Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

Flynn's resignation letter seems a little odd to me...

Read Michael Flynn’s Resignation Letter
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

Trump's gut would tell him he's guilty too...

This is just one of what will be many scandals

Drip drip drip

They laughed when I said this yesterday, when Michael Flynn still had a job as National Security advisor. I think i'll change it to Next next next. The revolving doors have only just begun.
Already 3 guys have had to resign because of their Russian ties.

Any doubt Russia helped trump win? Sad
What three guys and how did Russia help? They revealed how corrupt the Dems are?
They just said who the three guys are on ABC. Trust me, 3 trump men SO FAR have been forced to resign because of ties to Russia.

What are their names? Who knows. Trumps only been in office 3 weeks. Impossible to know alll the guys he has appointed.

We know you'll defend trump no matter what so
I don't watch fake news so have no idea who you are talking about. Apparently neither do you.

Funny how "fake news" comes true.
He's gone and it was a good decision whoever made it.

I know the left will try to gloat about this but the difference is that Democrats promote liars and cheats and corruption while the GOP gets rid of them.

That's the exact opposite of the truth. That statement is just more "take news / alternative facts" that the GOP puts out. It's best to show by examples. Take the people in the Nixon, Reagan and Bush Sr, and Bush Jr. administrations, who lied their heads off, and were not kicked out, until they either faced felony convictions or were convicted of felonies.

Drip drip drip Scooter Libby Drip Drip Drip Oliver North Drip Drip Drip Halderman, Erlichman Drip Drip Drip

Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Rahm Emmanuel, and on and on. Those guys you mentioned all either went to jail or were thrown out. The ones I mentioned were promoted or otherwise praised by their party.

My post is the exact truth.
Michael Flynn Resigns…
The Washington Post is the official leak-outlet for the political arm of the CIA. And the most politicized of all agents ever inside the CIA was John Brennan – a black hat extraordinaire.

Or Flynn simply fucked up.

Why do you feel that pivoting to conspiracy rather than the simple truth makes more sense?
Not conspiracy at all since Democrats are endangering country over what appears to be nothing......They perceive him as a threat to establishment
Michael Flynn Resigns…
The Washington Post is the official leak-outlet for the political arm of the CIA. And the most politicized of all agents ever inside the CIA was John Brennan – a black hat extraordinaire.

Or Flynn simply fucked up.

Why do you feel that pivoting to conspiracy rather than the simple truth makes more sense?
Not conspiracy at all since Democrats are endangering country over what appears to be nothing......They perceive him as a threat to establishment
^ conspiracy. :laugh2:
So libs don't have any proof of wrong ......Or able to answer some questions as to if this is out of the norm just trust us......Sorry ya been busted in to many liez
So is he the only cabinet appointee to have ever talked to foreign govt during transition? Is this really that unusual
I don't know is it the usual thing for someone to resign within a month of being named ...DUH..........
We aren't in normal are we...Libs have gone crazy over everything.............
You mean Alpha dog let some "snowflakes" twist arms until Flynn resigned ...weak ..sad

‘That makes no sense’: Matt Lauer nukes Kellyanne Conway’s attempt to sweep Flynn scandal under the rug
Top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway went onto NBC’s Today Show on Tuesday to try to sweep the Michael Flynn scandal under the rug — but host Matt Lauer wouldn’t let her get away with it.
Clinton trafficked in govt secrets......What exactly is Flynn accused besides discussing future relations between the countries

No, that would be General Patreus.... the guy Trumplethinskin is considering replacing Flynn with.

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