Our society is collapsing before our eyes. Can we reverse course.

The latest incidents on a New York subway is a prime example.

A while back a woman was rapped on a subway. Then recently a woman was attacked and paralyzed for life on a subway. The lists of crimes by homeless and criminals on subways is never ending.
Now we have one of those mental nuts confronted and ultimately killed.

Where was security? Where were the police?DEFUNDED
AND SCARED FOR THEIR OWN LIVES & CAREERS thanks to being targeted for the deaths of criminals.

The left have put the police in the crosshairs to the point that they fear doing their jobs now. Many departments are understaffed because of that and defunding.

Now the black mob and self loathing white leftists are threatening to burn down the precinct this happened in in New York if charges are not filed.

They're so stupid they don't realize this very behavior contributed to the man's death. This behavior is why crime and vigilante justice is on the rise.
Your mob mentality actions are literally destroying your own communities and you don't even see it!
You scare off more than just the police. Most large stores are fleeing your communities like theyre the black plague.

Do you not see the self inflicted damage you are doing with all of this shit? Or is destroying the black communities your actual goal?

Edit: Any why hasn't any of the protesters been charged with criminal threats and terroristic threats and inciting violence?

Where is the FBI & DOJ?
You think an avowed serial sexual assaulter is the solution?
Yeah... Rap is so much better for us.

Do you never tire of sounding like this...

IOW it was OK for my generation but not for yours. I think irony is addictive like that marijuana

I'm going to overdose on the irony

I was too busy going to school and raising babies for the hippie scene.
Much has to be re-thought and new directions chosen. Do people actually have the capacity to do this? It certainly isn't evident.
It's a case by case thing. I look at my granddaughter. 28 years old. A pharmacist Making good money. She's married to a 30 year old engineer and he makes good money. They have a nice house, 2 nice vehicles. Both working full time, travelling, enjoying life. They have taken steps to ensure kids will NOT be part of the picture.Thats not selfish nor are they lazy, etc. Probably would make good parents but they desire other things. I think mindsets are changing. It's a shift.
"My" generation saw a lot that was wrong. Perhaps that became generalized to thinking that everything was wrong and anything different might be better. In so doing, some babies went out with the bath water. Changes were necessary and many good ones were made. Some things didn't change that should have and some that didn't need to be were. The intentions were good and human, and that is what is different from much of the motivation we see in society today.
It's a case by case thing. I look at my granddaughter. 28 years old. A pharmacist Making good money. She's married to a 30 year old engineer and he makes good money. They have a nice house, 2 nice vehicles. Both working full time, travelling, enjoying life. They have taken steps to ensure kids will NOT be part of the picture.Thats not selfish nor are they lazy, etc. Probably would make good parents but they desire other things. I think mindsets are changing. It's a shift.
More educated successful people are choosing not to have kids than ever before.

I don't think it's selfish either. To me it's a sign that people are actually thinking about their futures rather than mindlessly following the got to school get married have kids mantra.
More educated successful people are choosing not to have kids than ever before.

I don't think it's selfish either. To me it's a sign that people are actually thinking about their futures rather than mindlessly following the got to school get married have kids mantra.
Exactly. It's called being responsible and taking steps to avoid a bad situation. Some call it being selfish. Far from the case.
"My" generation saw a lot that was wrong. Perhaps that became generalized to thinking that everything was wrong and anything different might be better. In so doing, some babies went out with the bath water. Changes were necessary and many good ones were made. Some things didn't change that should have and some that didn't need to be were. The intentions were good and human, and that is what is different from much of the motivation we see in society today.
The pendulums of society usually swing between extremes but the overall movement is usually consistent but moderate changes. Sometimes those changes can happen quickly and that seems to most people like extreme differences but if they just look back the trends are there

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