Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
Why do you Leftists lie? He didn't "drag" her anywhere, he put her on the floor to arrest her and did so quickly as he was trained to do because she was resisting arrest and assaulting him.

Stop lying, Leftists![/QUOTE]

I agree he didn't drag her. He tossed her. He actually had to walk over to where he tossed her. Doesn't really matter though. His actions were deemed corrupt by his employers so he's fired.
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Sheriff to Announce South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields to Be Fired: Sources

Do any of you still believe he acted appropriately?

What am I thinking? Of course you do.
Que the outrage over the department being forced to do this.

He won't be a cop anymore, but she will still be a little disrespectful, disobedient, disruptive brat...and mummy and daddy are going to make money off their child's 'special talents' instead of correcting her behavior.

He will be a cop. He did nothing wrong and this "investigation" is nothing more than perfunctory.

Keep thinking that. He received no support from his dept. at all. They obviously don't share your assessment.
Just heard that. Hope they fire his ass.

That girl just won her family about a million in a civil law suit.

Good for the kids who whipped out their cell phones after Niya Kenny told them to when that asshole walked through the door.

They knew what the Gorilla was about to do...they gave him the nickname "Officer Slam" I seriously would like to see a very large man grab that nut case and give him a whipping.....the family should seek punitive damages because the District knew or should have known they had a dangerous person in the school...

The cop also arrested Niya Kenny, the girl in the classroom who stood up and told him to stop. She wasn't interviewed on Fox Noise so these idiots don't know anything about her. She said last night that Fields was nicknamed "Officer Slam".

Student Arrested Says She Was Standing Up for Classmate
Student Arrested Says She Was Standing Up for Classmate

Columbia, SC (WLTX) - Niya Kenny, 18, is speaking out after she was taken into custody in her Spring Valley High School math class. She says she was standing up for her classmate who was being arrested by Student Resource Officer Ben Fields.

"I was crying, screaming and crying like a baby," says Kenny. "I was in disbelief."

Related Coverage:Video Surfaces of Incident at Spring Valley High School

"I know this girl don't got nobody and I couldn't believe this was happening," Kenny explained. "I had never seen nothing like that in my life, a man use that much force on a little girl. A big man, like 300 pounds of full muscle. I was like 'no way, no way.' You can't do nothing like that to a little girl. I'm talking about she's like 5'6"."
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
"White kids tend to get viewed as having ADHD, or having some sort of behavioral problem. Black kids are viewed as being unruly and unwilling to learn."

Right! Show them a news story and they'll be like "Those thugs with no respect or home training"

Then reveal their white: "Well we have to discuss the state of mental health in this country"
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The attorney for a teen who was flipped backward out of her desk and tossed across a classroom says his client did suffer several injuries during her arrest.

Columbia attorney Todd Rutherford told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields should have been fired as soon as Sheriff Leon Lott saw the video recorded by several students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia.

"She now has a cast on her arm, she has neck and back injuries. She has a Band-Aid on her forehead where she suffered rug burn on her forehead," Rutherford told the network.

Lott had said Tuesday that the girl was uninjured in the confrontation but "may have had a rug burn."


Well yes... suffering injury is what one should reasonably expect when you tell a 250 lb man with 18" biceps to shove it.

RULE: Never tell a man who is 5 times your size to shove it.

Consequences for violating the rule: Potentially severe injuries.

That is how it works and the attempt to alter 'how it works', will only make the situation worse, inevitably causing greater injury.

Now would you like to see what happens to kids who think that THEY are the center of the universe and that they should bear no respect for cops?

Allow a brief demonstration, go to 4:10 to see the relevant penalty for early withdrawal of respect for lawful authority:

Just shut up. It's embarrassing that you support a police state. You and Jake Starkey are so far up a Brownshirt's ass you might as well start peeing through your bellybuttons.


Buddy... Let me be clear. THAT KID was injuring the rights of everyone in that classroom. She does NOT have a right to use her phone in class. She does not have a right to interrupt the class. She does not have a right to refuse to obey the teacher's reprimand. She does not have a right to refuse to leave the class. She does not have a right to refuse to obey the lawful instructions of a duly appointed law enforcement officer.

By failing to bear the responsibilities intrinsic in sustaining her right to not be tossed like a salad... she forfeited her right to not be tossed like a salad and was, therein... tossed. Where one forfeits their rights to not be tossed... one should expect, at the minimum... some form of personal injury to herself.

