Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

You are insane and hallucinating I will put up the gif again of the Juiced body builder in the midst of Steroid rage so folks can see what a lying bastard you are ... there is no Gorilla on the floor just a child being assaulted by the steroid pumped body builder

Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

So you're saying she was "uppity" huh?

That oughta work well.

Nobody called her "uppity" except you because you're a racist. She was defiant, disobedient, and combative. None of that has to do with her race.
What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
I might add that you have no obligation to obey a police officer if they are wrong. Thats pure unadulterated bullshit.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.

Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
Had he done his job he wouldnt be unemployed.

He did his job and IF he gets fired, he's going to sue. And police will stop responding to incidents in schools.

He WILL BE fired. HE will win. Both he and the department know it.

"Public trust"....aka kissing vocal groups asses....has a price. The price is paying out to wrongfully fired cops who necessarily were thrown under the PC bus.

This one will cost 300K or so. Cop will pay his house off and have leftovers.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.
When the po tried to get her out of her seat. She fought him. When that happens, the po is expected to get her out of the room, pronto. He had to physically get her down to put the cuffs on her. Why aren't you questioning the behavior of the student for escalating the situation?
Watch the video in slow motion. His first move is to attempt to put her in a choke hold. He messed up from the start.

I already said the student was wrong for not leaving the class. Youre cycling now. Her actions had nothing to do with the officer letting his racist attitudes trump being professional. If he cant handle the job he shouldnt have it.
And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?

Drag her right down to the office. What do you know. There was an alternative.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
How did he violate the policy of his department?

This should be good.

The sheriff just outlined all of this in a press conference. Get caught up and stop babbling about things you obviously don't know.
Really? Then you should be able to tell me what he said. So far, there's no websites showing this alleged press conference and the one that I saw, South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields Fired From Job: Sheriff only says he's investigating. Let's get specific, cop hater, what policy did he violate?

He said he did not act in accordance with department policy. Look it up I'm not your news source.
No he didn't. I watched it myself. What specifically did he do wrong? BTW, this is going to be the question asked in his lawsuit against the agency.
The attempted choke hold stupid.
I'm sure you think this bitch did nothing wrong retard.

she did something wrong that deserves detention..the juiced on steroids gorilla committed felonies on camera

She broke STATE LAW.

You keep saying juiced on steroids. Do yo have proof or are you simply another dumb one like this little bratty bitch.

If you're thinking that someone should go to jail for this then you sir are part of the problem for why America has 5% of the worlds population but has a prison population of 25%. Because of dumbasses like you who think the solution is a box and 3 meals for every problem

Exactly -- this is the root of it right here, the mentality of dealing with everything by crushing, overpowering, shooting, pummeling, thrashing, throwing, stomping, bashing, crashing, exploding, impaling..... so many choices, what a diverse menu of approaches...

The solution is not a box and three meals a day. The solution is to tie the criminals like this girl to a post and leave them gut shot until they slowly expire.

Oh there we go, another alternative. A "kinder, gentler" dehumanization that doesn't involve some kind of impact. The woman's touch. :thup:
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
I might add that you have no obligation to obey a police officer if they are wrong. Thats pure unadulterated bullshit.

Do black kids have an obligation to obey the teacher? The assistant principal? Seems she took a pass on a LOT of obeyance until the cops got the call. Can't believe you think the cop just showed up and it's all about HIS orders or decisions..

Ya think the SCHOOL personnel wouldn't have called the cops on a WHITE kid??
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.

Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
Had he done his job he wouldnt be unemployed.

He did his job and IF he gets fired, he's going to sue. And police will stop responding to incidents in schools.

He WILL BE fired. HE will win. Both he and the department know it.

"Public trust"....aka kissing vocal groups asses....has a price. The price is paying out to wrongfully fired cops who necessarily were thrown under the PC bus.

