Our society is collapsing before our eyes. Can we reverse course.

The latest incidents on a New York subway is a prime example.

A while back a woman was rapped on a subway. Then recently a woman was attacked and paralyzed for life on a subway. The lists of crimes by homeless and criminals on subways is never ending.
Now we have one of those mental nuts confronted and ultimately killed.

Where was security? Where were the police?DEFUNDED
AND SCARED FOR THEIR OWN LIVES & CAREERS thanks to being targeted for the deaths of criminals.

The left have put the police in the crosshairs to the point that they fear doing their jobs now. Many departments are understaffed because of that and defunding.

Now the black mob and self loathing white leftists are threatening to burn down the precinct this happened in in New York if charges are not filed.

They're so stupid they don't realize this very behavior contributed to the man's death. This behavior is why crime and vigilante justice is on the rise.
Your mob mentality actions are literally destroying your own communities and you don't even see it!
You scare off more than just the police. Most large stores are fleeing your communities like theyre the black plague.

Do you not see the self inflicted damage you are doing with all of this shit? Or is destroying the black communities your actual goal?

Edit: Any why hasn't any of the protesters been charged with criminal threats and terroristic threats and inciting violence?

Where is the FBI & DOJ?
Nothing new about violent humans in the world, companies close and open business all the time in the US. Your echo chamber cries are like the boy crying wolf all for political influence of fear and paranoid psychosis. How does it feel to be a tool?
That is not going to happen. GenZ is one mind fucked generation.
They are going to continue to be a very destructive force in America's greatness.

I do not agree. My daughter is officially one year too old for Gen Z and my son is Gen Z and based on both of them and their friends they just might un-fuck all the things we fucked up while fighting over beer cans and the like
The latest incidents on a New York subway is a prime example.

A while back a woman was rapped on a subway. Then recently a woman was attacked and paralyzed for life on a subway. The lists of crimes by homeless and criminals on subways is never ending.
Now we have one of those mental nuts confronted and ultimately killed.

Where was security? Where were the police?DEFUNDED
AND SCARED FOR THEIR OWN LIVES & CAREERS thanks to being targeted for the deaths of criminals.

The left have put the police in the crosshairs to the point that they fear doing their jobs now. Many departments are understaffed because of that and defunding.

Now the black mob and self loathing white leftists are threatening to burn down the precinct this happened in in New York if charges are not filed.

They're so stupid they don't realize this very behavior contributed to the man's death. This behavior is why crime and vigilante justice is on the rise.
Your mob mentality actions are literally destroying your own communities and you don't even see it!
You scare off more than just the police. Most large stores are fleeing your communities like theyre the black plague.

Do you not see the self inflicted damage you are doing with all of this shit? Or is destroying the black communities your actual goal?

Edit: Any why hasn't any of the protesters been charged with criminal threats and terroristic threats and inciting violence?

Where is the FBI & DOJ?

Look at the influencers. Rap stars, drug dealers and "celebrities" like Trump who flaunt violent rhetoric and contempt for women. As we speak Trump is making excuses for grabbing pussy.

So much for role models...and, every pissant carries a gun.
Look at the influencers. Rap stars, drug dealers and "celebrities" like Trump who flaunt violent rhetoric and contempt for women. As we speak Trump is making excuses for grabbing pussy.

So much for role models...and, every pissant carries a gun.
However, there are many deadly sins with different levels. The Prog ones are celebrated. The ones not prog are scoffed at because they may spew it is questionable. And that is the real issue.
However, there are many deadly sins with different levels. The Prog ones are celebrated. The ones not prog are scoffed at because they may spew it is questionable. And that is the real issue.

How is prog different from retro?
Them damn HIPPIES will ruin this country
Them damn hippies did a lot of damage, despite the over-romanticized version of the movement you commonly see.
Drug addictions soared.
And from that, crime soared and has not declined ever since.
The sexual revolution had a dark side as the number of forcible rape cases grew by over 500%.
The hippie movement also endorsed feminism.
The list goes on. There were certainly positive outcomes of the movement, it wasn't all bad. But you would be hard pressed to say it did more good than harm.
Them damn hippies did a lot of damage, despite the over-romanticized version of the movement you commonly see.
Drug addictions soared.
And from that, crime soared and has not declined ever since.
The sexual revolution had a dark side as the number of forcible rape cases grew by over 500%.
The hippie movement also endorsed feminism.
The list goes on. There were certainly positive outcomes of the movement, it wasn't all bad. But you would be hard pressed to say it did more good than harm.
All those pot smoking free love hippies are now the ones complaining about the latest bane of society.

