'm 60 now, so my condition wasn't anything worthy of cancelling my plan over, but they sure kicked me to the curb way back then.

Without some sort of mixture of free markets along with some government oversight in order to make sure the lower class don't get forgotten, then I just don't know what the answer is really.

The answer is simple. I checked into SS disability when government changed regulations for people with preexisting conditions to maintain being employed as truck drivers. The geniuses in our bureaucracies thought it would be a good idea to have government certified doctors who don't treat our particular medical condition to give us our physicals and certify we are still okay to drive. Like yeah, what doctor wants to give you a pass for a medical condition they don't treat?

In any case, what I found is if I wanted to apply for SS disability, I could get on Medicare two years after I was approved. The Medicare plans were very reasonable ($120 to $350 a month) and you can buy whatever you could afford.

So my idea is that instead of Commie Care, people with preexisting conditions could do the same as those on disability. Let them go on Medicare if they can't get reasonable insurance. That way it would take the high-risk people out of the insurance pool allowing them to keep rates down, and people who need care because of preexisting conditions can get affordable coverage.

But as we on the right already know, Commie Care was never about everybody being covered, Commie Care was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The Democrats were successful too. 20 million more new dependents on Commie Care and 20 million more new dependents on Food Stamps. So they created 40 million more new government dependents, and couldn't be prouder.
You could have saved yourself alot of typing by just using this

Why is that? What is this suppose to prove?
Insurance companies were scamming people. People with pre-existing conditions and older people were being strangled with ridiculous premiums. Obamacare did bring some protections for people.

The mandate was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. It was to prevent people from scamming the system.

The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
To be fair Ray... I was kicked off of my plan because of a pre-existing condition when I was in my twenties. I'm 60 now, so my condition wasn't anything worthy of cancelling my plan over, but they sure kicked me to the curb way back then.

Without some sort of mixture of free markets along with some government oversight in order to make sure the lower class don't get forgotten, then I just don't know what the answer is really.

The answer is simple. I checked into SS disability when government changed regulations for people with preexisting conditions to maintain being employed as truck drivers. The geniuses in our bureaucracies thought it would be a good idea to have government certified doctors who don't treat our particular medical condition to give us our physicals and certify we are still okay to drive. Like yeah, what doctor wants to give you a pass for a medical condition they don't treat?

In any case, what I found is if I wanted to apply for SS disability, I could get on Medicare two years after I was approved. The Medicare plans were very reasonable ($120 to $350 a month) and you can buy whatever you could afford.

So my idea is that instead of Commie Care, people with preexisting conditions could do the same as those on disability. Let them go on Medicare if they can't get reasonable insurance. That way it would take the high-risk people out of the insurance pool allowing them to keep rates down, and people who need care because of preexisting conditions can get affordable coverage.

But as we on the right already know, Commie Care was never about everybody being covered, Commie Care was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The Democrats were successful too. 20 million more new dependents on Commie Care and 20 million more new dependents on Food Stamps. So they created 40 million more new government dependents, and couldn't be prouder.
You could have saved yourself alot of typing by just using this

Why is that? What is this suppose to prove?
Its just an example of clueless people who have no idea that government administers medicare.
The Heritage Foundation is no more part of our government than Mother Jones. If Commie Care was a success of any kind, they wouldn't have even brought the Heritage Foundation up. You can't say because somebody on the right not in politics came up with an opinion piece, it was an idea of the right.

Sorry, history will write that Democrats own this one. As for preexisting conditions, I've had preexisting conditions since my early 20's, and until Commie Care, was insured my entire adult life. I'm 58 now.
To be fair Ray... I was kicked off of my plan because of a pre-existing condition when I was in my twenties. I'm 60 now, so my condition wasn't anything worthy of cancelling my plan over, but they sure kicked me to the curb way back then.

Without some sort of mixture of free markets along with some government oversight in order to make sure the lower class don't get forgotten, then I just don't know what the answer is really.

The answer is simple. I checked into SS disability when government changed regulations for people with preexisting conditions to maintain being employed as truck drivers. The geniuses in our bureaucracies thought it would be a good idea to have government certified doctors who don't treat our particular medical condition to give us our physicals and certify we are still okay to drive. Like yeah, what doctor wants to give you a pass for a medical condition they don't treat?

In any case, what I found is if I wanted to apply for SS disability, I could get on Medicare two years after I was approved. The Medicare plans were very reasonable ($120 to $350 a month) and you can buy whatever you could afford.

So my idea is that instead of Commie Care, people with preexisting conditions could do the same as those on disability. Let them go on Medicare if they can't get reasonable insurance. That way it would take the high-risk people out of the insurance pool allowing them to keep rates down, and people who need care because of preexisting conditions can get affordable coverage.

But as we on the right already know, Commie Care was never about everybody being covered, Commie Care was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The Democrats were successful too. 20 million more new dependents on Commie Care and 20 million more new dependents on Food Stamps. So they created 40 million more new government dependents, and couldn't be prouder.
You could have saved yourself alot of typing by just using this

Why is that? What is this suppose to prove?
Its just an example of clueless people who have no idea that government administers medicare.

Can you name me one person that doesn't understand that Medicare is a government program?
Do you even realize how stupid this part of your picture is?

View attachment 225673

About as stupid as not believing in photo shopping?

Sorry, but there are too many versions of that sign, and too many recordings of crazy right wingers making similar remarks to be faked.

Well if you are depending on photos or videos of people claiming to be one one side or the other, then it's not hard to imagine why you think the way you do.

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