Our society is collapsing before our eyes. Can we reverse course.

The latest incidents on a New York subway is a prime example.

A while back a woman was rapped on a subway. Then recently a woman was attacked and paralyzed for life on a subway. The lists of crimes by homeless and criminals on subways is never ending.
Now we have one of those mental nuts confronted and ultimately killed.

Where was security? Where were the police?DEFUNDED
AND SCARED FOR THEIR OWN LIVES & CAREERS thanks to being targeted for the deaths of criminals.

The left have put the police in the crosshairs to the point that they fear doing their jobs now. Many departments are understaffed because of that and defunding.

Now the black mob and self loathing white leftists are threatening to burn down the precinct this happened in in New York if charges are not filed.

They're so stupid they don't realize this very behavior contributed to the man's death. This behavior is why crime and vigilante justice is on the rise.
Your mob mentality actions are literally destroying your own communities and you don't even see it!
You scare off more than just the police. Most large stores are fleeing your communities like theyre the black plague.

Do you not see the self inflicted damage you are doing with all of this shit? Or is destroying the black communities your actual goal?

Edit: Any why hasn't any of the protesters been charged with criminal threats and terroristic threats and inciting violence?

Where is the FBI & DOJ?
Just think, violence like this is increasing. Also, to the same raito, atheism and more people voting Left Wing is increasing. There lies the problem.
Just think, violence like this is increasing. Also, to the same raito, atheism and more people voting Left Wing is increasing. There lies the problem.
Yeah maybe we should just arrest people so they can't protest the king

Clean up your own house foreigner.
The latest incidents on a New York subway is a prime example.

A while back a woman was rapped on a subway. Then recently a woman was attacked and paralyzed for life on a subway. The lists of crimes by homeless and criminals on subways is never ending.
Now we have one of those mental nuts confronted and ultimately killed.

Where was security? Where were the police?DEFUNDED
AND SCARED FOR THEIR OWN LIVES & CAREERS thanks to being targeted for the deaths of criminals.

The left have put the police in the crosshairs to the point that they fear doing their jobs now. Many departments are understaffed because of that and defunding.

Now the black mob and self loathing white leftists are threatening to burn down the precinct this happened in in New York if charges are not filed.

They're so stupid they don't realize this very behavior contributed to the man's death. This behavior is why crime and vigilante justice is on the rise.
Your mob mentality actions are literally destroying your own communities and you don't even see it!
You scare off more than just the police. Most large stores are fleeing your communities like theyre the black plague.

Do you not see the self inflicted damage you are doing with all of this shit? Or is destroying the black communities your actual goal?

Edit: Any why hasn't any of the protesters been charged with criminal threats and terroristic threats and inciting violence?

Where is the FBI & DOJ?
Where were they in rural Oklahoma from the government of a red state where a white dude killed 7 people?
Interesting you follow the news about the King, I don't bother.
It was all over my news feed I didn't have to look for it.

But you sure as fuck obsess about the US don't you? Tell me how many Americans are on any UK message boards whining about the UK?
It was all over my news feed I didn't have to look for it.

But you sure as fuck obsess about the US don't you? Tell me how many Americans are on any UK message boards whining about the UK?
I rarely go on UK forums. Theres a psychology one and a construction forum, I look in once in a blue moon. I look in on the US because of my US relatives that moved from Jacksonville to Kenly ( that's Florida and North Carolina in case you didn't know). Plus, I like watching quiz shows on TV, they include many questions on the US. Also, the colonies in America were chiefly British, so you're British with a butchered language and a gun problem. Oh, and a geriatric retard as a president.
Bluesman is a "topographical" poster. The more you say, the less he retains. So I posted very generalized.
So you asked so I will say.
1) The liberal social programs of the late 1950s-1980s that completely destroyed black American families and developed the welfare/ white trash populations and homelessness. Liberals, as they often do, develop programs that destroy the target in the name of saving them. And what they did to blacks by segregating them by the millions into housing projects - built carefully away from white neighborhoods - (and jobs) and then giving them just enough money to survive so no need to work. This completely removed the need for males to be responsible. So the result was 70%-80% fatherless children, feral young males that formed street gangs/drug addiction and crime. Effectively the Democratic Party utterly destroyed blacks for generations, and sadly, generations to come.
2) Modern feminism. Not to be confused with womens suffrage and womens rights of 1920s - 1960s. These two movements dramatically improved the lives of women and got rid of treating women as 3rd class citizens.
Modern feminism is, again, like so many liberal platforms, destroys the very people it sets out to "save". The first thing they did was to convince young girls of the 70s that their mothers were unhappy, unfulfilled and treated poorly. That a "stay at home mom" is wasted potential, and bowing to misogyny. Women should all go out and work like men. The result of that was the crushing wage stagnation of the 1980s-2010s. This also lead to latch key kids, higher divorce rates and increased dependance on debt as income as wages fell flat while people's materialism exploded as people artificially sought to get "what they deserve" for working 60 hour work weeks.
3) The sexual revolution. This led to unprecedented increased cases of forced rapes, the abortion pandemic and kids having sex.

That is a good start. I don't want to write a book.

It's amazing how people thought single-family homes and taking God out of society would create a better environment.

The CDC estimates that to raise a middle-class child today, the cost is $233,000 per child. That means if you want to have your standard two child family, you better be ready to cough up a half-million dollars in the next 20 years, and no, that doesn't include college.

