Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

But there is no weight on your feet if you're sitting professor. You could also lean her back so her feet are off the floor.
You fools are taking this argument to pretty retarded lenghths.

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

Don't know HOW LONG you folks would allow this drama to go on with no response from the student. There's another confrontation every hour to resolve. And ONE cop. Only thing dragging her out into the hallway would have done ---- is DESTROYED THE VIDEO RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED..

Talk about not thinking clearly...
Dragging her desk into the hallway would have removed her from the class. That would have been caught on the video recording.

AND NOTHING would have likely been recorded showing her actually BEING REMOVED from desk and secured.
At the point she is out of the room there is no need to remove her from the desk.

BULLSHIT.. You obviously haven't thought it thru --- She was ORDERED to report to the principal's office. That's where these kinds of disputes are solved. Putting her in a hallway solves nothing. And at this point -- she needed to be taken into custody..
Bullshit. Removing her from the class allows the class to proceed. If she needed to go to the principals office the desk could have been dragged there as well.
Rutherford told the New York Daily News that the teen recently lost her mother and is living in a foster home. The teen’s foster mother said the girl was “devastated and emotionally traumatized by all that has happened to her,” according to the Daily News.

Rutherford said that lawmakers must tighten up restrictions on use of force by school resources officers such as Fields — who students say was “known for slamming”pregnant women and teenage girls to the ground.
The charges are in the pending lawsuits against him, and the potential Federal Civil Rights violations currently under investigation.

A civil action is not referred to as a "charge" -- that word generally refers to a criminal code violation.
Semantics. The "charges" against are mostly that he's a racist bastard with a bad tempter who knocks kids and others around. Imagine that...

I think your attitude would be different if it was some little red-neck white kid and and big Samoan cop.

Do you fuckers ever tire of doing that?
Do you?

I've never done that. Not once. Eat shit.
Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

I explained this to them, they still don't get it.
Thats correct. Most intelligent people dont get why you two think the officer couldnt drag her desk into the hallway.
Here, I'll show you again:

Thats a cartoon. Its also not a desk. Stop making excuses for him being a weakling.
Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

That was mutual abuse. Not a genuine caring relationship...

And you have inside knowledge of this particular relationship?

Donald Sterlings?? Sure. It was mutual abuse. Not likely to be the case here if even his Chief was aware of it.. Must have been somewhat serious to draw that attention..
How about the cops that sodomized Abner Louima? One of them had a Black girlfriend to. I wonder how long this fired cop will have his Black girlfriend after she sees the video?

That was hard to ignore. When the FIRST 2 BLACK responders are unable to move the kid with reason and words, and THEY call the resident cop -- It's not likely THIS black girlfriend is gonna see him as a renegade racist. And neither will the FBI when this is all done..

Bottom line here -- If those 2 school admins SUPPORT the cop -- they'll never be case or charges. And the cop will be retired early with MORE money stolen from the students in that district when he sues for false termination..
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Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

I explained this to them, they still don't get it.
Thats correct. Most intelligent people dont get why you two think the officer couldnt drag her desk into the hallway.
Here, I'll show you again:

Thats a cartoon. Its also not a desk.
Yet the concept works just as well with desks.
Just once I'd actually like to see a "victim" of "police brutality".

Stop resisting arrest, Leftists!

Well... At the risk of derailing the discussion... I've literally been the victim of police brutality.

It's a VERY long story, but the thumb-nail was that more than 30 years ago, my wife and I were working through her being a total control freak and my being a ... total control freak. Think of it as a meeting of the irresistible force and the immovable object.

Anywho, it had been a 3 day deal and she refused to shut the fuck up, so I turned the $7000 Thomasville Dining room set I had recently bought her into kindling... and she lost her mind... instantly turning into a combo of The Terminator, The Hulk and Conan the Barbarian... sadly it didn't go well for her and she ran out of the house.

She naturally ran straight to her best friend's house, who, like us knows everyone and the two of them decided to call some friends of hers who were deputies at the time.

They come over to the house acting as if they'd been dispatched, with wife in tow; who was then playing Penelope Pitstop... abused and defenseless waif.

The cops tell me she wants to get her belongings and leave. "Fine... Come on in."

