Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

If your public schools are subject to such laws as below in your state, home school or private school.

"Assembly Bill 420 – signed by Brown on Saturday – eliminates willful defiance or disruption of school activities as a reason to expel students.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The attorney for a teen who was flipped backward out of her desk and tossed across a classroom says his client did suffer several injuries during her arrest.

Columbia attorney Todd Rutherford told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields should have been fired as soon as Sheriff Leon Lott saw the video recorded by several students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia.

"She now has a cast on her arm, she has neck and back injuries. She has a Band-Aid on her forehead where she suffered rug burn on her forehead," Rutherford told the network.

Lott had said Tuesday that the girl was uninjured in the confrontation but "may have had a rug burn."

So a rug burn escalates into other injuries?

Do as your told. No rug burns.

are you over 50? I can imagine you pouring milkshakes on the heads of peaceful protesters and saying its their fault
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
Why do you Leftists lie? He didn't "drag" her anywhere, he put her on the floor to arrest her and did so quickly as he was trained to do because she was resisting arrest and assaulting him.

Stop lying, Leftists!

I agree he didn't drag her. He tossed her. He actually had to walk over to where he tossed her. Doesn't really matter though. His actions were deemed corrupt by his employers so he's fired.[/QUOTE]

Sounds to me more like his employer's pandered to race pimps.
Just heard that. Hope they fire his ass.

That girl just won her family about a million in a civil law suit.

Good for the kids who whipped out their cell phones after Niya Kenny told them to when that asshole walked through the door.

They knew what the Gorilla was about to do...they gave him the nickname "Officer Slam" I seriously would like to see a very large man grab that nut case and give him a whipping.....the family should seek punitive damages because the District knew or should have known they had a dangerous person in the school...

The cop also arrested Niya Kenny, the girl in the classroom who stood up and told him to stop. She wasn't interviewed on Fox Noise so these idiots don't know anything about her. She said last night that Fields was nicknamed "Officer Slam".

Student Arrested Says She Was Standing Up for Classmate
Student Arrested Says She Was Standing Up for Classmate

Columbia, SC (WLTX) - Niya Kenny, 18, is speaking out after she was taken into custody in her Spring Valley High School math class. She says she was standing up for her classmate who was being arrested by Student Resource Officer Ben Fields.

"I was crying, screaming and crying like a baby," says Kenny. "I was in disbelief."

Related Coverage:Video Surfaces of Incident at Spring Valley High School

"I know this girl don't got nobody and I couldn't believe this was happening," Kenny explained. "I had never seen nothing like that in my life, a man use that much force on a little girl. A big man, like 300 pounds of full muscle. I was like 'no way, no way.' You can't do nothing like that to a little girl. I'm talking about she's like 5'6"."

She's an accomplice.....

Arrest her for creating a disturbance.

She was, uni-brow. And has an attorney who, I suspect, has already filed a civil suit against the Columbia PD for false arrest.
Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.

I didn't say I was. I said he couldn't have acted within policy when he handled that girl like he did. It's hard to believe that is standard behavior for police in a school.That should be apparent given the actions taken by the district.

Yet you mention nothing about had the girl done what she was told, his involvement doesn't occur.

Apparently the actions by her mother to raise her as a bratty little bitch was more of the problem. It's the attitude of I'm going to be an asshole but get mad when you treat me like one.

Apparently your mother didn't do such a great job teaching her boy respect for women. Any grown man( there are several on here), who continually refer to women as "bitch" have no respect for either themselves or women. Grow up. She's a fourteen year old. Who does that?

I'll call a young lady who acts like a young lady, but somebody who is bratty and disobeys police and then assaults the police and resists arrest is a bitch. People deserve to be called what their conduct merits and nothing else.

That's what lefties don't get. If someone acts a certain way, they are shocked if they are referred to in that manner.
I see pixelated methane.

So pixelated methane is what you see when you get your intellectual ass handed you?

Ya might try more pixelated fiber.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.




Reader, do ya see how easy this is?

Remember, the key to defeating Leftist in debate rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!
The child refused to obey the teacher then defied the officer.

End of story.

Passive disobedience doesn't not warrant getting beaten. You don't realize that you are confirming a police state, you little Hitler mini-me.

