Our society is collapsing before our eyes. Can we reverse course.

"My" generation saw a lot that was wrong. Perhaps that became generalized to thinking that everything was wrong and anything different might be better. In so doing, some babies went out with the bath water. Changes were necessary and many good ones were made. Some things didn't change that should have and some that didn't need to be were. The intentions were good and human, and that is what is different from much of the motivation we see in society today.
We may have been idealistic, but we were not ideologues.
Them damn hippies did a lot of damage, despite the over-romanticized version of the movement you commonly see.
Drug addictions soared.
And from that, crime soared and has not declined ever since.
The sexual revolution had a dark side as the number of forcible rape cases grew by over 500%.
The hippie movement also endorsed feminism.
The list goes on. There were certainly positive outcomes of the movement, it wasn't all bad. But you would be hard pressed to say it did more good than harm.

You didn't have to be part of the hippy movement to be a liberal. Plenty of them around that weren't hippies. You need to be more precise on what killed our culture in this country.
It's a rapidly growing trend. A societal shift. She claims she didn't go to school for 7 years to sit at home watching kids. She wants to earn money.
The meaning of life has apparently passed her by.

Sadly there are many who are clueless about the real joys of life.

Without children there would quite literally be no point.

Them damn hippies did a lot of damage, despite the over-romanticized version of the movement you commonly see.
Drug addictions soared.
And from that, crime soared and has not declined ever since.
The sexual revolution had a dark side as the number of forcible rape cases grew by over 500%.
The hippie movement also endorsed feminism.
The list goes on. There were certainly positive outcomes of the movement, it wasn't all bad. But you would be hard pressed to say it did more good than harm.
You didn't have to be part of the hippy movement to be a liberal. Plenty of them around that weren't hippies. You need to be more precise on what killed our culture in this country.
Bluesman is a "topographical" poster. The more you say, the less he retains. So I posted very generalized.
So you asked so I will say.
1) The liberal social programs of the late 1950s-1980s that completely destroyed black American families and developed the welfare/ white trash populations and homelessness. Liberals, as they often do, develop programs that destroy the target in the name of saving them. And what they did to blacks by segregating them by the millions into housing projects - built carefully away from white neighborhoods - (and jobs) and then giving them just enough money to survive so no need to work. This completely removed the need for males to be responsible. So the result was 70%-80% fatherless children, feral young males that formed street gangs/drug addiction and crime. Effectively the Democratic Party utterly destroyed blacks for generations, and sadly, generations to come.
2) Modern feminism. Not to be confused with womens suffrage and womens rights of 1920s - 1960s. These two movements dramatically improved the lives of women and got rid of treating women as 3rd class citizens.
Modern feminism is, again, like so many liberal platforms, destroys the very people it sets out to "save". The first thing they did was to convince young girls of the 70s that their mothers were unhappy, unfulfilled and treated poorly. That a "stay at home mom" is wasted potential, and bowing to misogyny. Women should all go out and work like men. The result of that was the crushing wage stagnation of the 1980s-2010s. This also lead to latch key kids, higher divorce rates and increased dependance on debt as income as wages fell flat while people's materialism exploded as people artificially sought to get "what they deserve" for working 60 hour work weeks.
3) The sexual revolution. This led to unprecedented increased cases of forced rapes, the abortion pandemic and kids having sex.

That is a good start. I don't want to write a book.
You should probably scroll back and understand what and who I responded to

If you don't want children fine. Actually I'd prefer you didn't
I know exactly what you responded to.

And you still have absolutely no reason to believe those people would be shitty parents if they decided to have children.
I know exactly what you responded to.

And you still have absolutely no reason to believe those people would be shitty parents if they decided to have children.

Don't tell me what I believe

You're in no way that important and have the mindset you're knower of all. Get past that
The meaning of life has apparently passed her by.

Sadly there are many who are clueless about the real joys of life.

Without children there would quite literally be no point.

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And that's your opinion.

What do you care if people decide not to have kids? What makes you happy doesn't necessarily make others happy and what you define as your meaning for life isn't necessarily everyone's.

I guess just simple acceptance and the hope for all people to be happy is beyond the judgmental types here.
Much like your opinions.

Except my opinions come without the self righteous judgments.

I really don't care if you have kids or if someone else has kids and I see no reason to make up character flaws and assign them to people who you know nothing about.

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