Well... that wasn't our first rodeo and typically, such 'calls' result in one cop taking your story, another taking hers and you being told to leave... and not come back for 24 hours.

What happened however, was that the two morons stood next to me and began taunting me... straight up in my grill.

It didn't take long to figure it out, so I said "Look if you two are here on her behalf that's fine, but I'm going to call a cop to get out here on my behalf" as I turned to go to the kitchen where the phone was. As I reached for the phone, the larger of the two cops smashed my hand down; forcing the phone back into the cradle... at which time I checked him with my left hand, which resulted in him flying through my sliding glass door. (I guess I thought he weighed more... I didn't intend to jack him up... but it was like he was made of air and he just flew...).

Anywho... realizing that I was totally fucked at that point and, needing some distance... I turned for the front door. Sadly the smaller cop was standing there and was setting himself for defense... and I went through him like a asteroid through hot butter.

When I get to the door... it's locked, at the handle and dead bolt, which is just habit.

By that time, big cop is back through the door and grabbing me by the shoulders, little cop is still struggling to get to his feet... And I manage to slide myself into a little linen closet opening andset my shoulders in, as big cop is grabbing at me from his knees... trying to pull my feet out from under me. Little cop finally gets back in and he steps over big cop and starts pulling at my head. I hip thrust the cop below, knocking him back and that let me get my right shoulder out and right arm under little cop pulling at my head... whereupon I elbow checked little cops head into the corner bead and HE IS DOWN! Went down like a sack of dirt.

Big cop sees that, tries to call on his harness mic and I grab him by his hair, yank his head back and setting up for what will be a brutal smash to his nose... and what I was sure was going to be the end of round 1, comes this shriek "STOP HURTING MY DADDY!" and I look left and right there is my 5 year old daughter, terrified... and my heart snaps.

So I turn the cops head forcing him look at her ... shoved him off me and took three steps toward the door, my wifes bawlin', "I'm Sorry...", "FUCK YOU... you did this... and it ain't..." BLAHG! Big cops locked in a choke hold... I was through anyway, but he wasn't taking any chances, so I just paused and waited for the lights to go out and in just a few seconds, they clicked off.

When I came to... I'm in the squad car's aft chamber... my head is KILLIN' ME and I can literally see my own forehead. My ribs are a MESS... and I ain't breathin too easy.

LOL! It turns out that, as I had suspected, that the wife's friend called the knuckleheads and they heard the horror of how the Mrs had been abused, minus her part of course, and they came over to the house to scare me... not realizing that in my house, I am the singular authority and none too impressed with one's badges, shields, bars or stars... and that they were making a HUGE mistake.

So they charged me with Felony Battery on a LEO... which was all dropped once my attorney had all of the evidence wherein they had the dispatcher forge the logs, etc... .

So we all agreed that I wouldn't sue the County into the stone age, if they wouldn't throw me in prison.

Which of course is how I revised my "Beating on cops" rule.

LOL! You should have read their report man... It was incredible! I was Bruce Lee, John Wayne and Charle Bronson. It's all framed up somewhere in storage.

But... those guys came to my house, totally off duty, using their uniform and shield as a bludgeon. We were all very lucky that neither of them got seriously injured, beyond the half dozen stitches lil' cop came out with, and the three broken ribs and concussion I received from the beatin' I took on the floor of my living room, after dude choked me out. LOL! Wife nearly went to jail too... for tryin' to stop 'em from killin' me. (They were good and pissed...).

So... yeah. It happens. But this OP incident is not an example of it.
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You don't put Office Badass in a position and then expect him not to act like Officer Badass. Dealing with problems by bringing down the left fist of Law and the right fist of Order kind of is his job and the one he was trained to do.

Then fire officer "badass" and hire officer "professional"

Sounds great on paper, but you don't send Officer Friendly into a crack house or to clear a street corner when backup is on the other end of a Motorola. You want people behind the badge that will thump skulls when it needs done.

