Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

He said he would push the desk out of the classroom. Of course the brat would have cooperated completely with this and not push her feet down.

Do you grasp now that this is the correct way to handle these situations? Notice that the deputy was able to control the girl without shooting her 7 times?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

She actually did hit the cop, you twit.
Please read the post idiot. She never touched the officer in Jacksons scenario. Basically it never happened. Thats what "if" means you moron. :laugh:
I said "If" you were handling the situation.
Dummy is claiming that you saying she would "probably" hit him in your made up scenario means she really hit him when that scenario never happened.
I said if he just tried to move the chair out into the hall, she probably would have hit him as she did when he tried to remover her.
But thats not what happened. He never tried dragging her desk out into the hall. Thats why I said that SMD was a dummy. He was claiming she hit him in the scenario you were talking about.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.

TWO school employees ATTEMPTED to handle the situation and failed. THEY called in the Marines. That's why school resource officers are there.. It was THEIR judgement that kiddo had to be PHYSICALLY REMOVED from the classroom. If you don't LIKE watching -- issue them tranquilizer guns or YOU GO volunteer to be the last resort in upholding discipline in a tough classroom.

I've BEEN in these schools. My uncle INSISTED that I audit classes in his roughest NYC schools. He did me a favor in TRULY understanding what the stakes are for these schools and the kids that are being mis-served by all the permissive, liberal BS we're seeing flung here in this example..

I have no problem with the girl receiving discipline or being removed. My beef was with the officer's actions. Apparently the school district and his employer did as well.
FYI this isn't one of the roughest schools.
Your argument is myopic in excluding the possibility that the agency fired him without just cause to avoid a federal civil rights probe into their agency. That's why the cop will sue and will win because he did nothing wrong and was fired for political expediency. It's a game and he's going to reap an awesome settlement out of it.
What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
And if she pushed her feet down? You're an idiot second guessing real police work.

Sooooooo...... he's strong enough to throw a desk across the room with the student still in it ..... yet can't find the elbow grease to drag it across the floor?

What is he, fuckin' stoopid?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.
When the po tried to get her out of her seat. She fought him. When that happens, the po is expected to get her out of the room, pronto. He had to physically get her down to put the cuffs on her. Why aren't you questioning the behavior of the student for escalating the situation?
Watch the video in slow motion. His first move is to attempt to put her in a choke hold. He messed up from the start.

I already said the student was wrong for not leaving the class. Youre cycling now. Her actions had nothing to do with the officer letting his racist attitudes trump being professional. If he cant handle the job he shouldnt have it.
How do you know he was racist? He was dealing with a punk kid.
He has a history of complaints.

He has a trial starting in January.

S.C. school officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, praise
Fields is one of 10 defendants in another case, scheduled to go to trial in January.

In that lawsuit, former Spring Valley High School student Ashton James Reese claims he was unlawfully expelled from school in 2013. At the time, Fields was investigating alleged gang activity at the school.

Reese claimed several offenses in the suit, including lack of due process, negligence, negligent supervision and a violation of the right to public education -- as mandated by state law.

The jury trial is scheduled for January 27-29 in Columbia.
Spring Valley High School officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, award - CNN.com
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
If she had hit the officer prior to him trying to put her in a choke hold I would agree. Since she fought back in self defense I disagree.
I didn't see a choke hold that you keep referring to. He had his hand under her arm.
There was no choke hold.
He said he would push the desk out of the classroom. Of course the brat would have cooperated completely with this and not push her feet down.

Do you grasp now that this is the correct way to handle these situations? Notice that the deputy was able to control the girl without shooting her 7 times?
She didn't go for his gun. Try to keep these incidents separate, would you?
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

Say to yourself. Action A by the girl produced Result B. Had Action
A by the girl not taken place, there is no Result B, C, D, E . . . .Z.

Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.
She actually did hit the cop, you twit.
Please read the post idiot. She never touched the officer in Jacksons scenario. Basically it never happened. Thats what "if" means you moron. :laugh:
I said "If" you were handling the situation.
Dummy is claiming that you saying she would "probably" hit him in your made up scenario means she really hit him when that scenario never happened.
I said if he just tried to move the chair out into the hall, she probably would have hit him as she did when he tried to remover her.
But thats not what happened. He never tried dragging her desk out into the hall. Thats why I said that SMD was a dummy. He was claiming she hit him in the scenario you were talking about.
She did. It was in the video. Even Sheriff Lott commented on it. You're an idiot.
Nothing would have happened to the officer if he had conducted himself in accordance with the policy of his department. That girl's actions in no way excuse the officer's actions.His employer agrees.
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?

