Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

Flynn must still be thoroughly investigated to find out what Trump knew and when did he know it. Same goes for Pence.

I imagine that's coming too. Putin has never stuck his neck out this far, and interfered with any of our elections until now. Putin did it for a reason that was beneficial to himself & Russia.

What he didn't expect--was to be found out that it was them doing these hackings, and he sure didn't expect the response. Otherwise he would have never done it. So he was promised something by someone within the Trump campaign to do a cyber attack on the United States to obtain DNC emails to help run a smear campaign. He's also responsible for putting all the FAKE news out on social media outlets.

If they find the collusion, it will be considered Treason.


So with this it begins, and they may already have something because this article was written BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out of this country.
I don't know if that meets the high standard for treason, but it certainly would break several statutes in the espionage act...

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States would be considered Treason.
did it kill anyone? Could it have killed anyone? If not, then it would be hard to get that conviction imo. I don't know if it still is, but the punishment for treason was death....

You guys need to watch some true movies to find out exactly what Treason is and what the punishment for it is. Or simply read the below wikipedia links.

1. The Falcon and the Snowman (life in prison for both)
The Falcon and the Snowman - Wikipedia

2. Breach about (Robert Haansen)
Robert Hanssen - Wikipedia
Flynn's resignation letter seems a little odd to me...

Read Michael Flynn’s Resignation Letter
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
I'm listening to MSNBC, and apparently many national security experts think this will all track back to Trump.

Well one would have to presume that the President elect (authorized Flynn) to call the Russian Ambassador to discuss the sanctions and booting out of all Russian diplomats after Obama kicked them out.

This will probably turn out to be something similar to Bridgegate--where Christie said "it wasn't me"--I never directed my underleans to cut off a bridge to traffic for 4 days--but we all know he did.

There's just certain things people WILL NOT do, unless they get clearance from the boss FIRST.

I imagine the Comrade did tell Flynn to talk to the Russians to relieve their fears about the newly imposed sanctions that the Senate was threatening them with.


But when the pressure gets to much to handle--one will start chirping, then they'll all start singing like canaries.
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Flynn's resignation letter seems a little odd to me...

Read Michael Flynn’s Resignation Letter
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....
Flynn's resignation letter seems a little odd to me...

Read Michael Flynn’s Resignation Letter
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.


It's very possible that Putin actually does have something on Trump to make a decision like this. What other reason for the Urgency here to contact the Russian ambassador directly after Obama's action? There was none, unless Trump feared that Putin would get so pissed off that he would release information on him. What was that dossier about again?
Russia dossier: what happens next – and could Donald Trump be impeached?
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Flynn's resignation letter seems a little odd to me...

Read Michael Flynn’s Resignation Letter
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance. A person that can't keep his mouth shut is a bad choice for National Security Advisory.
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Flynn's resignation letter seems a little odd to me...

Read Michael Flynn’s Resignation Letter
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance.

No he had the Comrade's blessing. There is definitely something else going on here, because there was NO URGENCY in contacting the Russian diplomat after Obama kicked them all out. It was to sooth, to calm down, everything is O.K. message from the Trump elect administration. The reason for it must have been urgent also. Like that Russian dossier.

Maybe the Russians do have something on Trump, and he is in fact being blackmailed by them.
Russia dossier: what happens next – and could Donald Trump be impeached?
When will Trump resign?
You do realize of course, that if the Frump were to resign, his running mate would be the mandatory replacement and he's so far right that he makes the Frump look positively centrist.
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance.

No he had the Comrade's blessing. There is definitely something else going on here, because there was NO URGENCY in contacting the Russian diplomat after Obama kicked them all out. It was to sooth, to calm down, everything is O.K. message from the Trump elect administration. The reason for it must have been urgent also. Like that Russian dossier.

Maybe the Russians do have something on Trump, and he is in fact being blackmailed by them.
Russia dossier: what happens next – and could Donald Trump be impeached?
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance, a person that can't keep his mouth shut is a bad choice for National Security Advisory.
How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance.

No he had the Comrade's blessing. There is definitely something else going on here, because there was NO URGENCY in contacting the Russian diplomat after Obama kicked them all out. It was to sooth, to calm down, everything is O.K. message from the Trump elect administration. The reason for it must have been urgent also. Like that Russian dossier.

Maybe the Russians do have something on Trump, and he is in fact being blackmailed by them.
Russia dossier: what happens next – and could Donald Trump be impeached?
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance, a person that can't keep his mouth shut is a bad choice for National Security Advisory.

I think Flynn resigned to protect Trump - but it's too late.
When will Trump resign?
You do realize of course, that if the Frump were to resign, his running mate would be the mandatory replacement and he's so far right that he makes the Frump look positively centrist.

True, and Pence would try to create a theocracy. Pence is a snake. Before Trump picked him for VP - Pence was pretty much dead meat in his home state.
Flynn's resignation letter seems a little odd to me...

Read Michael Flynn’s Resignation Letter
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance.
When was Pence on TV lying for Flynn? Jan 15th...when was President Trump told about Flynn lying by the Attorney General? The same day or day after.

When was the president sworn in? January 20th...so he knew before he was sworn in as President....

When did we find out? Feb 10th.

Why did the president LEAVE THE LIE out there? Did he tell Pence on January 15th or did Pence find out on Feb 10th just like the rest of us?

Why would the President have Flynn sworn in as National Security advisor, if Pence and him knew already he lied to Pence?

So so so many unanswered questions...
As a Marine veteran, I was happy to see Trump picking some military personnel to advise him on national security matters...especially happy with his pick for Secretary of Defense, Gen. Mattis. I really did not know much about Flynn, but I wanted to get the take on this event from the veteran community here.

I'm assuming that the Russian ties Flynn allegedly held were true, or true enough to force him to retire. With rumors of Trump being more pro-Russian than is healthy for America, is this a good sign that we have him leaving? Or a bad sign that he even got into that position in the first place?

Michael Flynn: Trump's national security adviser quits - BBC News
There are several other earlier threads on this that have been merged.

Your new one will probably be also.

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