Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

Yesterday I gave him a day or two before he would be fired. But of course they're never fired, they always "resign".

There are so many ties to Russians within this Trump admin, so much ass-kissing to Putin. What the fuck is it going to take for Trumpies to wake up?
I dismiss it because it is two weeks old.

That's not honest.

Hitler killed 6 million Jews in 72 years ago. Does the passage of time make the atrocities he committed less atrocious? No. Does it make what he did less pertinent? No. Does the information from a two week old article showing the FBI cleared Flynn in a preliminary investigation become less pertinent because of it being two weeks old?


Thanks for playing"Really Bad Analogies"!

Posting two week old information, that has been superseded by more recent information...like an admission of guilt from the individual in question, makes you look uninformed. I'm trying to help. NPR is a trusted, non partisan, news source. Give it a few minutes of your day at the top and bottom of the hour.
Gee...under investigation by the FBI, the DOJ and the Army. So shocking he'd resign! If it's true...
Review finds no wrongdoing in Flynn's talks with Russian ambassador; broader probe ongoing
Then why resign?


I dunno. I didn't think he needed to. But then again when you lie about someone enough....
You mean like birth certificate and being Muslim?

What are you talking about?
Maybe it may be a shock to you. but in 2012 Obama was the president and constitutionally authorized to negotiate with foreign governments.

Maybe it will come as a shock to you that it was a deceitful and duplicitous attempt to mislead the American public and should have led to his impeachment. You've lied all day about Flynn, tried to represent you knew something about the NSA (you don't) and even suggested Trump could be replaced in a coup. You came into USMB on a shovel and you'll go out on one as soon as I relay my suspicions to a mod that you're a sock of a banned poster.

Looks like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Doesn't it?
Flynn lasted three weeks. Kim Kardashian was married to Kris Humphries for over 3 times as long. That's truly an accomplishment.
Who puts "Make America Great Again" in their resignation letter? Mike Flynn does.
He misspelled America. Mike spells it "R-U-S-S-I-A".

Russia obsessives score a victory with Flynn resignation; this will be seen to vindicate their blinkered fantasies

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