Outgoing GOP NC Gov won't concede

N.C. Gov. McCrory cries voter fraud amid calls to concede

Pretty much what we could've expected if Trump had lost. Crybaby, diaper-rash republicans, whose hypocritical demand that Dems "respect the process" is rebutted by their own statements before and after the election.
Who is it that is demanding a recount in WI, MI and PA?

The people who discovered that Trump's allies rigged the election. lol
How would trump rig the election in MI, WI and PA? They're all Democrat states.
Voter fraud doesn't exist. Never has. Its like the bogeyman. Believers are inferiors.
He made a mess in the state.....he lost. He has nothing to stand on. He's worse than gore. Sore loser. Got his butt handed to him.
N.C. Gov. McCrory cries voter fraud amid calls to concede

Pretty much what we could've expected if Trump had lost. Crybaby, diaper-rash republicans, whose hypocritical demand that Dems "respect the process" is rebutted by their own statements before and after the election.
Who is it that is demanding a recount in WI, MI and PA?

Stein who is making false accusations with no proof or evidence. She is doing the bidding for Clinton.
N.C. Gov. McCrory cries voter fraud amid calls to concede

Pretty much what we could've expected if Trump had lost. Crybaby, diaper-rash republicans, whose hypocritical demand that Dems "respect the process" is rebutted by their own statements before and after the election.
Who is it that is demanding a recount in WI, MI and PA?

The people who discovered that Trump's allies rigged the election. lol

Any proof? No but that makes no difference.
N.C. Gov. McCrory cries voter fraud amid calls to concede

Pretty much what we could've expected if Trump had lost. Crybaby, diaper-rash republicans, whose hypocritical demand that Dems "respect the process" is rebutted by their own statements before and after the election.
Who is it that is demanding a recount in WI, MI and PA?

The people who discovered that Trump's allies rigged the election. lol
How would trump rig the election in MI, WI and PA? They're all Democrat states.

There isn't any compelling evidence of fraud in the Commonwealth of PA; however, we are not exactly a solid Democratic state. Most of the congressional representatives are from the GOP. They've also pretty much dominated the state house since 2000 and they also control the high court. The Governor flips from time to time, though.
This coming from the same left who demanded Trump accept the election results when they were certian Hillary was going to win is very funny. Should McCrory give it up yes he should just as Democrats you know who you are should give up this Hillary is winning the popular vote and calls for recounts in some states garbage the election is over it's time for the losers on both sides to accept there defeat and move on.
by the left you mean the gop controlled leaders? the law says once you have a 10 k margin the recount is not mandatory.....that is the left not the left but good try
by the left you mean the gop controlled leaders? the law says once you have a 10 k margin the recount is not mandatory.....that is the left not the left but good try

See a far left drone swoops in and proves my comments!

Three counties (all far left) did not want to participate in the state recount as by law..

The recount is still on going, so why concede?

Silly far left drones!

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