Our system is broken, but can it be fixed?

The struggle isn't left vs right or one identity vs another.

The struggle is between sovereignty and globalism and between individual rights and centralized control.

People are telling us quite bluntly "you will own nothing, and you will be happy". They mean it, and of course the threat comes with an "or else".
If ALL PAC money is removed from the system as well as candidates and their families are not allowed to trade individual stocks....1st degree relatives are not allowed strawman jobs. (Like Hunter with Burisma)

Then we got a shot....not much of one but a shot.
My gut reaction to that advice is to reject it. But I do see why you might think it is of value. And maybe it is worthy of some more thought. But …

I’m dubious.
What would a consensus solution look like?
It would start with a commitment to the idea, to recognize that forcing policies, on everyone, that half the country hates, is stupid. The idea behind consensus isn't that everyone agrees. And it isn't majority rule. It means that no one has paramount objections to the policy proposed. The root word of consensus is consent, and it means everyone consents to the decision, even if they don't necessarily agree with it.

But if a significant portion of the citizenry does have a paramount objection, a simple majority isn't good enough. We can't do that policy. The idea is to avoid passing laws that leave one side angry, resentful and spoiling for revenge.

The mechanics of consensus vary, there are many different systems, but they all focus on the above as the goal. A simplistic move in that direction would be to require a two-thirds majority vote on all national legislation. People will insist that Congress would completely stall, unable to do anything. I don't believe that. Faced with the two-thirds requirement, they would find enough common ground to get the necessary work of government done. They might not come together on one side's favorite social engineering scheme, but that's sort of the point. Moreover, this requirement would give a real leg up to candidates who were able to "play well with others". The tone and tenor of Congress would change.
My gut reaction to that advice is to reject it. But I do see why you might think it is of value. And maybe it is worthy of some more thought. But …

I’m dubious.
Currently we have some of the largest stock market players making public policy. JPMorgan, Chase, Blackrock, and many more. It needs to stop. Then we have politicians getting filthy rich while in office from Stock Market investing....they beat the S&P500/Street every year.
Spending a billion dollars to get a job that pays 250,000/yr? That's what Senators are spending. Let's get real here.
Currently we have some of the largest stock market players making public policy. JPMorgan, Chase, Blackrock, and many more. It needs to stop. Then we have politicians getting filthy rich while in office from Stock Market investing....they beat the S&P500/Street every year.
Spending a billion dollars to get a job that pays 250,000/yr? That's what Senators are spending. Let's get real here.
I have never said that I don’t believe in corruption. I simply don’t accept that politicians are universally corrupt.
I have never said that I don’t believe in corruption. I simply don’t accept that politicians are universally corrupt.
It's not a 100% corrupt group....there are always outliers. But the amount these days is over the top.
Our Republic is in peril. I don’t believe that there remains much doubt: We long ago went off course. We are a republic because that’s the path that was chosen for us at our outset. We sought to avoid a monarchy and we had legitimate and justified concerns about the dangers of excess caused by a “democracy.” The Framers plotted a different course for us.

If our Founders and Framers were around today to collectively see what America might try to do to get back US back on course, I suspect they’d be stymied by our fractured electorate.

Not just the divide between so-called liberals and conservatives or between the two major political Parties; but all manner of other divides. We’re screwed if the only time we unite as a people is against a common enemy like al qaeda.
Are you all ready to comeback to reality
Depends on what you want? If you want what I want as in a respectable safetynet, regulations protecting workers, environment and competitive policies to compete to maintain our edge. Well, we don't have to do much. On the otherhnad, I think I know what you want and that isn't it. You want to slash, trash and live in the 18th century. Anything else will never be good enough for you and honestly, people like me will never agree to that. It isn't sane policy and a sure loser.
Whatever. I never said anything about a one world order, so your daydreams are getting away from you.
You seem to think two party systems are nonsense. Without two parties you have either a One World Order or total chaos. Democrats aren't going to share power with any other party, and they're working for the Deep State which is in with the One World Order in Davos.
You seem to think two party systems are nonsense. Without two parties you have either a One World Order or total chaos. Democrats aren't going to share power with any other party, and they're working for the Deep State which is in with the One World Order in Davos.
In that case, you should just surrender. We'll keep you as pets.

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