The pledge of allegiance was written in English and should always be repeated in English. %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.

What language was the Bible written in? Oops

Well at least three. All three of those cultures are now extinct.

So yes....that is exactly the point. Ahem....oops.

Jo %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.

What language was the Bible written in? Oops

You don't even know

^ silly goyim %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.

What language was the Bible written in? Oops

You don't even know

^ silly goyim

^ retard

. %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.

Get rid of the goddamn thing. No other country does this--and no, we didn't come up with it because we're the most enlightened people on earth. We did it because we're the most tinfoil hat nutters that ever lived. It was created SPECIFICALLY as anti-immigrant propaganda and if all it's going to do is create one more thing to quibble over, ditch it.
A pledge should be voluntary and only said once in your lifetime

Saying it every day infers it only lasts a day

Children learn by repetition.
They are minors and cannot be held to a pledge

You never actually think about anything, do you. %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.

Get rid of the goddamn thing. No other country does this--and no, we didn't come up with it because we're the most enlightened people on earth. We did it because we're the most tinfoil hat nutters that ever lived. It was created SPECIFICALLY as anti-immigrant propaganda and if all it's going to do is create one more thing to quibble over, ditch it.
A pledge should be voluntary and only said once in your lifetime

Saying it every day infers it only lasts a day

Children learn by repetition.
They are minors and cannot be held to a pledge

You never actually think about anything, do you.
I realize it has no real meaning unless you are old enough to know what you are saying

Same goes for reciting a pledge in a language you don’t understand %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.


The thread premise is a perfect example of the authoritarian right, and the fear, bigotry, and hate common to most conservatives. %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.


Or more likely it's a way to help teach another language to students.

Just because you don't like other languages doesn't mean that no one can talk in another language. %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.


One can be thoroughly American and speak a language different than English. And its the ideals of the Pledge that matter. Which can also be communicated and expressed in any language.
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty and justice says you can speak the language you want
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty and justice says you can speak the language you want

Indeed, but it doesn't that I am obligated to respond to you in it, which is going to slow you down substantially.
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Liberty and justice says you can speak the language you want

Institutionalizung it that way is a mistake.
It's the frog and pot payable.

Jo %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.


You have WAY too much time on your hands, JO. %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.

Lol, could you get more xenophobic?
We know! You open borders guys pledge you allegiance to Mexico!
Your statement makes no sense. Please try again. %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.

Lol, could you get more xenophobic?

I hear you.... And I am multilingual myself and a fan of languages. But there is more here than simply language.

I wouldn't go so far as to call myself multilingual but I can ask for a beer and a bathroom in any place I've spent a significant amount of time.
Getting all patriotic and judgemental about ordinary citizens taking or not taking the pledge is a joke considering that we have congress critters that take these patriotic oaths on day one and kickbacks and bribes from contractors and corporations on day two. Aaand....they made this legal. %1$s&ampshare=

What's this? There is a movement afoot to recite the pledge of allegiance and several different languages now? Need we be reminded that language is the precursor of culture and that culture is the precursor of demographics?

On the face of it it seems innocent but if you look underneath the surface it's one more excuse not to have to learn English when you arrive here to become an American.

Bad idea.

You sound like a muslim...they are always insistent that their holy book only be recited in Arabic.

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