Outrage After Local High School Recites Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic

Outrage After Local High School Recites Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic
Every day I'm reminded how f#cked up my country is. Hundreds of millions of people speak some dialect of Arabic. If I'm not mistaken all Muslim prayer is in Arabic. It's an important foreign language. Get over it.
We have so a huge bulk of muslims. Let's learn Arabic.
We have many Mexican immigrants. So let's learn Spanish...
Are you kidding me??? The "official" language here in MY country is English! Our forefathers spoke English, and that and God moulded the foundation of this country. All peoples who immigrated here from everywhere else figured out how to speak the language and get along in this society established here. So should any others do the same. When in Rome, do as the Romans. That means, fit in. That doesn't mean try and make the culture fit you. That's the lazy egotistical approach. It enrages me that I can no longer make a simple phone call without having to sit through a Spanish translation. I bought a freaking new mattress pad the other day, here in America, and on the label below the title was a repeat in Spanish. The item was most likely made in China. If they can get it right in China why can't Mexicans, the majority of which are here illegally, do the same. In case you aren't aware, English has become the worldwide language. Other nations actually teach it in their schools, everywhere. That's what happens when you've managed to become the leader on the planet. It's only logical!
So tell us, what is your first language? I ask this because it obviously isn't English.

Actually, it's pretty decent English. It's a shame you don't recognize it.

Every anthem should be in English because that is the language of global business. Only bigots would object to this.

A pledge to fetishize a piece of colored cloth isn't an "anthem".

It is kinda weird though.

When I was a wee sprout in Catholic school they made us memorize prayers and incantations in Latin.
As well as in old English with words never ever used in everyday life. In both cases we had no idea what we were saying but murmured the words under pain of torture.

That worked out real well.


Oh, they made us murmer the Pledge to a Piece of Cloth too. At that age we didn't understand "indivisible". Half of us were prolly saying "invisible".

We thought we understood "justice". Until we grew up.

My first thought was "If there was a bunch of Schleps saying the pledge, nobody could understand them anyway, what diff does it make?"
"Outrage After Local High School Recites Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic"

“Dear pine bush Glad to know who woke up on the terrorist side of the bed this morning This is america, speak American”

Sounds just like one of our own USMB rightwing nitwits.
Outrage After Local High School Recites Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic
Every day I'm reminded how f#cked up my country is. Hundreds of millions of people speak some dialect of Arabic. If I'm not mistaken all Muslim prayer is in Arabic. It's an important foreign language. Get over it.
We have so a huge bulk of muslims. Let's learn Arabic.
We have many Mexican immigrants. So let's learn Spanish...
Are you kidding me??? The "official" language here in MY country is English! Our forefathers spoke English, and that and God moulded the foundation of this country. All peoples who immigrated here from everywhere else figured out how to speak the language and get along in this society established here. So should any others do the same. When in Rome, do as the Romans. That means, fit in. That doesn't mean try and make the culture fit you. That's the lazy egotistical approach. It enrages me that I can no longer make a simple phone call without having to sit through a Spanish translation. I bought a freaking new mattress pad the other day, here in America, and on the label below the title was a repeat in Spanish. The item was most likely made in China. If they can get it right in China why can't Mexicans, the majority of which are here illegally, do the same. In case you aren't aware, English has become the worldwide language. Other nations actually teach it in their schools, everywhere. That's what happens when you've managed to become the leader on the planet. It's only logical!
So tell us, what is your first language? I ask this because it obviously isn't English.

LOL. I always find it ironic when people who say "Speak English" usually can't speak it well or write it well.

Racists fuming about nothing. Who cares? There is no requirement to say the pledge of allegiance in a certain language.

Progress may be confusing to bigots like you. But humanity needs to overcome imaginary gods and fake lines on maps if we are ever to progress.

If you need to take to imaginary sky fairies and pledge to a peace of cloth to make yourself fell good, that shows a lack of intellect and severe brainwashing. Smh
Every anthem should be in English because that is the language of global business. Only bigots would object to this.
Only idiots would agree with this post.
Coming from someone that fetishes a backward document written by slave owning non people of color, I wouldn't expect you to understand the need for deconstructing oppressive social constructs like "national languages".
Hurry, January 20, 2017.

Why? Does the Pledge to a Piece of Cloth expire then?
No, but Liberal ascendancy over the country ends on that day.

And... by the look of it... not a moment too soon.

Hate to be the bearer of late-breaking news but Liberal ascendancy has prevailed over this country since 1776.
And long may it wave. :salute:

However the point was, what's it got to do with a thread about the Pledge to Cloth said in Arabic?

