Outgoing GOP NC Gov won't concede

the saddest thing i heard said about mccrory....a friend of his father's comment that he was glad mccrory father had not lived to see what a pos his son had become....
It might come down to using this on him and his wife to extract them out of the governors mansion

if we can afford to fund the defense for hb2...we can afford medical care.....seems we pay for it for politicians they are not using private insurance...their insurance is funded by taxpayers at the federal level...not sure about the state

You do realize that a sovereign state is obligated to defend it's laws in court don't you? The people filing the suits are responsible for draining the state coffers, not the state.
no idiots defending stupid shit are responsible for draining the state coffers...and the people have spoken....mccrory needs to go and will go
no idiots defending stupid shit are responsible for draining the state coffers...and the people have spoken....mccrory needs to go and will go

Well, Bones you outted yourself on that one. The points you floated were just noise. All you care about is the law itself. Tranny freaks can do whatever they want and the rest of society be damned. That is effectively your position.
McCrory is holding out on a slender reed. Claiming voter fraud, but presenting no evidence of it, he knows a contested election would throw it into the lap of the state legislature dominated by....Republicans.
McCrory is holding out on a slender reed. Claiming voter fraud, but presenting no evidence of it, he knows a contested election would throw it into the lap of the state legislature dominated by....Republicans.

Dominated by those chosen by the voters. Don't forget that inconvenient fact.
all i care about is the law itself.....well excuse the fuck outta me.....i do not like when the government passes laws that are not needed.. local (charlotte) or state (mccrory and his over re action)

and you have shown yourself as a person needing laws to effect all aspects of their lives...evening taking a piss...or shit....

tell me again..who is out there molesting kids..tranny freaks or christian pastors...i am willing to bet i can come up with more on the latter than you can on the former...

PSA: These 24 Pastors Were All Arrested for Sex Crimes Against Children and the Disabled In One Month! (Images)

NC pastor accused of child sex crimes worked at Union Co. schools

Church More Dangerous For Kids Than Transgender Bathrooms

now why dont you make some 'noise'
you see links proving facts as a meltdown....good to know that..

The links were the only rational and controlled part of your post.

This is what I'm referring to:

"all i care about is the law itself.....well excuse the fuck outta me.....i do not like when the government passes laws that are not needed.. local (charlotte) or state (mccrory and his over re action)

and you have shown yourself as a person needing laws to effect all aspects of their lives...evening taking a piss...or shit...."

The prosecution rests...
it is truly astounding what the gop has attempted in nc.....gerry mandering.. voter suppression..and now a governor who refuses to accept a clear election and is accusing his own appointed gop elections officials of fraud,,,,,

Just another Republican Whiner...
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North Carolina Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, champion of the country’s most notorious anti-LGBTQ law, lost his bid for re-election on Nov. 8—at last count, by 7,448 votes. Yet nearly two weeks later, McCrory still refuses to concede. Instead, he and his legal team are baselessly alleging that the results were tainted by fraud, petitioning election boards to review the results and determine their validity. McCrory is not so obtuse as to think he can actually overtake his opponent, Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper, in raw votes. His strategy is more insidious: He seems intent on delaying the formal declaration of a winner—and delegitimizing the voting process—in order to let the Republican-dominated legislature ignore the true result and re-install McCrory as governor for another four years.

Typical cry baby teabaggers.
Despite the utter lack of evidence to support allegations of fraud, McCrory’s team has launched a misinformation campaign to cast a pall of suspicion over the results. His campaign spokesman asked, “Why is Roy Cooper fighting to count the votes of dead people and felons?” McCrory’s close ally and current state budget director, Andrew T. Heath, also tweeted that Durham County has 231,000 residents over the age of 18 but 232,000 registered voters, implying fraud. (In reality, Durham’s 2015 voting-age population was about 235,600, and the county has only 193,659 active registered voters; its Republican-controlled election board already unanimously rejected a complaint alleging malfeasance.) Now McCrory’s lawyers are targeting black American voter outreach groups for purportedly violating minor procedural rules while helping voters fill out absentee ballots. The governor has falsely accused these groups of conducting a “massive voter fraud scheme.”

And facts do not register with teabaggers.
oh he will be leaving shortly, voluntarily or not
You going to kill him?

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