Outgoing GOP NC Gov won't concede

N.C. Gov. McCrory cries voter fraud amid calls to concede

Pretty much what we could've expected if Trump had lost. Crybaby, diaper-rash republicans, whose hypocritical demand that Dems "respect the process" is rebutted by their own statements before and after the election.
No crying. Cold facts. Despite the usual Democrat fraud, McCrory was well ahead when the polls were closed, votes counted and the Election Board was all set to call him the winner. A phone call from Durham notified Raleigh election board they still had 90,000 votes to count. "Glitches" had forced 9 Durham precints to switch to paper votes. Then they ran out of supplies which delayed the vote counting. Was anyone surprised that the Democreeps came up with enough votes from Durham to clinch the election? Nah, bidness as usual. One day we'll stick a voter ID into a voting machine just like everyone who uses a credit or debit card. One man, one vote. Or should it be "One live man, one vote?"
N.C. Gov. McCrory cries voter fraud amid calls to concede

Pretty much what we could've expected if Trump had lost. Crybaby, diaper-rash republicans, whose hypocritical demand that Dems "respect the process" is rebutted by their own statements before and after the election.
No crying. Cold facts. Despite the usual Democrat fraud, McCrory was well ahead when the polls were closed, votes counted and the Election Board was all set to call him the winner. A phone call from Durham notified Raleigh election board they still had 90,000 votes to count. "Glitches" had forced 9 Durham precints to switch to paper votes. Then they ran out of supplies which delayed the vote counting. Was anyone surprised that the Democreeps came up with enough votes from Durham to clinch the election? Nah, bidness as usual. One day we'll stick a voter ID into a voting machine just like everyone who uses a credit or debit card. One man, one vote. Or should it be "One live man, one vote?"

LMAO, you don't get irony, do you?
cooper won get over it.....won by thousands of votes....he doesnt have to win by the majority mccrory wants only by a majority....they are trying to steal the gov and then want to stack the courts cause the black guy won.....funny republicans voted for him cause he was listed first and only republicans were listed first according to them.....sad when people are too lazy to research the issues and the candidates....etc and so forth
cooper won get over it.....won by thousands of votes....he doesnt have to win by the majority mccrory wants only by a majority....they are trying to steal the gov and then want to stack the courts cause the black guy won.....funny republicans voted for him cause he was listed first and only republicans were listed first according to them.....sad when people are too lazy to research the issues and the candidates....etc and so forth
McCrory was a good mayor for Charlotte and a good governor for NC. The thing that beat him was was a God-hating gaggle of faggots.
he was a good mayor and that got him elected as gov where the peter principle kicked in....and he played to a bunch of cronies....then made a issue of a non issue....and cost the state millions in actual money....our education system has gone from one of the top in the nation to one of the bottom...the list just goes on and on....he was on tv addressing the fires and concerned about the cost....yet he moved money from emergency funds to fight about the hb2
he was a good mayor and that got him elected as gov where the peter principle kicked in....and he played to a bunch of cronies....then made a issue of a non issue....and cost the state millions in actual money....our education system has gone from one of the top in the nation to one of the bottom...the list just goes on and on....he was on tv addressing the fires and concerned about the cost....yet he moved money from emergency funds to fight about the hb2
Politics is what it is.
i am not talking politics i am talking his policies.....ie refusing federal extension for unemployment benefits...cost to the state...zero....lost revenue due to people not getting those benefits and not having that income...millions....i am sick of being an experiment for gop handlers....and movers..and that is what they have done in nc
North Carolina Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, champion of the country’s most notorious anti-LGBTQ law, lost his bid for re-election on Nov. 8—at last count, by 7,448 votes. Yet nearly two weeks later, McCrory still refuses to concede. Instead, he and his legal team are baselessly alleging that the results were tainted by fraud, petitioning election boards to review the results and determine their validity. McCrory is not so obtuse as to think he can actually overtake his opponent, Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper, in raw votes. His strategy is more insidious: He seems intent on delaying the formal declaration of a winner—and delegitimizing the voting process—in order to let the Republican-dominated legislature ignore the true result and re-install McCrory as governor for another four years.

Typical cry baby teabaggers.
Despite the utter lack of evidence to support allegations of fraud, McCrory’s team has launched a misinformation campaign to cast a pall of suspicion over the results. His campaign spokesman asked, “Why is Roy Cooper fighting to count the votes of dead people and felons?” McCrory’s close ally and current state budget director, Andrew T. Heath, also tweeted that Durham County has 231,000 residents over the age of 18 but 232,000 registered voters, implying fraud. (In reality, Durham’s 2015 voting-age population was about 235,600, and the county has only 193,659 active registered voters; its Republican-controlled election board already unanimously rejected a complaint alleging malfeasance.) Now McCrory’s lawyers are targeting black American voter outreach groups for purportedly violating minor procedural rules while helping voters fill out absentee ballots. The governor has falsely accused these groups of conducting a “massive voter fraud scheme.”

And facts do not register with teabaggers.
refusing to expand medicare....causing an insurance gap for the working poor...
Maybe the Peter Principle has hampered him some but he is a good man. I've met him a few times about veterans issues. I know Sue Myrick to and I always thought she should have run for Governor instead of the House. Alas, breast cancer caught up with her.
North Carolina Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, champion of the country’s most notorious anti-LGBTQ law, lost his bid for re-election on Nov. 8—at last count, by 7,448 votes. Yet nearly two weeks later, McCrory still refuses to concede. Instead, he and his legal team are baselessly alleging that the results were tainted by fraud, petitioning election boards to review the results and determine their validity. McCrory is not so obtuse as to think he can actually overtake his opponent, Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper, in raw votes. His strategy is more insidious: He seems intent on delaying the formal declaration of a winner—and delegitimizing the voting process—in order to let the Republican-dominated legislature ignore the true result and re-install McCrory as governor for another four years.

Typical cry baby teabaggers.
Despite the utter lack of evidence to support allegations of fraud, McCrory’s team has launched a misinformation campaign to cast a pall of suspicion over the results. His campaign spokesman asked, “Why is Roy Cooper fighting to count the votes of dead people and felons?” McCrory’s close ally and current state budget director, Andrew T. Heath, also tweeted that Durham County has 231,000 residents over the age of 18 but 232,000 registered voters, implying fraud. (In reality, Durham’s 2015 voting-age population was about 235,600, and the county has only 193,659 active registered voters; its Republican-controlled election board already unanimously rejected a complaint alleging malfeasance.) Now McCrory’s lawyers are targeting black American voter outreach groups for purportedly violating minor procedural rules while helping voters fill out absentee ballots. The governor has falsely accused these groups of conducting a “massive voter fraud scheme.”

And facts do not register with teabaggers.
oh he will be leaving shortly, voluntarily or not
refusing to expand medicare....causing an insurance gap for the working poor...

You do realize that the state ends up footing the extra MEDICAID bills don't you? Medicare was not expanded under Obamacare.

Medicaid expansion is to cover people under the age of 65 with incomes at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty level. Even with the federal government paying for a significant portion of the cost of coverage for the newly eligible—100 percent in 2014 through 2016, decreasing to 97 percent in 2017 and eventually 90 percent in 2020 and thereafter—fiscal uncertainties remain.
if we can afford to fund the defense for hb2...we can afford medical care.....seems we pay for it for politicians they are not using private insurance...their insurance is funded by taxpayers at the federal level...not sure about the state

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