Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

This is just one of what will be many scandals

Drip drip drip

They laughed when I said this yesterday, when Michael Flynn still had a job as National Security advisor. I think i'll change it to Next next next. The revolving doors have only just begun.
Already 3 guys have had to resign because of their Russian ties.

Any doubt Russia helped trump win? Sad
What three guys and how did Russia help? They revealed how corrupt the Dems are?
They just said who the three guys are on ABC. Trust me, 3 trump men SO FAR have been forced to resign because of ties to Russia.

What are their names? Who knows. Trumps only been in office 3 weeks. Impossible to know alll the guys he has appointed.

We know you'll defend trump no matter what so
I don't watch fake news so have no idea who you are talking about. Apparently neither do you.
If I can list their names and I'm right will you leave usmb and never come back?

You cons are scary fuckers. Any news you don't like you label fake meanwhile you're watching fox news
What did Trump know and when did he know it ....FlynnGate

“What is missing from the story so far is the president of the United States. When did he know and when did he know it,” Gergen said, invoking former Sen Howard Baker’s comment that opened the gates for Nixon’s resignation in the face of impeachment.

“If they had a report to the legal counsel, the general counsel would have presumably reported to the president, why is Flynn still there?” Gergen continued. “It’s unimaginable that the White House general counsel would sit on it, not tell anybody else in the White House. In every White House I’ve ever been in, this would go to the president like that,” he said as he snapped his fingers.

“This is very serious stuff. If you’re told that your national security adviser is potentially vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians, that is extremely serious,” he concluded.

‘What did he know and when did he know it’: David Gergen asks when Trump knew about Flynn blackmail risk
What did Flynn do first might be better question......So far all I see are allegations with nothing to back them up
Drip drip drip

They laughed when I said this yesterday, when Michael Flynn still had a job as National Security advisor. I think i'll change it to Next next next. The revolving doors have only just begun.
Already 3 guys have had to resign because of their Russian ties.

Any doubt Russia helped trump win? Sad
What three guys and how did Russia help? They revealed how corrupt the Dems are?
They just said who the three guys are on ABC. Trust me, 3 trump men SO FAR have been forced to resign because of ties to Russia.

What are their names? Who knows. Trumps only been in office 3 weeks. Impossible to know alll the guys he has appointed.

We know you'll defend trump no matter what so
I don't watch fake news so have no idea who you are talking about. Apparently neither do you.
If I can list their names and I'm right will you leave usmb and never come back?

You cons are scary fuckers. Any news you don't like you label fake meanwhile you're watching fox news
You're pathetic. You made a claim and considered it true simply because you heard it on ABC. You didn't know who they were or why they left. I point it out and your spin around and try to make it my problem. Fuck no, I'm not leaving for pointing out your stupidity. I'm going to be right here riding your ass.
As a Marine veteran, I was happy to see Trump picking some military personnel to advise him on national security matters...especially happy with his pick for Secretary of Defense, Gen. Mattis. I really did not know much about Flynn, but I wanted to get the take on this event from the veteran community here.

I'm assuming that the Russian ties Flynn allegedly held were true, or true enough to force him to retire. With rumors of Trump being more pro-Russian than is healthy for America, is this a good sign that we have him leaving? Or a bad sign that he even got into that position in the first place?

Michael Flynn: Trump's national security adviser quits - BBC News

One thing I would like to point out is that Flynn served his country for 33 years. Honorably. I hope these issues get resolved quickly for him and his family. There are no charges. Just wild accusations.

To date from what we know he resigned because he didn't tell VP Pence the "whole truth" about his phone conversations and basically hung Pence out to dry.

Resigning was the honorable thing to do. Her

That's nice. Didn't make him any less a Russian operative.

If this were a democratic you would be demanding they be executed for treason.


After he is the one who started the chant "Lock her UP" for having a server in her basement.
Clinton trafficked in govt secrets......What exactly is Flynn accused besides discussing future relations between the countries

Well Trump must of told him to tell the Russian we'll get rid of the sanctions, I mean Trump was running for Pres.
How else would Flynn be able to tell them that, and oh by the way Tillerson , a friend of Russian now has the SOS job. All in on it.
Clinton trafficked in govt secrets......What exactly is Flynn accused besides discussing future relations between the countries

Well Trump must of told him to tell the Russian we'll get rid of the sanctions, I mean Trump was running for Pres.
How else would Flynn be able to tell them that, and oh by the way Tillerson , a friend of Russian now has the SOS job. All in on it.
Thanks k you for making my point. He was discussing future relations between us during g transition phase....
Clinton trafficked in govt secrets......What exactly is Flynn accused besides discussing future relations between the countries

Well Trump must of told him to tell the Russian we'll get rid of the sanctions, I mean Trump was running for Pres.
How else would Flynn be able to tell them that, and oh by the way Tillerson , a friend of Russian now has the SOS job. All in on it.
Exactly "Mickey" Flynn was not out there doing his thing he was doing Trump's thing....
Clinton trafficked in govt secrets......What exactly is Flynn accused besides discussing future relations between the countries

Well Trump must of told him to tell the Russian we'll get rid of the sanctions, I mean Trump was running for Pres.
How else would Flynn be able to tell them that, and oh by the way Tillerson , a friend of Russian now has the SOS job. All in on it.
Thanks k you for making my point. He was discussing future relations between us during g transition phase....
Gee I wonder why he resigned ....:321:

Here is my advice to Trump on Mickey Flynn
This opens Flynn up for investigations that Trump won't be able to stop. What if Flynn says he was told by Putin to step down just like Trump was told by Putin to hire Flynn?
So is he the only cabinet appointee to have ever talked to foreign govt during transition? Is this really that unusual

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