Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?

Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?

Typical bleating from the muzzie sheep.

The Pali's are saying death to all Jews.
So, death to all Pali's.

They set the rules.

I will use them.

Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?
Why would you care what this woman said?
Typical bleating from the muzzie sheep.

The Pali's are saying death to all Jews.
So, death to all Pali's.

They set the rules.

I will use them.

That is a total lie.
Moslems in general have always been on good terms with Jews.
Palestinian invited them in during the 1920s, to improve the economy.
NEVER has any Moslem ever expressed any desire to harm Jews over religion.

All the violence was started and caused by the Zionists.
Like the Bombing of the King David hotel to get the British peace keepers to leave.
Gunning down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, so the UN could not protect the Arabs.
Then massacring dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Musta missed Timmy's pissy pants threads on the "Squad" members comments about Israel.

The "squad" never suggested harming anyone, but just ending the fascist corruption of the government of Israel.
The Palestinians are the only natives, and they also legally own all the properties.
So Israel is not only illegal, but is squatting on properties they never purchased.
That is a total lie.
Moslems in general have always been on good terms with Jews.
Palestinian invited them in during the 1920s, to improve the economy.
NEVER has any Moslem ever expressed any desire to harm Jews over religion.

All the violence was started and caused by the Zionists.
Like the Bombing of the King David hotel to get the British peace keepers to leave.
Gunning down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, so the UN could not protect the Arabs.
Then massacring dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.

The Jews predate the pali's by thousands of years you ignorant baboon. They have been there continuously for over 4000 years. The pali's arrived 200 years ago.
"All of them" was the wrong answer. "As many as necessary to completely delete Hamas" would've been better.

Hamas are the good guys.
Israel had 80 years to stop murdering and stealing, but they never did.
So now there is no other choice.
Israel has to be defeated.
Jews are not the natives, and purchases essentially none of the properties.
The properties are almost all historic homes of native Arabs.
Why would you care what this woman said?

Two reasons.
One is that she is a member of government, so has both the media access and credibility where she can influence others.
Second is that clearly we have an dangerous criminal element within our own society, that has to be rooted out.
Two reasons.
One is that she is a member of government, so has both the media access and credibility where she can influence others.
Second is that clearly we have an dangerous criminal element within our own society, that has to be rooted out.

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