Our slow slide toward authoritarian rule.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.

And if Trump wanted a muslim ban he would have tried to ban all 50 muslim countries, you doofus.

Has Trump closed down news organizations?

Has he arrested opposition party members? Obama spied on opposition party members and used his agencies to attack them...but you didn't care about that....

Has he used the military to take control of any institutions?

Yeah, get back to me when he does any of those things...you doofus...
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.
I’m starting to think that SCOTUS win has sent you off the deep end.

What we need are Red Flag, Gun Confiscation orders for democrats...since they are the ones most likely to shoot other people in fits of rage.....
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And if Trump wanted a muslim ban he would have tried to ban all 50 muslim countries, you doofus.

Oh....now THAT was his first travel ban proposal, and even fucked up conservatives thought that he was too "ambitious" in his neo-fascism.

Also, keep in mind his "economic" ties to some Muslim countries.
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.

Obama started that one......

Phone and a pen......
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.
So now all of a sudden court rulings are authoritarian? I tried to warn ya when you were pointing to the court rulings against trump, live by the gun die by the gun so to speak [go ahead and try to be cute with it]...can't hail and then mock the courts, it exposes your hypocrisy.
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.
That authoritarian rule will manifest in conservative/red states as what will soon become the Trump Supreme Court continues to dismantle our Constitutional Republic and discard the rule of law.

The question, then, is will the authoritarian right be satisfied with the states once again compelling women to give birth against their will, criminalizing homosexuality, and restricting minorities’ ability to vote; or will they compel all the states to do the same through Federal authority.

Either way, the rule of law will soon fall victim to the authoritarian right and millions of American will no longer have the protected liberties they once enjoyed.
Maybe low education lefties don't quite understand what happened. The Supreme Court upheld President Trump's decision to limit travel from countries suspected of supporting terrorism. To paraphrase Bill Clinton "it's the Constitution, stupid".
That authoritarian rule will manifest in conservative/red states as what will soon become the Trump Supreme Court continues to dismantle our Constitutional Republic and discard the rule of law.

The question, then, is will the authoritarian right be satisfied with the states once again compelling women to give birth against their will, criminalizing homosexuality, and restricting minorities’ ability to vote; or will they compel all the states to do the same through Federal authority.

Either way, the rule of law will soon fall victim to the authoritarian right and millions of American will no longer have the protected liberties they once enjoyed.
I see you are no longer pointing out that the court agree with you...what did you think was going to happen if you let left wing judges legislate from the bench?
you may even be even be right about the above, but you brought it on yourself, now you have to live with a two way street justice system where both sides legislate from the bench...good job
Maybe low education lefties don't quite understand what happened. The Supreme Court upheld President Trump's decision to limit travel from countries suspected of supporting terrorism. To paraphrase Bill Clinton "it's the Constitution, stupid".

Yup the huge fight is finshed, Trump was Right
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.
That authoritarian rule will manifest in conservative/red states as what will soon become the Trump Supreme Court continues to dismantle our Constitutional Republic and discard the rule of law.

The question, then, is will the authoritarian right be satisfied with the states once again compelling women to give birth against their will, criminalizing homosexuality, and restricting minorities’ ability to vote; or will they compel all the states to do the same through Federal authority.

Either way, the rule of law will soon fall victim to the authoritarian right and millions of American will no longer have the protected liberties they once enjoyed.

WA WA WA, this case was fully in line with previous precedent. And fully recognized the four corners doctrine.

Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.

Hold on a minute...I thought poor lowlifes voted Demon-crat while wealthy positive contributors voted Republican...no?

Why start "thinking" now, moron?.....Just swallow Trump's kool-aid and avoid your strain of using your fucking brain.

The supreme court just kicked your ass..
Kicked his ass and threw him off a cliff. lol

That would be a picture I would love to see , Nat is an asshat
I think he’s struggling with the realization of being a loser.

He needs the 12 steps

1. Loser

2. Loser

3. Thrown off a cliff :)

The end..
Nah...I think he’s just having a hard time with seeing Trump being right, again. :)
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.
It’s not so much a slow slide but a fiat accompli – the foundation for authoritarianism was created when Trump was elected; or any Republican elected president, for that matter.

The war on citizens’ rights and protected liberties is now a sitzkrieg, waiting for Justice Kennedy to retire – and when he does, Trump will appoint to the Court another reactionary, originalist bigot hostile to the case law that protects the rights and liberties of the American people.

And again: when that happens, the Republic will be gone, the rule of law abandoned.
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.

History will not be kind to the GOP sheep who allow this country to fall prey to a Dictator....not even for the one's who are running away into retirement.
Even a high school drop-out (of which most of the Trump cult base consists of) should be able to figure out that if the U.S. were to REALLY ban travel from some countries, then Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Lebanese should be included in that ban......

But, being Trump cult members, logic and reality have been placed aside for the sake of the demagoguery of a charlatan whom they've grown to worship as their cult leader....pretty much like North Koreans revere KJU.

If one reads the European press, we can see that Putin is the HUGE winner for authoritarian rule......Austria, Poland, Hungary, and even Italy are sliding toward authoritarianism......and we are NOT that far behind as we see that for a vocal segment of the american population, the word of TRUMP is much more valuable than the rule of law and what our Constitution has proscribed as what is needed in a true democracy.

It's very interesting how any resistance against the modern cultural revolution championed and issued by the radical Left is labelled a slide toward authoritarian rule. The problem for you is people and their governments around the world are rallying to reject multiculturalism, LGTBQ militarized agenda, abortion, and secular humanism and unregulated immigration.

The irony here is that the rubber band of morality your side has been stretching for sixty years is about to snap back and welt your own hand. Your radical Leftist anti-family/anti-Christian movement IS pushing the world and America toward nationalist movements to defend against the decay and destruction of the morals our nation was founded upon.

All I can say is I hope your side has not pushed so hard history must repeat itself to regain balance.

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