Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.

Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
How did he violate the policy of his department?

This should be good.

The sheriff just outlined all of this in a press conference. Get caught up and stop babbling about things you obviously don't know.
Really? Then you should be able to tell me what he said. So far, there's no websites showing this alleged press conference and the one that I saw, South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields Fired From Job: Sheriff only says he's investigating. Let's get specific, cop hater, what policy did he violate?

He said he did not act in accordance with department policy. Look it up I'm not your news source.
No he didn't. I watched it myself. What specifically did he do wrong? BTW, this is going to be the question asked in his lawsuit against the agency.
Sheriff: "...the maneuver he used is not what he was trained and not acceptable.....not proper procedure."

So all you neo-Nazis, sit down and STFU.
and they were so hoping he would be promoted............

When is Obama going to invite this thug girl to the White House?

Better question -- when is this warrior-cop mentality going to finally figure out that "protect and serve" means "the public" and not "my own testosterone-poisoned gladiator fantasies"?
You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.

TWO school employees ATTEMPTED to handle the situation and failed. THEY called in the Marines. That's why school resource officers are there.. It was THEIR judgement that kiddo had to be PHYSICALLY REMOVED from the classroom. If you don't LIKE watching -- issue them tranquilizer guns or YOU GO volunteer to be the last resort in upholding discipline in a tough classroom.

I've BEEN in these schools. My uncle INSISTED that I audit classes in his roughest NYC schools. He did me a favor in TRULY understanding what the stakes are for these schools and the kids that are being mis-served by all the permissive, liberal BS we're seeing flung here in this example..
The feral chimp attacked the police officer and should be charged with that felony.
The feral chimp was the police officer and she hit him because he tried to put her in a choke hold. Thats why he lost his job. He let his simian nature effect his judgement. :laugh:

The police officer was black? Not a chimp then.
No the police officer was a white cave monkey.

The little bastard bitch is a porch monkey.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?

The WHITE officer would have still be chastised because it was a black punk.
There were no female dogs there. Just a Black teenage girl and a white cave monkey.

A bastard black girl and a white officer that wouldn't have been there had the former done what she was told to do.
What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.
And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
Sheriff: "...the maneuver he used is not what he was trained and not acceptable.....not proper procedure."

So all you neo-Nazis, sit down and STFU.
and they were so hoping he would be promoted............

When is Obama going to invite this thug girl to the White House?

Better question -- when is this warrior-cop mentality going to finally figure out that "protect and serve" means "the public" and not "my own testosterone-poisoned gladiator fantasies"?

A better question is when are black parents going to teach their black kids that when someone in a position of authority asks you to do something they have the authority to ask you to do, you do it?
What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.

Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
Had he done his job he wouldnt be unemployed.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

She actually did hit the cop, you twit.
What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
If she had hit the officer prior to him trying to put her in a choke hold I would agree. Since she fought back in self defense I disagree.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

Say to yourself. Action A by the girl produced Result B. Had Action A by the girl not taken place, there is no Result B, C, D, E . . . .Z.
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

So you're saying she was "uppity" huh?

That oughta work well.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.

Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
Had he done his job he wouldnt be unemployed.

He did his job and IF he gets fired, he's going to sue. And police will stop responding to incidents in schools.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

She actually did hit the cop, you twit.
Please read the post idiot. She never touched the officer in Jacksons scenario. Basically it never happened. Thats what "if" means you moron. :laugh:
Sheriff: "...the maneuver he used is not what he was trained and not acceptable.....not proper procedure."

So all you neo-Nazis, sit down and STFU.
and they were so hoping he would be promoted............

When is Obama going to invite this thug girl to the White House?

Better question -- when is this warrior-cop mentality going to finally figure out that "protect and serve" means "the public" and not "my own testosterone-poisoned gladiator fantasies"?

Ah. Well....the public asked him to remove this disorderly bitch. How should he serve them? By removing her. Well....done.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.

Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
Had he done his job he wouldnt be unemployed.

He did his job and IF he gets fired, he's going to sue. And police will stop responding to incidents in schools.
Thats besides the point. Stop deflecting.
The feral chimp attacked the police officer and should be charged with that felony.
The feral chimp was the police officer and she hit him because he tried to put her in a choke hold. Thats why he lost his job. He let his simian nature effect his judgement. :laugh:

The police officer was black? Not a chimp then.
No the police officer was a white cave monkey.

The little bastard bitch is a porch monkey.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?

The WHITE officer would have still be chastised because it was a black punk.
There were no female dogs there. Just a Black teenage girl and a white cave monkey.

Not a racial thingy this time you warring buggers. Beefy white cop was dating black woman... Don't think he was prone to being biased in his judgement.
IMO - the deputy was thrown under the bus because of the current climate with regard to police and race relations.

He could have be suspended and reprimanded. But he was terminated from the police force.

Teacher and school administrator - african americans back the deputy.

The student will get nothing despite breaking State law.

You've cited the phrase "State law" (holy holy) 156 times now and have linked said law.... let's see.. Zero times. Give it a rest.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.
When the po tried to get her out of her seat. She fought him. When that happens, the po is expected to get her out of the room, pronto. He had to physically get her down to put the cuffs on her. Why aren't you questioning the behavior of the student for escalating the situation?

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