Our society is collapsing before our eyes. Can we reverse course.

Germany survived its Big Lie from its profoundly damaged "strongman" and that bizarre cult of personality.

We can too. Perhaps not as dynamic and powerful as we once were, though.
Germany didn't "survive"

Germany was conquered and ruled by outside forces and rebuilt in their image.
This is what the invasion has done to El Paso with the agreement of, and under the design of, the federal government.

This is today. What do you think will happen next week?

Camp of the Saints is true.
Based on the state of the country and its trajectory, voting for the duopoly is throwing your country away.

No, voting for leftists is throwing the country away. I was pretty happy when Trump was in charge, and that was in spite of the left trying to stop everything he did. The economy was great as was the stock market, the border was much more secure, less people living paycheck to paycheck or on credit cards like today, and everybody was treated fairly.
I won't be here in 50 years. All we can do for future generations is try to stop you and your ilk. Either that or as I said so many times before, divide our country into two countries instead.

Yes, stop my ilk from ending the power of the duopoly, that will help the future generations.

You won't be here in 50 years, I will not be here in 7 years.
Yes, stop my ilk from ending the power of the duopoly, that will help the future generations.

You won't be here in 50 years, I will not be here in 7 years.

Given my health conditions, I'm hoping to get two more years out of it. But as long as I have some strength left, I'll continue to fight to preserve what little is left of the real America.
Or it could be your beloved party ran shitty candidates hoping all those bad things would get voters to overlook how shitty they were

Our candidates were fine, it's the uninformed voters that are killing this country, and those are primarily people on the left. That's why people are scrambling to get out of those commie states and moving to the states controlled by those shitty candidates.
Our candidates were fine, it's the uninformed voters that are killing this country, and those are primarily people on the left. That's why people are scrambling to get out of those commie states and moving to the states controlled by those shitty candidates.

Yes, it is always someone else's fault, your beloved party is prefect and never does anything wrong.

You are the reason the country is going the way it is, and you are too blinded by partisan loyalties to see it
Yes, it is always someone else's fault, your beloved party is prefect and never does anything wrong.

You are the reason the country is going the way it is, and you are too blinded by partisan loyalties to see it

Never said my party is perfect, but a lot closer to it than the left.

What the left does is create policies that will harm the country and they are quite aware of it, but could care less. They pick out who they will favor and who they will attack. They use our tax dollars and continue to put us in more debt to buy votes or pander to their supporters.

On the right the fighting is consistent. It's the constitutionalists vs he establishment. On the left everybody marches in lockstep be it good or bad for the country.
I am pretty sure you would not know real America if it bit you on the ass

And you do? Real America is law, order and tradition. Real America is where the majority has more of a say than the minorities; not a bunch of sissies in dresses trying to control the country or poison our children's minds in school.
Our two party system is becoming obsolete. Folks need to vote in more 3rd party candidates but unfortunately the majority vote either Democrat or Republican.
Yeah, having lots of parties worked so well for Adolph Hitler.

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