So how do single women do it? Professional women sometimes choose to have no children at all. The Democrat party is using that as a crutch to promote more immigrants into the country because of depopulation. Okay, so does anybody think that these foreigners with no education will be able to afford raising kids without taxpayers money?
It's amazing how people thought single-family homes and taking God out of society would create a better environment.

The CDC estimates that to raise a middle-class child today, the cost is $233,000 per child. That means if you want to have your standard two child family, you better be ready to cough up a half-million dollars in the next 20 years, and no, that doesn't include college.

So how do single women do it? Professional women sometimes choose to have no children at all. The Democrat party is using that as a crutch to promote more immigrants into the country because of depopulation. Okay, so does anybody think that these foreigners with no education will be able to afford raising kids without taxpayers money?
The Democratic Party has repeatedly shown they are willing to do anything to ensure election success.
Biden just showed this a couple weeks ago. His policy of forcing everyday working Americans to subsidize other people when buying a home. Theft. PERIOD.
My credit rating is 812. So if I buy a house, this President demands that I pay more to help banks finance other people whose credit sucks. We went down this path already and that led to 2008. But Biden could care less. All he cares about is getting votes from the growing population of minorities and even more so - the growing number of GenZs who are demanding free stuff for life beginning with their student loans forgiven.
The left are out to create socialism in America, and anyone who doesn't think so has their head buried deep... DEEP... in their own ass.
I was listening to Dan Bongino on the radio today. He said what's going on today is nothing new. The same kind of nonsense was taking place before Rudy became Mayor. I believe Bongino was a NYC cop at the time. In any case he said Rudy concluded that it was the turnstile jumpers that were the problem. They would jump over with impunity because it was never enforced.

So Rudy decided to arrest those people when caught and throw them in jail. According to Bongino, crime on the subway plummeted. Then of course when DeBlazio got in, he reversed that policy and here we are today. This Mayor is not much better.

The most effective way to dissuade criminality before It crosses the threshold at becoming a crisis is to do what we used to do, and that is nip it in the bud early!
Today's rewarded multiple misdemeanor offender given multiple breaks, soon becomes tomorrow's felon.
This ship has already sailed thanks to Dimm's, George Soros, and anyone else that supports ongoing lawlessness disguised in the nutty belief of equity!!
Our Republic was flushed down the toilet in 2020 when the Democrats stole the Presidential election and Senate seats from the American people.

Socialist shithole here we come.
The most effective way to dissuade criminality before It crosses the threshold at becoming a crisis is to do what we used to do, and that is nip it in the bud early!
Today's rewarded multiple misdemeanor offender given multiple breaks, soon becomes tomorrow's felon.
This ship has already sailed thanks to Dimm's, George Soros, and anyone else that supports ongoing lawlessness disguised in the nutty belief of equity!!

Let's face it, Democrats are not very bright people. So they say, they have more education than Republicans, but common sense is not something any college could give you.

They can't see the correlation between softer penalties and increased crime. Even cities that didn't actually de-fund their police, the message was clear to criminals that the city didn't support their officers.
The Democratic Party has repeatedly shown they are willing to do anything to ensure election success.
Biden just showed this a couple weeks ago. His policy of forcing everyday working Americans to subsidize other people when buying a home. Theft. PERIOD.
My credit rating is 812. So if I buy a house, this President demands that I pay more to help banks finance other people whose credit sucks. We went down this path already and that led to 2008. But Biden could care less. All he cares about is getting votes from the growing population of minorities and even more so - the growing number of GenZs who are demanding free stuff for life beginning with their student loans forgiven.
The left are out to create socialism in America, and anyone who doesn't think so has their head buried deep... DEEP... in their own ass.

It's really nothing new. I always had great credit so I paid 0% on my balance and had no transfer fees on my credit cards. DumBama came along and made new regulations that lending institutions could no longer charge late fees and up interest rates on their bad borrowers.

The banks made their money on bad borrowers and that's why responsible borrowers like myself always got deals like 0% and no transfer fees. So when he stopped lending institutions from doing that, they had to make up that loss somewhere, and that somewhere was good borrowers. I haven't carried a credit card balance for several years, but when I did at that time, they always charged me a transfer fee when the 0% offer expired on the card I was using and transferred that to another 0% card.

The Democrat party is the party of irresponsible people and Republicans are the opposite. So the game plan is to punish likely Republican voters and reward likely Democrat voters. If we are to be honest here, the Democrat party are actually Communists. They went past socialism years ago.
Of course we can reverse course.

The ends of our political spectrum, the people who are doing everything they can to remain divided from the other, can lead the way by dropping the egos and the posing and the partisanship and showing the country how communication and collaboration can lead to the innovation we need to get through this and become great again. One of them can break the logjam by being the first.

Good ol' American leadership by example and teamwork. Pretty simple, really. Too bad we seem to have lost the capacity to do it.
i noticed you wont place any blame for left wing crime policies when it comes to the surge in crime ... still pretending to be in the middle eh ?
i noticed you wont place any blame for left wing crime policies when it comes to the surge in crime ... still pretending to be in the middle eh ?
More foolish, arrogant ignorance about my politics.

Chicago Democrats are loathe to address the ongoing slaughter there because it's politically inexpedient to do so.

So none of this is exactly a shock.

The fact that YOU are a mindless partisan sheep doesn't mean that EVERYONE is.

Source: Post 18, Eric Adams: "Chicago's mayor's loss a warning to the country"
No, we cannot change course -- IMHO.

As the demographics in this nation continue to change, the situation will only get worse.

At sometime in the next century, the United States of America will no longer exist in its current configuration.

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