The irony is delicious.
I do not agree. My daughter is officially one year too old for Gen Z and my son is Gen Z and based on both of them and their friends they just might un-fuck all the things we fucked up while fighting over beer cans and the like
Hey buddy why haven’t you or Blues Man responded to Sue’s comments from the top commentary of the New York Times. It’s not about us agreeing or disagreeing but simply looking at the visual evidence staring us in the face almost every day in this country.

This is the problem sir. Life might be OK for many of us Americans but for many others they get terrorized on the subway by a man threatening to kill innocent men women and children ….This is not a laughing matter

I don’t get why you folks laugh at, label them fake news or click on that disagree button when you were provided visual evidence right in front of your very eyes of the destruction of America. It doesn’t mean it’s literally going to be totally destroyed in a day but if we keep going down the road we’re going down we won’t have the same safe country we’ve had for many years.
Issues like this Golfing Gator Blues Man

this is not the same story Sue is talking about it’s a different one …because it happens so many times now… Simply put because the man terrorizing a white family is black… if that man was to be rightly confronted and knocked out he would be viewed as a “victim” by the media and the far left wing in this country and then there will be more riots on the subway. This is exactly what all almost Americans black and white are concerned about… but only a few far left wingers when the evidence is staring them in the face they ignore it or worse they think it’s fine.

Of course there are white people who yell and scream in public and who attack innocent people, but for whatever reason though the media and the far left wing view it differently when it is a black man who is yelling screaming threatening people and then that black man gets confronted by a patriotic citizen defending the community. When such a scenario occurs the black guy who was the one yelling and attacking people, is viewed as the victim if he gets confronted. It’s madness there’s no other way to look at it.

this isn’t about getting hyped up or anything like that it’s simply just a matter of looking at the facts and by the way you have white drug addicts, black drug addicts who because of poor government policies are roaming around the streets and our a dangerous threat to many innocent people.
All those pot smoking free love hippies are now the ones complaining about the latest bane of society.

The irony is delicious.
The last beneficial generation was probably folks born between 1930 - 1950. They grew up and did a LOT of good. civil rights, true womens rights, unions (when they were a good thing) - and the list goes on.
After that generation, the rest have only deteriorated our culture.
Mine was absolutely horrible. Born in 1965, I am the first of Gen X. The "me" generation. Selfish, materialistic, devouring consumerism, debt as income, lousy spouses leading to rising divorce rates and latch key kids. Dividing America in half along political lines, outsourcing using slave labor. You can literally write volumes of how destructive my generation has been. Millennials seem to be less destructive right now. They have definitely reversed some of the harm we did. But Gen Z... holy shit. Wow.
The last beneficial generation was probably folks born between 1930 - 1950. They grew up and did a LOT of good. civil rights, true womens rights, unions (when they were a good thing) - and the list goes on.
After that generation, the rest have only deteriorated our culture.
Mine was absolutely horrible. Born in 1965, I am the first of Gen X. The "me" generation. Selfish, materialistic, devouring consumerism, debt as income, lousy spouses leading to rising divorce rates and latch key kids. Dividing America in half along political lines, outsourcing using slave labor. You can literally write volumes of how destructive my generation has been. Millennials seem to be less destructive right now. They have definitely reversed some of the harm we did. But Gen Z... holy shit. Wow.

It was that damn rock and roll I tell ya. Devil's music.
Hey buddy why haven’t you or Blues Man responded to Sue’s comments from the top commentary of the New York Times. It’s not about us agreeing or disagreeing but simply looking at the visual evidence staring us in the face almost every day in this country.

This is the problem sir. Life might be OK for many of us Americans but for many others they get terrorized on the subway by a man threatening to kill innocent men women and children ….This is not a laughing matter

I don’t get why you folks laugh at, label them fake news or click on that disagree button when you were provided visual evidence right in front of your very eyes of the destruction of America. It doesn’t mean it’s literally going to be totally destroyed in a day but if we keep going down the road we’re going down we won’t have the same safe country we’ve had for many years.

What we are seeing is the expected result of those we elect to govern us doing all in their power to divide us and the rank and file from the two parties being willing, even gleeful participants.

For the last 30 plus years our elected officials have driven us in to two camps and made everything "us vs them". Everything today is politicized with the purpose to divide even more. A divided populace is far easier to control than a united one.

Just look at this forum, every thing is "us vs them" both sides see the other side as the enemy, it is evident in most every thread.

Our society cannot improve till this is stopped, and the only hope of stopping it is the younger generations.

So, if you really want to help the problem, quit being part of the division.

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