Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

On the list of funnier things about this has to be Kellyanne Conway's proclamation yesterday that Flynn still had the full confidence of the president.

Even after Trump read the transcripts, and talked to Pence? Oh well. Trump had full confidence in the instructors he hired to teach at Trump University.
As a Marine veteran, I was happy to see Trump picking some military personnel to advise him on national security matters...especially happy with his pick for Secretary of Defense, Gen. Mattis. I really did not know much about Flynn, but I wanted to get the take on this event from the veteran community here.

I'm assuming that the Russian ties Flynn allegedly held were true, or true enough to force him to retire. With rumors of Trump being more pro-Russian than is healthy for America, is this a good sign that we have him leaving? Or a bad sign that he even got into that position in the first place?

Michael Flynn: Trump's national security adviser quits - BBC News

One thing I would like to point out is that Flynn served his country for 33 years. Honorably. I hope these issues get resolved quickly for him and his family. There are no charges. Just wild accusations.

To date from what we know he resigned because he didn't tell VP Pence the "whole truth" about his phone conversations and basically hung Pence out to dry.

Resigning was the honorable thing to do. Her

One thing I would like to point out is that Flynn served his country for 33 years. Honorably.

Yes, right up until the time he didn't.
It's how long before it will be admitted that the anonymous "current and former officials" who have accused him are mere figments of media imagination.
This "Fake News" stuff is out of control. It's actually causing national security advisors to resign. Something must be done!

Those dopes are so confused.
They don't even know what to believe anymore. Behold the power of disinformation on the susceptible. :laugh2:
This is just one of what will be many scandals

Drip drip drip

They laughed when I said this yesterday, when Michael Flynn still had a job as National Security advisor. I think i'll change it to Next next next. The revolving doors have only just begun.
Already 3 guys have had to resign because of their Russian ties.

Any doubt Russia helped trump win? Sad
3......i know of two.....flynn and his aide....did his aide resign over not getting national security clearance?
This is just one of what will be many scandals

Drip drip drip

They laughed when I said this yesterday, when Michael Flynn still had a job as National Security advisor. I think i'll change it to Next next next. The revolving doors have only just begun.
Already 3 guys have had to resign because of their Russian ties.

Any doubt Russia helped trump win? Sad
What three guys and how did Russia help? They revealed how corrupt the Dems are?
This is just one of what will be many scandals

Drip drip drip

They laughed when I said this yesterday, when Michael Flynn still had a job as National Security advisor. I think i'll change it to Next next next. The revolving doors have only just begun.
Already 3 guys have had to resign because of their Russian ties.

Any doubt Russia helped trump win? Sad
What three guys and how did Russia help? They revealed how corrupt the Dems are?
They just said who the three guys are on ABC. Trust me, 3 trump men SO FAR have been forced to resign because of ties to Russia.

What are their names? Who knows. Trumps only been in office 3 weeks. Impossible to know alll the guys he has appointed.

We know you'll defend trump no matter what so
This is just one of what will be many scandals

Drip drip drip

They laughed when I said this yesterday, when Michael Flynn still had a job as National Security advisor. I think i'll change it to Next next next. The revolving doors have only just begun.
Already 3 guys have had to resign because of their Russian ties.

Any doubt Russia helped trump win? Sad
What three guys and how did Russia help? They revealed how corrupt the Dems are?
They just said who the three guys are on ABC. Trust me, 3 trump men SO FAR have been forced to resign because of ties to Russia.

What are their names? Who knows. Trumps only been in office 3 weeks. Impossible to know alll the guys he has appointed.

We know you'll defend trump no matter what so
I don't watch fake news so have no idea who you are talking about. Apparently neither do you.
Clinton trafficked in govt secrets......What exactly is Flynn accused besides discussing future relations between the countries
This is just one of what will be many scandals

Drip drip drip

They laughed when I said this yesterday, when Michael Flynn still had a job as National Security advisor. I think i'll change it to Next next next. The revolving doors have only just begun.
Already 3 guys have had to resign because of their Russian ties.

Any doubt Russia helped trump win? Sad
What three guys and how did Russia help? They revealed how corrupt the Dems are?
They just said who the three guys are on ABC. Trust me, 3 trump men SO FAR have been forced to resign because of ties to Russia.

What are their names? Who knows. Trumps only been in office 3 weeks. Impossible to know alll the guys he has appointed.

We know you'll defend trump no matter what so
I don't watch fake news so have no idea who you are talking about. Apparently neither do you.
You label all bad news fake and when proven you fall back to no big deal
Clinton trafficked in govt secrets......What exactly is Flynn accused besides discussing future relations between the countries
Trump only hires the best people ....Clinton was never colluding with the Russians ...
What did Trump know and when did he know it ....FlynnGate

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