Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
Why do you Leftists lie? He didn't "drag" her anywhere, he put her on the floor to arrest her and did so quickly as he was trained to do because she was resisting arrest and assaulting him.

Stop lying, Leftists!

I agree he didn't drag her. He tossed her. He actually had to walk over to where he tossed her. Doesn't really matter though. His actions were deemed corrupt by his employers so he's fired.

Sounds to me more like his employer's pandered to race pimps.

I'm sure it does loon.

I'm sure you think this bitch did nothing wrong retard.[/QUOTE]

I never said that, only that the officer acted inappropriately. Apparently his employer agrees.
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.
IMO - the deputy was thrown under the bus because of the current climate with regard to police and race relations.

He could have be suspended and reprimanded. But he was terminated from the police force.

Teacher and school administrator - african americans back the deputy.
IMO - the deputy was thrown under the bus because of the current climate with regard to police and race relations.

He could have be suspended and reprimanded. But he was terminated from the police force.

Teacher and school administrator - african americans back the deputy.

The student will get nothing despite breaking State law.
Sheriff to Announce South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields to Be Fired: Sources

Do any of you still believe he acted appropriately?

What am I thinking? Of course you do.
Que the outrage over the department being forced to do this.

He won't be a cop anymore, but she will still be a little disrespectful, disobedient, disruptive brat...and mummy and daddy are going to make money off their child's 'special talents' instead of correcting her behavior.


And he will still be a poorly trained juice head from a obvious background of being bullied and repressed homosexuality

And you'll still be nothing but a dumb negro.

Aww, are you at the anger phase? Thats ok, after that comes acceptance :itsok:

Accept that your people act like a bunch of animals? While you may accept it because it's the best you can do, the rest of us hold ourselves to higher standards.

:oops: Him big angry
He won't be a cop anymore, but she will still be a little disrespectful, disobedient, disruptive brat...and mummy and daddy are going to make money off their child's 'special talents' instead of correcting her behavior.


And he will still be a poorly trained juice head from a obvious background of being bullied and repressed homosexuality

And you'll still be nothing but a dumb negro.

Aww, are you at the anger phase? Thats ok, after that comes acceptance :itsok:

Accept that your people act like a bunch of animals? While you may accept it because it's the best you can do, the rest of us hold ourselves to higher standards.

:oops: Him big angry

You dumb negro.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
Why do you Leftists lie? He didn't "drag" her anywhere, he put her on the floor to arrest her and did so quickly as he was trained to do because she was resisting arrest and assaulting him.

Stop lying, Leftists!

I agree he didn't drag her. He tossed her. He actually had to walk over to where he tossed her. Doesn't really matter though. His actions were deemed corrupt by his employers so he's fired.

Sounds to me more like his employer's pandered to race pimps.

I'm sure it does loon.

I'm sure you think this bitch did nothing wrong retard.

I never said that, only that the officer acted inappropriately. Apparently his employer agrees.[/QUOTE]

Apparently the employer panders to unruly blacks.
I'm sure you think this bitch did nothing wrong retard.

she did something wrong that deserves detention..the juiced on steroids gorilla committed felonies on camera

She broke STATE LAW.

You keep saying juiced on steroids. Do yo have proof or are you simply another dumb one like this little bratty bitch.

If you're thinking that someone should go to jail for this then you sir are part of the problem for why America has 5% of the worlds population but has a prison population of 25%. Because of dumbasses like you who think the solution is a box and 3 meals for every problem
Apparently the employer panders to unruly blacks.

Doesn't matter what they think - they KNOW they are taking a huge PR hit on this one and would never survive if they did anything BUT fire this guy. (IMO)
And he will still be a poorly trained juice head from a obvious background of being bullied and repressed homosexuality

And you'll still be nothing but a dumb negro.

Aww, are you at the anger phase? Thats ok, after that comes acceptance :itsok:

Accept that your people act like a bunch of animals? While you may accept it because it's the best you can do, the rest of us hold ourselves to higher standards.

:oops: Him big angry

You dumb negro.