Had that kid done that in my class. She would have met with one Principle Hall. Hall would have grabbed her by the hair and drug her and her desk out into the hall... where he would have removed her from that desk, removed the rope he routinely carried in his back pocket... which he would have used to hog tie her... and from which she would have dangled all the way back to his office. She would then spent the rest of the day tied up in the corner of his office, until such time as she was responding with due respect, at which point she would have been given the choice of the paddle... where the rope requirement brought 12 whacks. OR... she would be EXPELLED from school.

She likely would have taken the whacks and she would have returned to class the next day... and been a model of cooperation for the foreseeable future.

Ask me how I know... .

Now do you think that some parents did not get all pissy with Principle Hall? Sure they did.

And each and everyone was given the option of "Shutting the Fuck Up and stop ruining their child" whereupon their child was welcome to stay in that school... or "Getting the Fuck out of his Office and take their kid with 'em. As they were no longer welcome at the school".

Now, just as an FYI... one of the kids whose Dad pulled him out, was killed in a bar fight in 1980, two years after our class graduated.

See how that works?
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Essentially, though, what we really are doing is Gitmo-izing the teenagers. We are telling them that they have no rights. They must obey or they can be taken out. They cannot act out like fucking teenagers do. Frankly, the saddest part of the video of the girl in South Carolina is that everyone in that room didn't get up and try to stop the cop (the one girl who protested was also arrested).

That means that they have internalized the oppression. That's their education in a nutshell.

The Rude Pundit: Cops in the Classroom: How Pathetic Are We?

It's hard to believe how docile they look. One kid just sits with his arms folded, and then the girl who was almost hit in the head with a flying chair leg, wasn't even watching. I'm not sure what that means. Presumably they see so much of this police hypermacho strutting shit that it becomes the wallpaper.
Just heard that. Hope they fire his ass.

That girl just won her family about a million in a civil law suit.

Good for the kids who whipped out their cell phones after Niya Kenny told them to when that asshole walked through the door.

They knew what the Gorilla was about to do...they gave him the nickname "Officer Slam" I seriously would like to see a very large man grab that nut case and give him a whipping.....the family should seek punitive damages because the District knew or should have known they had a dangerous person in the school...

The cop also arrested Niya Kenny, the girl in the classroom who stood up and told him to stop. She wasn't interviewed on Fox Noise so these idiots don't know anything about her. She said last night that Fields was nicknamed "Officer Slam".

Student Arrested Says She Was Standing Up for Classmate
Student Arrested Says She Was Standing Up for Classmate

Columbia, SC (WLTX) - Niya Kenny, 18, is speaking out after she was taken into custody in her Spring Valley High School math class. She says she was standing up for her classmate who was being arrested by Student Resource Officer Ben Fields.

"I was crying, screaming and crying like a baby," says Kenny. "I was in disbelief."

Related Coverage:Video Surfaces of Incident at Spring Valley High School

"I know this girl don't got nobody and I couldn't believe this was happening," Kenny explained. "I had never seen nothing like that in my life, a man use that much force on a little girl. A big man, like 300 pounds of full muscle. I was like 'no way, no way.' You can't do nothing like that to a little girl. I'm talking about she's like 5'6"."

She's an accomplice.....

Arrest her for creating a disturbance.
Proof that he takes steroids? Cop haters don't need proof for any of their accusations. Their cop hate is completely irrational.
After 8 separate Investigation of Benghazi you poltroons of crap are still proclaiming Hillary Clinton guilty of something or other ....

Proof ? how about dude gets drug screened for steroids...test his hair...

So you don't have proof, you're just an idiot that flings out accusations.
The child refused to obey the teacher then defied the officer.

End of story.

Passive disobedience doesn't not warrant getting beaten. You don't realize that you are confirming a police state, you little Hitler mini-me.

And disagreeing with someone doesn't justify your LYING. The girl was NEVER BEATEN. She was forcibly removed from a desk, flipping over and dragged to the front of the room where she was handcuffed. At NO time was the officer seen 'BEATING' the girl...but don't let FACTS stop your 'rant'....

OK, uni-brow. Look up assault and battery. Oh, let me do it for you since you don't read, either.

"""In most states, an assault/battery is committed when one person: 1) tries to or does physically strike another, or 2) acts in a threatening manner to put another in fear of immediate harm.

Many states declare that a more serious or "aggravated" assault/battery occurs when one: 1) tries to or does cause severe injury to another, or 2) causes injury through use of a deadly weapon. Assaults and batteries can also be pursued via civil (as opposed to criminal) laws. For information on personal injury ("tort") cases involving assault and battery, visit the Assault and Battery section of FindLaw's Accident & Injury Center.

- See more at: Assault and Battery Overview - FindLaw
Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.

