Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

WHO throws a metal chair leg -- with a person still sitting in it -- across the room nearly impaling an innocent bystander in the face, fuckwit?


I don't know. I'm discussing the video in the OP. You must be discussing another one.
Sheriff: "...the maneuver he used is not what he was trained and not acceptable.....not proper procedure."

"...Officer Fields did wrong..."

"What she did does not justify what he did"


So all you neo-Nazis, sit down and STFU.
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One time a Policeman was walking around my car shining a flashlight inside so I got my flash light and started looking inside his car.... led to some tense moments....
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

WHO throws a metal chair leg -- with a person still sitting in it -- across the room nearly impaling an innocent bystander in the face, fuckwit?


I don't know. I'm discussing the video in the OP. You must be discussing another one.

Break an ocular sweat and LOOK UP, ya fucking moron. IT'S RIGHT HERE IN THE POST YOU RESPONDED TO.

Fucking DUH.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
Why do you Leftists lie? He didn't "drag" her anywhere, he put her on the floor to arrest her and did so quickly as he was trained to do because she was resisting arrest and assaulting him.

Stop lying, Leftists!

I agree he didn't drag her. He tossed her. He actually had to walk over to where he tossed her. Doesn't really matter though. His actions were deemed corrupt by his employers so he's fired.

Sounds to me more like his employer's pandered to race pimps.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure it does loon.
Right. It's the "wingnut" that insists on law and order. You're a fool.

Being a cheer leader for aggravated child abuse fits you...you must be Christian eh

I think you're very confused about the definition of "aggravated child abuse" and WHY we need police resource officers in schools. What is REALLY child abuse is to allow that gal to "phone" her way thru high school, fail at academics, abuse authority and end up being a beggar and whiner working menial jobs (if any) for the rest of her life. What is REALLY child abuse is to take an entire days' education away from the OTHER 25 kids in that class while you "reason" with the gal and allow her to flaunt the authority of the teacher and the Admin that had already failed to get her attention. What is REALLY child abuse is the lack of discipline and respect that developed in her home that precipitated that encounter. (I'd back off that -- if her parent(s) came to claim her and swore she'd never have a cellphone in her hand again until she graduated with respectable grades)..

THAT would be child abuse.
Funny that this sheriff WON'T say exactly what this girl did. Whatever it was wasn't worth filming, not until Ossifer Pheelds showed up.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
Why do you Leftists lie? He didn't "drag" her anywhere, he put her on the floor to arrest her and did so quickly as he was trained to do because she was resisting arrest and assaulting him.

Stop lying, Leftists!

I agree he didn't drag her. He tossed her. He actually had to walk over to where he tossed her. Doesn't really matter though. His actions were deemed corrupt by his employers so he's fired.

Sounds to me more like his employer's pandered to race pimps.

I'm sure it does loon.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure you think this bitch did nothing wrong retard.
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.
Right. It's the "wingnut" that insists on law and order. You're a fool.

Being a cheer leader for aggravated child abuse fits you...you must be Christian eh

I think you're very confused about the definition of "aggravated child abuse" and WHY we need police resource officers in schools. What is REALLY child abuse is to allow that gal to "phone" her way thru high school, fail at academics, abuse authority and end up being a beggar and whiner working menial jobs (if any) for the rest of her life. What is REALLY child abuse is to take an entire days' education away from the OTHER 25 kids in that class while you "reason" with the gal and allow her to flaunt the authority of the teacher and the Admin that had already failed to get her attention. What is REALLY child abuse is the lack of discipline and respect that developed in her home that precipitated that encounter. (I'd back off that -- if her parent(s) came to claim her and swore she'd never have a cellphone in her hand again until she graduated with respectable grades)..

THAT would be child abuse.

The left doesn't seem to have any concern that this girl, in her actions that led up to what happened, was keeping those who actually care about learning from doing so. They care more about her supposed "right" to passively disobey a rule and State law than they care about people learning.

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