Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

Who puts "Make America Great Again" in their resignation letter? Mike Flynn does.
He misspelled America. Mike spells it "R-U-S-S-I-A".

Mikhail might, Mike doesn't
His son had to drop out of the Trump admin selection because he was retweeting fake news and got caught. If that wasn't enough of a sign to dump this piece of trash then I don't know what is
Trumps administration for the last month has been nothing but fucking chaos and confusion and drama, just like his campaign. Did anybody expect anything different? If they did they are dumb asses
Stay cool America, these things happen, at least he was cut out early. The sky isn't falling.

Patreas might be the best choice simply because of his experience and the fact Trump trusts him. Trust and loyalty are valuable traits when you consider the seemingly endless anti-American/anti democratic citizens and politicians who have been against this administration even before day one. Reagan faced similar defiance and efforts to undermine, though this has been much worse.

The election is over but it still feels like a campaign. Will the anger ever dissipate so that American can move along and succeed?
thankfully for Flynn, Congress has been taken over by a goofy gang of knaves & know-nothings. there will be no oversight.
these slimy Democrats are playing sick games. Gen Flynn had to resign over nonsense. We need to push to have Hillary locked up. No mercy!
Flynn did do something. He denied talking about sanctions then changed his story and said he couldn't remember. Don't give me that he doesn't remember. That is BS.
What's a little light treason and lying to the FBI? big deal!

Hey look behind you! It's Isis !
Will Flynn spill his guts and implicate Trump in this web of lies? Probably not until after thorough investigations and he is questioned under oath. I can't imagine that Trump didn't okay his conversations with the Russians. I would enjoy watching Senator John McCain interrogate him under oath.
Flynn did do something. He denied talking about sanctions then changed his story and said he couldn't remember. Don't give me that he doesn't remember. That is BS.
Well, it's a good thing that he didn't spend nearly a month lying about how an obscure YouTube video got a Murican diplomat and his security troops murdered, huh?
It is kind of pathetic the "left" celebrates someone seeking to reassure Russia, potentially the USA's strongest ally in the war against Islamic Terrorism, that the USA is reversing the warmongering neocon policy of the democrats. Disgusting, warmongering "leftist" hypocrites, they just made the USA less safe.
White House was warned Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia - CNNPolitics.com

The concern was raised after Flynn claimed he did not discuss with the Russian ambassador the sanctions being imposed by former President Barack Obama's administration in retaliation for Russia's interference in the election. Flynn was not yet in government.
The message was delivered by then-Acting Attorney General Sally Yates. Other top intelligence officials, including James Clapper and John Brennan, were in agreement the White House should be alerted about the concerns.

Trump fired Yates at the end of January after she told Justice Department attorneys not to defend his executive order suspending the refugee program and temporarily restricting travel to the US from seven majority-Muslim nations. Implementation of the travel ban has since been stalled by the courts and the Trump administration is weighing its options.
A representative for Yates said she no comment.
What a bunch of fuck ups. Conway has egg all over her anorexic face, too

Flynn resigns amid controversy over Russia contacts - CNNPolitics.com

"Trump admin is a joke"

Too bad it isn't a complete joke, right? Democrats have only confirmed at minimum half of his cabinet.
One more to confirm now :rofl:

If you knew anything about how the appointment process works, you'd know that a National Security Adviser does not need confirmation by the Senate.
Did Trump commit treason if he directed Flynn's contacts with Russians - even before Trump was sworn in as president? After all, even private citizens can commit treason.
top democrat on house intelligence committee: "Flynn's departure does not end questions over his contacts with the Russians."
What a bunch of fuck ups. Conway has egg all over her anorexic face, too

Flynn resigns amid controversy over Russia contacts - CNNPolitics.com

"Trump admin is a joke"

Too bad it isn't a complete joke, right? Democrats have only confirmed at minimum half of his cabinet.
Damn, you're stupid. The Democrats don't confirm herr drumph's nominees, the entire Senate does. And one of the reasons it is taking so long is because all of his nominees bring so much baggage to the table that needs to be sorted through first.

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