This one will cost 300K or so. Cop will pay his house off and have leftovers.
Thats a fair price for not allowing a feral monkey to run loose around our children.
My prediction of the day. The cop will be fired, and rightly so.
Ya like you 'predicted' Zimmer
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.
When the po tried to get her out of her seat. She fought him. When that happens, the po is expected to get her out of the room, pronto. He had to physically get her down to put the cuffs on her. Why aren't you questioning the behavior of the student for escalating the situation?
Fields just became a millionaire thanks to 'PC' AKA fear of Negroes.
The negro bitch signed her death warrant. Sooner than later the bitch will call 911 b/c her fucking pimp is beating her.
Guess what the LEO are going to do?
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

She actually did hit the cop, you twit.
Please read the post idiot. She never touched the officer in Jacksons scenario. Basically it never happened. Thats what "if" means you moron. :laugh:
You idiot! Even Sheriff Lott admitted he could see the girl hitting his deputy.

South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields Fired From Job: Sheriff

Stop lying, Leftists!
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
I might add that you have no obligation to obey a police officer if they are wrong. Thats pure unadulterated bullshit.

Do black kids have an obligation to obey the teacher? The assistant principal? Seems she took a pass on a LOT of obeyance until the cops got the call. Can't believe you think the cop just showed up and it's all about HIS orders or decisions..

Ya think the SCHOOL personnel wouldn't have called the cops on a WHITE kid??
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?


Yet another decision by the panty-waists of the Left... which can, and will, only result in more of THIS:

Oh well... I guess there's no way we escape the need for Civil War.

Let's hope that it cranks off today!

More zoo noises.....

I have a suggestion for Ben Field's rehabilitation and community service: Let him go hit the ground in Syria and fight ISIS.
You know, level the playing field...mano y mano.
Let him show he's got some real stones instead of that pantywaist under his uniform.
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.

Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
Had he done his job he wouldnt be unemployed.

He did his job and IF he gets fired, he's going to sue. And police will stop responding to incidents in schools.

He WILL BE fired. HE will win. Both he and the department know it.

"Public trust"....aka kissing vocal groups asses....has a price. The price is paying out to wrongfully fired cops who necessarily were thrown under the PC bus.

This one will cost 300K or so. Cop will pay his house off and have leftovers.
Thats a fair price for not allowing a feral monkey to run loose around our children.
You're right. Feral monkeys shouldn't run loose around children. Let's bring back segregation.
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

She actually did hit the cop, you twit.
Please read the post idiot. She never touched the officer in Jacksons scenario. Basically it never happened. Thats what "if" means you moron. :laugh:
You idiot! Even Sheriff Lott admitted he could see the girl hitting his deputy.

South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields Fired From Job: Sheriff

Stop lying, Leftists!
Hey stupid. Read Jacksons scenario. Her scenario never happened. Did you not realize I was responding to Jacksons post? I know you are an idiot but this is a bit much.
Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
Had he done his job he wouldnt be unemployed.

He did his job and IF he gets fired, he's going to sue. And police will stop responding to incidents in schools.

He WILL BE fired. HE will win. Both he and the department know it.

"Public trust"....aka kissing vocal groups asses....has a price. The price is paying out to wrongfully fired cops who necessarily were thrown under the PC bus.

This one will cost 300K or so. Cop will pay his house off and have leftovers.
Thats a fair price for not allowing a feral monkey to run loose around our children.
You're right. Feral monkeys shouldn't run loose around children. Let's bring back segregation.
Then you would be stuck on an indian reservation with your people and you would be miserable.
One time a Policeman was walking around my car shining a flashlight inside so I got my flash light and started looking inside his car.... led to some tense moments....

Uh huh. You're lucky you didn't get injured or shot. Let me rephrase that. WE'RE lucky you didn't get injured or shot. What would USMB be like without your antics?

You think police vehicles are private?
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
If she had hit the officer prior to him trying to put her in a choke hold I would agree. Since she fought back in self defense I disagree.
I didn't see a choke hold that you keep referring to. He had his hand under her arm.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
How did he violate the policy of his department?

This should be good.

The sheriff just outlined all of this in a press conference. Get caught up and stop babbling about things you obviously don't know.
Really? Then you should be able to tell me what he said. So far, there's no websites showing this alleged press conference and the one that I saw, South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields Fired From Job: Sheriff only says he's investigating. Let's get specific, cop hater, what policy did he violate?

He said he did not act in accordance with department policy. Look it up I'm not your news source.
No he didn't. I watched it myself. What specifically did he do wrong? BTW, this is going to be the question asked in his lawsuit against the agency.

He did.

So you didn't know about the "aledged press conference" but now you watched it but didn't hear that?

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