How come a teenage girl hitting at a big burly cop is the end of the world, yet the big burly cop throwing a teenage girl in her desk across the room smashing another student's desk nearly impaling her skull is perfectly OK?

It's not, he was fired.
And how would you have handled the situation if you were responsible for getting her out of the classroom?
I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

Say to yourself. Action A by the girl produced Result B. Had Action
A by the girl not taken place, there is no Result B, C, D, E . . . .Z.

Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.
Really? What did he do that violated department policy? You have yet to answer that question.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
I might add that you have no obligation to obey a police officer if they are wrong. Thats pure unadulterated bullshit.

Do black kids have an obligation to obey the teacher? The assistant principal? Seems she took a pass on a LOT of obeyance until the cops got the call. Can't believe you think the cop just showed up and it's all about HIS orders or decisions..

Ya think the SCHOOL personnel wouldn't have called the cops on a WHITE kid??
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..
Good thing it was caught on video. The girl was out of line for disobeying the teacher but nothing she dids warrants the attack by the feral.
Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.

Again, you don't get cause and effect. Had she done what she was told, nothing happens.
Had he done his job he wouldnt be unemployed.

He did his job and IF he gets fired, he's going to sue. And police will stop responding to incidents in schools.

Hitting the police officer warrants what?
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
If she had hit the officer prior to him trying to put her in a choke hold I would agree. Since she fought back in self defense I disagree.
I didn't see a choke hold that you keep referring to. He had his hand under her arm.
There was no choke hold.
He certainly attempted one prior to her fighting it off.

I would have dragged her and the desk out of the room. Pretty simple huh?
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

Say to yourself. Action A by the girl produced Result B. Had Action
A by the girl not taken place, there is no Result B, C, D, E . . . .Z.

Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.
Really? What did he do that violated department policy? You have yet to answer that question.

I'm not your source dumbass. If you don't know then you probably shouldn't be talking about it until you do.
Please read the post idiot. She never touched the officer in Jacksons scenario. Basically it never happened. Thats what "if" means you moron. :laugh:
I said "If" you were handling the situation.
Dummy is claiming that you saying she would "probably" hit him in your made up scenario means she really hit him when that scenario never happened.
I said if he just tried to move the chair out into the hall, she probably would have hit him as she did when he tried to remover her.
But thats not what happened. He never tried dragging her desk out into the hall. Thats why I said that SMD was a dummy. He was claiming she hit him in the scenario you were talking about.
She did. It was in the video. Even Sheriff Lott commented on it. You're an idiot.
Hey stupid. The scenario me and Jackson discussed was never in a video. Thats because it never happened. Keep up.
Hadn't seen this angle before --- check out the girl at the desk in the red sweater ---- and how a flying metal chair leg nearly impales her in the eye.

What a flaming dickhead. He's damn lucky she wasn't hit.
Leftists misplacing the blame as usual. The chain of events began with the unruly zoo animal, not the cop.

And it ended with the officer behaving in a manner that was outside the established policy for such interactions and resulted with his dismissal.

What do you get about NOTHING would have happened if the bratty bitch had simply done what she was told to do and when she was told to do it? Are you saying she has a right to disobey a request by someone with the authority to make it.

So you're saying she was "uppity" huh?

That oughta work well.

Nobody called her "uppity" except you because you're a racist. She was defiant, disobedient, and combative. None of that has to do with her race.

Neither I nor the poster I was responding to -- who is specifically not you -- mentioned "race".

Read it again there Evelyn Wood.
Leave it to the neo-Nazi righties on here to justify what they have tried to pin on Obama for seven years...totalitarianism and a police state.
So it walks up and slaps you across your silly faces and you don't even recognize it. Funny.
Nothing. He should have never put a child in a choke hold.
Certainly you wouldn't suggest nothing be done after she hit the police officer! Other students are sitting there watching. The officer has to remove her physically if she doesn't go on her own. You must obey a police officer. That's where we are.
I might add that you have no obligation to obey a police officer if they are wrong. Thats pure unadulterated bullshit.

Do black kids have an obligation to obey the teacher? The assistant principal? Seems she took a pass on a LOT of obeyance until the cops got the call. Can't believe you think the cop just showed up and it's all about HIS orders or decisions..

Ya think the SCHOOL personnel wouldn't have called the cops on a WHITE kid??
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..
Just like you are conditioned to deflect from my point. There was no reason to ask irrelevant questions.

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