Progress may be confusing to bigots like you. But humanity needs to overcome imaginary gods and fake lines on maps if we are ever to progress.

If you need to take to imaginary sky fairies and pledge to a peace of cloth to make yourself fell good, that shows a lack of intellect and severe brainwashing. Smh
I disagree. Studies have shown that belief in a higher power is comforting for people and produces the chemicals that keep us mentally healthy. We are capable of progressing despite believing in sky fairies as long as we combine that with science like my ancestors did.
I don't see anything wrong with our pledge being recited in another language. Would you rather it be another country's pledge that was being recited should they have one? No.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

From the article and typical left loon, AFTER the outrage they figure out that wasn't such a brilliant idea.

We sincerely apologize for having the Pledge of Allegiance recited this morning in the High School in a language other than English.

To honor National Foreign Language week and in an effort to celebrate the many races, cultures and religions that make up this great country and our school district, the foreign language department planned to read the Pledge of Allegiance and morning announcements in different languages this week. The intention was to promote the fact that those who speak a language other than English still pledge to salute this great country.

We sincerely apologize to any students, staff or community members who found this activity offensive. In our school District the Pledge of Allegiance will only be recited in English, as recommended by the Commissioner of Education.

Read More: Outrage After Local High School Recites Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic | Outrage After Local High School Recites Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic
sad day when a school apologizes for educating students
I don't see anything wrong with our pledge being recited in another language. Would you rather it be another country's pledge that was being recited should they have one? No.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Interesting concept: "another country's pledge".
Interesting because here is a complete list of all the other countries with a Pledge of Allegiance:

1. The Phillipines

(end of list)​

It's not a normal thing for a country to have, this oath of fetishism, but for what it's worth Wiki says, "The law makes no statement of what language the pledge must be recited in, but the pledge is written (and therefore recited) in Filipino."
-- so apparently it could, if desired, be read/recited in English or Spanish.

Inasmuch as the Phillipines was a US colony, it's interesting to read its construction:
I am a Filipino
I pledge my allegiance
To the flag of the Philippines
And to the country it represents
With honor, justice and freedom
Put in motion by one Nation
For God
for the People,
for Nature and
for the Country.

-- So they too, are pledging to a piece of cloth first and a country second.

Don't know if you could call that "Phetishism" but it seems to me somebody owes Francis Bellamy some royalty checks.
Interesting concept: "another country's pledge".
Interesting because here is a complete list of all the other countries with a Pledge of Allegiance:

1. The Phillipines

(end of list)​

It's not a normal thing for a country to have, this oath of fetishism, but for what it's worth Wiki says, "The law makes no statement of what language the pledge must be recited in, but the pledge is written (and therefore recited) in Filipino."
-- so apparently it could, if desired, be read/recited in English or Spanish.

Inasmuch as the Phillipines was a US colony, it's interesting to read its construction:
I am a Filipino
I pledge my allegiance
To the flag of the Philippines
And to the country it represents
With honor, justice and freedom
Put in motion by one Nation
For God
for the People,
for Nature and
for the Country.

-- So they too, are pledging to a piece of cloth first and a country second.

Don't know if you could call that "Phetishism" but it seems to me somebody owes Francis Bellamy some royalty checks.
They have 4 popular languages in the Phillipines. Don't understand why you compare the US with the Phillipines.
Interesting concept: "another country's pledge".
Interesting because here is a complete list of all the other countries with a Pledge of Allegiance:

1. The Phillipines

(end of list)​

It's not a normal thing for a country to have, this oath of fetishism, but for what it's worth Wiki says, "The law makes no statement of what language the pledge must be recited in, but the pledge is written (and therefore recited) in Filipino."
-- so apparently it could, if desired, be read/recited in English or Spanish.

Inasmuch as the Phillipines was a US colony, it's interesting to read its construction:
I am a Filipino
I pledge my allegiance
To the flag of the Philippines
And to the country it represents
With honor, justice and freedom
Put in motion by one Nation
For God
for the People,
for Nature and
for the Country.

-- So they too, are pledging to a piece of cloth first and a country second.

Don't know if you could call that "Phetishism" but it seems to me somebody owes Francis Bellamy some royalty checks.
They have 4 popular languages in the Phillipines. Don't understand why you compare the US with the Phillipines.

I wasn't "comparing" us. Just noting that the only country on planet Earth that has this oath to a piece of cloth, besides us, is The Philippines. Our former colony. And note the similarity of the texts.

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