Outer Range

Watched Eps 8... we really want to like this show, thus... watched 8 episodes.
But the problem with this show, is instead of answering questions of earlier episodes... it just makes more questions.
I can't help but to think that this is all building up to the "big reveal" - and it will be stupid.

Brolin's character - Royal - is acting and doing things that he wouldn't do.
He has been a super careful/secretive person... and now he is an emotional man, bawling his eyes out in public and having shootouts in the middle of town trying to murder two people??... for some yet unexplained reason.
Watched Eps 8... we really want to like this show, thus... watched 8 episodes.
But the problem with this show, is instead of answering questions of earlier episodes... it just makes more questions.
I can't help but to think that this is all building up to the "big reveal" - and it will be stupid.

Brolin's character - Royal - is acting and doing things that he wouldn't do.
He has been a super careful/secretive person... and now he is an emotional man, bawling his eyes out in public and having shootouts in the middle of town trying to murder two people??... for some yet unexplained reason.
Creating more questions with each epoxide and revealing few answers has been a successful formula for many years. Remember the X-Files which promised all would be revealed over and over and audiences just ate it up for 11 seasons.
Creating more questions with each epoxide and revealing few answers has been a successful formula for many years. Remember the X-Files which promised all would be revealed over and over and audiences just ate it up for 11 seasons.
I think it depends.
Obviously, yes, they have to introduce new problems and questions... but it is sort of like a "moving window".. as you introduce new scenarios, you provide closure to older ones.
You may very well leave core unsolved questions, but the only question they have answered is the girl is the granddaughter from the future.
"Cowboys and Aliens" with Bond star Daniel Craig was mildly entertaining. I expect that this is more of the same crap.
Nothing was resolved at the end of series.

The granddaughter gets connected with her mother at the rodeo and disappears and then shows up years later hating her grandfather? And she has a wealthy enough trust to buy the ranch?

Nothing in the last episode made sense.
Nothing was resolved at the end of series.

The granddaughter gets connected with her mother at the rodeo and disappears and then shows up years later hating her grandfather? And she has a wealthy enough trust to buy the ranch?

Nothing in the last episode made sense.
I doubt we watch the next season, maybe the first episode... maybe,
One of my pet peeves is when characters are built, you get to know these characters... and then they have them go off the rails and do things you know they wouldn't do. I hate that.

One the hand - a great series - Breaking Bad.
Who Walter was at the very beginning, and who he became by the end was two very different people. But it was a gradual change, well written and the things he went through made sense as to the changes he showed.
Royal in this series... the last episode he has completely became someone else - overnight. Same with his wife. WTF was she doing with them bears???
It is too far out with no narrative or reference to make any sense of it.
Watched Eps 8... we really want to like this show, thus... watched 8 episodes.
But the problem with this show, is instead of answering questions of earlier episodes... it just makes more questions.
I can't help but to think that this is all building up to the "big reveal" - and it will be stupid.

Brolin's character - Royal - is acting and doing things that he wouldn't do.
He has been a super careful/secretive person... and now he is an emotional man, bawling his eyes out in public and having shootouts in the middle of town trying to murder two people??... for some yet unexplained reason.
It also seems Royal grew up in the late 1800s as a boy and accidentally killed his father.
Decided to disappear in the hole he found and ended up in the future hiding from his past.

I am still perplexed with when he traveled forward after getting pushed in when it seemed the whole town, military and a countdown clock at zero, as if they were expecting him then just open up on him after his wife said he already died, then told him to run.

I think Royal has been screwing up events for awhile.

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