Our society is collapsing before our eyes. Can we reverse course.

I rarely go on UK forums. Theres a psychology one and a construction forum, I look in once in a blue moon. I look in on the US because of my US relatives that moved from Jacksonville to Kenly ( that's Florida and North Carolina in case you didn't know). Plus, I like watching quiz shows on TV, they include many questions on the US. Also, the colonies in America were chiefly British, so you're British with a butchered language and a gun problem. Oh, and a geriatric retard as a president.
Yeah because you would rather whine about Americans than do anything to fix your own fucked up country.

And no I'm not British at all.

My mother was Black and my deadbeat father was Italian.

Shows how much you know about the country you love to whine about so much
We had a good run, we lasted longer than a lot of empires.

Success is often a countries worst enemy.
Our two party system is becoming obsolete. Folks need to vote in more 3rd party candidates but unfortunately the majority vote either Democrat or Republican.
Freedom generally survives by going elsewhere. But where to?

Depending upon how our scouting trip goes a the beginning of the year the answer for the wife and I is Panama.

We had thought about Malta for a while, but are no longer considering it
Our two party system is becoming obsolete. Folks need to vote in more 3rd party candidates but unfortunately the majority vote either Democrat or Republican.

Yep, and our two parties have been working to divide the country for the last 30 years to ensure that happens.
Depending upon how our scouting trip goes a the beginning of the year the answer for the wife and I is Panama.

We had thought about Malta for a while, but are no longer considering it
I lived in Australia for a year. Lots of hot looking women there.
I lived in Australia for a year. Lots of hot looking women there.

That there are, was there a couple times with the Marines.

Hot looking women is not really one of our criteria though, I married one, that is all I need
I'm young and single so hot looking women are high on my criteria.

I remember those days.

Glad I am past them.

Cost of living, climate and health care are up at the top for us.

I have been chatting with an Expats group over there and it is sort of funny more than one told us they left the US and moved to Panama so they could have more stable government and economy.
No country, nation or empire has gone this far down the road of destruction and been able to reverse course.

The people destroying our country and culture are the left. If we can defeat them badly enough we still stand a chance.

How can we do that? These people possess no logic.

I go back to the last election for a possible answer. I was listening to the Dan Bongino show when he commented on our not so successful win. As bad as things were, most were predicting a slaughter. He said the problem is, things just are not bad enough yet. Sure, fuel and inflation are out of control and so is the border. But I'm still working, have an array of jobs to choose from, I can still rent Spider Man for 99 cents, and the drive-thru a McDonald's is still plenty full.

So things have to be awful to wake some of these people up. When everybody feels the pain, that's when we will all demand change.
Our two party system is becoming obsolete. Folks need to vote in more 3rd party candidates but unfortunately the majority vote either Democrat or Republican.

Its the only two real parties we have. Most people realize that voting 3rd is basically throwing your vote away. The left has gone so far left that it's either stop them or have more of what we have today.
The people destroying our country and culture are the left. If we can defeat them badly enough we still stand a chance.

How can we do that? These people possess no logic.

I go back to the last election for a possible answer. I was listening to the Dan Bongino show when he commented on our not so successful win. As bad as things were, most were predicting a slaughter. He said the problem is, things just are not bad enough yet. Sure, fuel and inflation are out of control and so is the border. But I'm still working, have an array of jobs to choose from, I can still rent Spider Man for 99 cents, and the drive-thru a McDonald's is still plenty full.

So things have to be awful to wake some of these people up. When everybody feels the pain, that's when we will all demand change.

Or it could be your beloved party ran shitty candidates hoping all those bad things would get voters to overlook how shitty they were
Its the only two real parties we have. Most people realize that voting 3rd is basically throwing your vote away. The left has gone so far left that it's either stop them or have more of what we have today.

Based on the state of the country and its trajectory, voting for the duopoly is throwing your country away.

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