What does it warrant? Should the class and students who actually give a shit about learning have lost time due to one piece of shit that didn't like the rules and a white person telling them what to do?
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.
Sheriff to Announce South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields to Be Fired: Sources

Do any of you still believe he acted appropriately?

What am I thinking? Of course you do.
Que the outrage over the department being forced to do this.

He won't be a cop anymore, but she will still be a little disrespectful, disobedient, disruptive brat...and mummy and daddy are going to make money off their child's 'special talents' instead of correcting her behavior.


And he will still be a poorly trained juice head from a obvious background of being bullied and repressed homosexuality

And you'll still be nothing but a dumb negro.
Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.

Thank you... I have seen that many times and did not notice the leg chair hit just off the other kids head...six inches the other way and there may have been really serious injuries.
.Also notice how she seems to be looking down and covering her eyes with a hand ,unwilling perhaps to see what was happening to her fellow student....

That's my guess too. She's seen this enough times she knew basically what Super He-Man was gonna do and didn't want to see it, but didn't figure he was gonna be stupid enough to throw furniture around.

Actually her desk is what stops the flight of the thrown desk, with the student still in it, so that's well over 100 pounds of force coming down. Could have been dead nasty. It also looks like her laptop takes a direct hit, probably shattered the screen.

What a wondrous thing, this "serve and protect" philosophy. Is this a great country or what?
Sheriff to Announce South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields to Be Fired: Sources

Do any of you still believe he acted appropriately?

What am I thinking? Of course you do.
Que the outrage over the department being forced to do this.

He won't be a cop anymore, but she will still be a little disrespectful, disobedient, disruptive brat...and mummy and daddy are going to make money off their child's 'special talents' instead of correcting her behavior.


And he will still be a poorly trained juice head from a obvious background of being bullied and repressed homosexuality

And you'll still be nothing but a dumb negro.

Aww, are you at the anger phase? Thats ok, after that comes acceptance :itsok:
It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.

I didn't say I was. I said he couldn't have acted within policy when he handled that girl like he did. It's hard to believe that is standard behavior for police in a school.That should be apparent given the actions taken by the district.

Yet you mention nothing about had the girl done what she was told, his involvement doesn't occur.

Apparently the actions by her mother to raise her as a bratty little bitch was more of the problem. It's the attitude of I'm going to be an asshole but get mad when you treat me like one.

Apparently your mother didn't do such a great job teaching her boy respect for women. Any grown man( there are several on here), who continually refer to women as "bitch" have no respect for either themselves or women. Grow up. She's a fourteen year old. Who does that?

I refer to someone as what they are and age is irrelevant.

I have respect for women. I don't have respect for people who act like bitches.

Like I said. You have no self respect.

I have plenty of self respect. I have it because I know how to act and when to do it unlike this undisciplined girl.
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

WHO in this video throws a metal chair leg -- with a person still sitting in it -- across the room nearly impaling an innocent bystander in the face, fuckwit?


And where do you see a "zoo animal"?
IDK, dont hospitals put casts on for fun? Maybe its paper mache for art class.

The Hospital is in the tank against the Police ...LOL

I'm going to call you Tyrone the Psychic

Ambulance chasers have casts installed as a matter of ROUTINE. All one needs to do, is claim that the appendage hurts when one moves it and presto... a cast is applied to limit mobility.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Hmm....Press conference on now by sheriff but Fox is not airing it. Not even a mention on their crawl.
Sheriff to Announce South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields to Be Fired: Sources

Do any of you still believe he acted appropriately?

What am I thinking? Of course you do.
Que the outrage over the department being forced to do this.

He won't be a cop anymore, but she will still be a little disrespectful, disobedient, disruptive brat...and mummy and daddy are going to make money off their child's 'special talents' instead of correcting her behavior.


And he will still be a poorly trained juice head from a obvious background of being bullied and repressed homosexuality

And you'll still be nothing but a dumb negro.

Aww, are you at the anger phase? Thats ok, after that comes acceptance :itsok:

Accept that your people act like a bunch of animals? While you may accept it because it's the best you can do, the rest of us hold ourselves to higher standards.

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