You sessy bitch :bye1:
The solution is not a box and three meals a day. The solution is to tie the criminals like this girl to a post and leave them gut shot until they slowly expire.
'Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom'
- LINK: Outrage grows after South Carolina officer tosses student - CNN.com

Girl disrupts the class and refuses to leave when told to by the teacher. She continues. The teacher calls the office to have the uniformed officer there at school come remove her. The officer tells her to stand up. She refuses. He tells her again. She refuses. He asks her if she is going to get up, or is she going to make him get her up. She refuses. He grabs the girl - she starts fighting the officer, refusing to stand up (DISOBEYING A POLICE OFFICER'S ORDERS). In the ensuing tussle her desk flips backwards, and she and the desk fall to the floor with the officer still holding on to her and the desk. He then grabs her by the collar/shirt, pulls her towards the front of the room as she is face down, and 'throws'/'tosses her towards the front. He then steps up and demands she give him her hands so he can place handcuffs on her and explains she is now under arrest. She refuses. He orders her to do this 9 (NINE) times with her refusing - disobeying him and fighting him the whole time - until he finally grabs her arms behind her back, puts the cuffs on her, and takes her out of the class room.

Many people have gone nuts over this.
The policeman has been placed on administration duty, meaning he doesn't get to go back to the school (or any school) but is still being allowed to sit a desk and work.


Here are MY thoughts, looking at this as if I were the girl's father:
She was completely in the wrong for disrupting the class.

She should have obeyed the teacher and gone to the principal's office.

He was right in calling for the cop since she refused to stop and refused to obey.

I have no problem with the policeman trying to remove her from the chair as she disobeyed a policeman's orders...repeatedly.

She fought with him and in getting her out of the chair it flipped over - I still have no problem with it. SHE caused that to happen, not him, because of her disobedience.

I do have a problem with him dragging and tossing her by the collar. I understand he was very mad at this point - I would be, too - but still, that was 'excessive'.

I have no problem with him cuffing her and arresting her.

As a parent I would not have immediately rushed to condemn the policeman because it is more than obvious that this girl was being unruly, disruptive, belligerent, un-cooperative, disrespectful, refused to obey her elder/teacher, refused to comply with a police officer's orders - repeatedly, and fought (with) the officer, also known as 'resisting arrest'.

Putting the cop on administrative duty, maybe even never allowing him to pull duty at schools (maybe), is a great idea; however, I would have to admit as a parent 90% of this entire episode was 'my daughter's fault. I would be whoopin' her arse at home and going over EVERYTHING she did wrong to ensure it never happened again. Her behavior was embarrassing / pathetic / inexcusable.

...but that's just me.
Well his ass got fired. Pretty much a pussy for attacking a female.
If you're thinking that someone should go to jail for this then you sir are part of the problem for why America has 5% of the worlds population but has a prison population of 25%. Because of dumbasses like you who think the solution is a box and 3 meals for every problem

Not saying the girl should go to jail, but I would do a little 'Scared Straight' influence on her to show she 'ain't all that', has NO right to disobey the law, teach her a little respect/obedience her parents obviously aren't teaching her, and maybe even fine her parents for the child's disobeying an officer and resisting arrest. As it is, I might still (if I were the police) tell the parents I would drop the criminal charges if they drop the (B$) law suit that's coming, otherwise.....
One time a Policeman was walking around my car shining a flashlight inside so I got my flash light and started looking inside his car.... led to some tense moments....

Uh huh. You're lucky you didn't get injured or shot. Let me rephrase that. WE'RE lucky you didn't get injured or shot. What would USMB be like without your antics?
I'm sure you think this bitch did nothing wrong retard.

she did something wrong that deserves detention..the juiced on steroids gorilla committed felonies on camera

She broke STATE LAW.

You keep saying juiced on steroids. Do yo have proof or are you simply another dumb one like this little bratty bitch.

If you're thinking that someone should go to jail for this then you sir are part of the problem for why America has 5% of the worlds population but has a prison population of 25%. Because of dumbasses like you who think the solution is a box and 3 meals for every problem

Never said she should go to jail. If you claim I did, post the quote.

If those who are in prison would quit committing crimes that warrant prison, they wouldn't be there. Other countries deal with criminals the way they need to be dealt with not brush it off because someone didn't have what another did growing up.
If you're thinking that someone should go to jail for this then you sir are part of the problem for why America has 5% of the worlds population but has a prison population of 25%. Because of dumbasses like you who think the solution is a box and 3 meals for every problem

Not saying the girl should go to jail, but I would do a little 'Scared Straight' influence on her to show she 'ain't all that', has NO right to disobey the law, teach her a little respect/obedience her parents obviously aren't teaching her, and maybe even fine her parents for the child's disobeying an officer and resisting arrest. As it is, I might still (if I were the police) tell the parents I would drop the criminal charges if they drop the (B$) law suit that's coming, otherwise.....

That's the show that came to mind when I hear people defending her actions of disobeying the law.

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