Thank you... I have seen that many times and did not notice the leg chair hit just off the other kids head...six inches the other way and there may have been really serious injuries.
.Also notice how she seems to be looking down and covering her eyes with a hand ,unwilling perhaps to see what was happening to her fellow student....
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The attorney for a teen who was flipped backward out of her desk and tossed across a classroom says his client did suffer several injuries during her arrest.

Columbia attorney Todd Rutherford told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields should have been fired as soon as Sheriff Leon Lott saw the video recorded by several students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia.

"She now has a cast on her arm, she has neck and back injuries. She has a Band-Aid on her forehead where she suffered rug burn on her forehead," Rutherford told the network.

Lott had said Tuesday that the girl was uninjured in the confrontation but "may have had a rug burn."

So a rug burn escalates into other injuries?

Do as your told. No rug burns.
sure shit head ....

Good, glad we had this talk about 'civility' and how you took it to heart. :p

(I love how anonymity behind a computer makes people so much 'bigger' and 'nastier' than they would ever dare to be in person.)
There is no "we" between you and me...you are a wing nut I am not.....I am not into "civility" for folks cheering child abuse...

Right. It's the "wingnut" that insists on law and order. You're a fool.
"I know this girl don't got nobody and I couldn't believe this was happening," Kenny explained. "I had never seen nothing like that in my life... .

Well you've seen it now, honey... . So BE ADVISED... There's a new Sheriff in town and he isn't tolerating mouthy little bitches, because 'they aint got no one'.

Here's a clue, to 'gets someone', you should probably learn how to behave yourself... . So, not to worry, it works itself out.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The attorney for a teen who was flipped backward out of her desk and tossed across a classroom says his client did suffer several injuries during her arrest.

Columbia attorney Todd Rutherford told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields should have been fired as soon as Sheriff Leon Lott saw the video recorded by several students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia.

"She now has a cast on her arm, she has neck and back injuries. She has a Band-Aid on her forehead where she suffered rug burn on her forehead," Rutherford told the network.

Lott had said Tuesday that the girl was uninjured in the confrontation but "may have had a rug burn."


Well yes... suffering injury is what one should reasonably expect when you tell a 250 lb man with 18" biceps to shove it.

RULE: Never tell a man who is 5 times your size to shove it.

Consequences for violating the rule: Potentially severe injuries.

That is how it works and the attempt to alter 'how it works', will only make the situation worse, inevitably causing greater injury.

Now would you like to see what happens to kids who think that THEY are the center of the universe and that they should bear no respect for cops?

Allow a brief demonstration, go to 4:10 to see the relevant penalty for early withdrawal of respect for lawful authority:

Just shut up. It's embarrassing that you support a police state. You and Jake Starkey are so far up a Brownshirt's ass you might as well start peeing through your bellybuttons.


Buddy... Let me be clear. THAT KID was injuring the rights of everyone in that classroom. She does NOT have a right to use her phone in class. She does not have a right to interrupt the class. She does not have a right to refuse to obey the teacher's reprimand. She does not have a right to refuse to leave the class. She does not have a right to refuse to obey the lawful instructions of a duly appointed law enforcement officer.

By failing to bear the responsibilities intrinsic in sustaining her right to not be tossed like a salad... she forfeited her right to not be tossed like a salad and was, therein... tossed. Where one forfeits their rights to not be tossed... one should expect, at the minimum... some form of personal injury to herself.

Had that kid done that in my class. She would have met with one Principle Hall. Hall would have grabbed her by the hair and drug her and her desk out into the hall... where he would have removed her from that desk, removed the rope he routinely carried in his back pocket... which he would have used to hog tie her... and from which she would have dangled all the way back to his office. She would then spent the rest of the day tied up in the corner of his office, until such time as she was responding with due respect, at which point she would have been given the choice of the paddle... where the rope requirement brought 12 whacks. OR... she would be EXPELLED from school.

She likely would have taken the whacks and she would have returned to class the next day... and been a model of cooperation for the foreseeable future.

Ask me how I know... .

Now do you think that some parents did not get all pissy with Principle Hall? Sure they did.

And each and everyone was given the option of "Shutting the Fuck Up and stop ruining their child" whereupon their child was welcome to stay in that school... or "Getting the Fuck out of his Office and take their kid with 'em. As they were no longer welcome at the school".

Now, just as an FYI... one of the kids whose Dad pulled him out, was killed in a bar fight in 1980, two years after our class graduated.

See how that works?

I see pixelated methane.

This Fields goon also has three previous charges against him, similar charges. Look it up, goon.

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