Our system is broken, but can it be fixed?

That's what you claimed on page two.
No. I used an analogy. I was right. You’re not on the same page.

Akin to the old aphorism: “when they are truly out to get you, it isn’t paranoia to think that they are out to get you.”

Sorry you are so confused. But the work Potato is doing is work I don’t want him to finish.
No. I used an analogy. I was right. You’re not on the same page.

Akin to the old aphorism: “when they are truly out to get you, it isn’t paranoia to think that they are out to get you.”

Sorry you are so confused. But the work Potato is doing is work I don’t want him to finish.
You think that "When someone is busy plotting and planning to kill you, I think it would be wise to oppose his efforts to “finish the job.”


“When they are truly out to get you, it isn’t paranoia to think that they are out to get you.”

Are similar? Bent.
You think that "When someone is busy plotting and planning to kill you, I think it would be wise to oppose his efforts to “finish the job.”


“When they are truly out to get you, it isn’t paranoia to think that they are out to get you.”

Are similar? Bent.
Yes. I do. They are.

And I also agree that you are bent. Nice of you to sign you post.

Our system is broken, but can it be fixed?​

Is there problem with the system or is the problem the people running it? Interesting question: can any system of gov't prevent fraud, dishonesty, and corruption? Such a system would first of all require an honest and objective media, no? Not many people would say that we have that in this country. Second, such a system would also require an honest, unbiased, and objective system of justice. I doubt that many people would say that we have that either. And the third thing is that such a system would require an informed and engaged electorate, and IMHO we don't have that either.

What possible changes could be made to the system that would resolve our current problems? Does anyone believe that ending the filibuster is the answer? Where would we be now if Manchin and Sinema had voted to abolish the filibuster? Or if we ended the electoral college? All that would do is turn us into a one-party state where the only allowed or accepted view is that which conforms to the state's. Is that really what you want, a 50% +1 gov't? Fuck the other 49.9%, right? All those Rights enumerated in the Constitution? Gone, or severely limited. Equity would triumph over equality, and that equity would be at the sole discretion of the Party. Sounds like the old USSR, no? Somebody convince me that I'm wrong. I know, we ain't there yet but it sure looks like that is the direction we're heading in.
No, I mean he made no attempt at all to seek consensus. He was every bit as divisive as Biden.
Thats only your opinion

What would you consider a consensus compromise on illegal aliens?
The only way to fix things at this point is with a complete reboot. Just like the one we had when the nation was founded in the first place.

Its inevitable.

Consensus isn't compromise. But seriously, if you think Trump sought consensus, you clearly have no idea what I'm talking about.

You are just blowing hot air

I asked what do you consider a constructive meeting of the minds on the border issue and you could not answer
You are just blowing hot air

I asked what do you consider a constructive meeting of the minds on the border issue and you could not answer
You claimed Trump offered one. He didn't. He didn't try to create consensus on anything. He did exactly the opposite. He loved pissing people off.

That's the biggest problem with our government. We thrash back and forth between divisive jerks who exhibit no respect for the other side, no ability to persuade or lead. It's just in-your-face, culture war horseshit.

Please people, stop supporting these asswipes.
You claimed Trump offered one. He didn't. He didn't try to create consensus on anything. He did exactly the opposite. He loved pissing people off.
I never said that

Consensus is your bog idea not mine

Libs would not walk across the street to meet trump
Our Republic is in peril. I don’t believe that there remains much doubt: We long ago went off course. We are a republic because that’s the path that was chosen for us at our outset. We sought to avoid a monarchy and we had legitimate and justified concerns about the dangers of excess caused by a “democracy.” The Framers plotted a different course for us.

If our Founders and Framers were around today to collectively see what America might try to do to get back US back on course, I suspect they’d be stymied by our fractured electorate.

Not just the divide between so-called liberals and conservatives or between the two major political Parties; but all manner of other divides. We’re screwed if the only time we unite as a people is against a common enemy like al qaeda.
What our nation isn’t national socialist enough for you?
We don't want to "work together" on your "ideas". Wide open Southern Border, ten million unvetted, Draq shows in Kindergarten, porno books, cutting teets and dics off 12 yr olds. You and your ilk have gone too far and you must be stopped or eliminated. No on can work with the clowns you installed into DC offices. They rip up SOTU speeches.
You’re an example of what’s wrong.
Our Republic is in peril. I don’t believe that there remains much doubt: We long ago went off course. We are a republic because that’s the path that was chosen for us at our outset. We sought to avoid a monarchy and we had legitimate and justified concerns about the dangers of excess caused by a “democracy.” The Framers plotted a different course for us.

If our Founders and Framers were around today to collectively see what America might try to do to get back US back on course, I suspect they’d be stymied by our fractured electorate.

Not just the divide between so-called liberals and conservatives or between the two major political Parties; but all manner of other divides. We’re screwed if the only time we unite as a people is against a common enemy like al qaeda.

Just figured I'd remind you that the US had a pretty nasty Civil War not even a century after your beloved Framers ratified the Constitution. They were educated people but hardly infallible.
I think the Murdock kids have done the unforgivable.
They're going to lose most of their viewers over the Tucker firing.
Nobody trusts CNN and Fox is going to head to the cellar with them.

Doesn't leave you all with a lot of options, does it?
What our nation isn’t national socialist enough for you?

Here we see another instance of the always oblivious odd0 flailing away feebly and ineffectively as he conflates the right with the kind of fascism the left is actually responsible for.

Dishonesty or ignorance? My guess is that he’s both.
Here we see another instance of the always oblivious odd0 flailing away feebly and ineffectively as he conflates the right with the kind of fascism the left is actually responsible for.

Dishonesty or ignorance? My guess is that he’s both.
And an example of the so-called fascism is....?

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