Cops in schools is a bad idea for just that reason. You take people with that mindset and the training to swing a riot baton and then put them in a position where they can't do that. This officer might have been a hot head and looking for someone to beat, but his department set him up for failure.
I feel sorry for him...he made a move in anger....and the little brat makes out like a bandit.
yep. I think the little shit was playing on their phone (like most kids these days), which was aginst school policy right? They should be required to lock their phones in a locker until lunch time.
She was sitting at a desk, all 100 pounds of her. He-Man the Enforcer could have carried her out of the room, desk and all, and he'd still have his damn job today. Instead he lost it, which means he should never be serving the public anything beyond hamburgers.
why was he in the room? It ever occur to you that he was called because that spoiled brat was violating school policy? From YOUR source lol

But the student must shoulder responsibility for the disruptive behavior that escalated to the officer being called in, the sheriff said.

"When a classroom is disrupted by a student, that disrupts the education process and the students can't learn and the teachers can't teach," Lott said. "We have to have discipline in our schools."

What the student did does not justify the officer's actions, the sheriff said, but she must take responsibility for her role.

"We must not lose sight that this whole incident started by this student," he said. "She is responsible for initiating this action. Some responsibility falls on her."
We know why he was in the room, and we also know why the other kids recorded him. He's a pig, literally...
are you channeling paulitician ?
Speak for your own. Children are what they are. If you have problems in your personal life please dont project them onto everyone elses children.

My children are very well behaved, respectful, and obedient as their mother and I raise them to be. They also don't go to school at the Zoo with the monkeys and apes in public schools.
If you raised them, then they will turn out to be racist, ignorant drags on decent society, just like you.
I think you're projecting. You're racist, ignorant, and a drag on society. Still confused?

Here's a picture of you:

God help your children when they get out of that cocoon of school and have live in the real world. How profoundly disappointed they are going to be when the realize their dad was a fucking liar. That all of the nonsense he told them about people who were different than them were sick, twisted lies. It would be like the time they came home and found you beating your meat to videos of burning crosses. That is an image I am sure they have had trouble erasing. But, as a product of a private Catholic Education, and as a father who provided the same to my son, I am sure that they long ago understood what a useless fuck their father was. That education will go a long way to counter your hate and ignorance.
Ha ha! You just admitted you ARE projecting!

And where, you silly, inbred fuck, did I do that? You are a hateful little man. You would never have the balls to say in person any of the things you write on here. Ignorant, hateful bigots like you are inherently cowards. You are also failures at life who need to explain their failures by blaming those who are different. I went to school with the sons of assholes like you. I kicked their ass, figuratively and literally, when necessary, on a regular basis.
I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

That was mutual abuse. Not a genuine caring relationship...

And you have inside knowledge of this particular relationship?

Donald Sterlings?? Sure. It was mutual abuse. Not likely to be the case here if even his Chief was aware of it.. Must have been somewhat serious to draw that attention..
How about the cops that sodomized Abner Louima? One of them had a Black girlfriend to. I wonder how long this fired cop will have his Black girlfriend after she sees the video?

That was hard to ignore. When the FIRST 2 BLACK responders are unable to move the kid with reason and words, and THEY call the resident cop -- It's not likely THIS black girlfriend is gonna see him as a renegade racist. And neither will the FBI when this is all done..
They called the cop to do his job. They didnt call him to ape out. I think its highly likely his Black girlfriend will see him as a racist or at the very least a cowardly bitch for doing what he did to the young teenager girl.
I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

That was mutual abuse. Not a genuine caring relationship...

And you have inside knowledge of this particular relationship?

Donald Sterlings?? Sure. It was mutual abuse. Not likely to be the case here if even his Chief was aware of it.. Must have been somewhat serious to draw that attention..
How about the cops that sodomized Abner Louima? One of them had a Black girlfriend to. I wonder how long this fired cop will have his Black girlfriend after she sees the video?

That was hard to ignore. When the FIRST 2 BLACK responders are unable to move the kid with reason and words, and THEY call the resident cop -- It's not likely THIS black girlfriend is gonna see him as a renegade racist. And neither will the FBI when this is all done..

Racist isnt the concern...the level of violence is. And THATS on video
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

That was mutual abuse. Not a genuine caring relationship...

And you have inside knowledge of this particular relationship?

Donald Sterlings?? Sure. It was mutual abuse. Not likely to be the case here if even his Chief was aware of it.. Must have been somewhat serious to draw that attention..

I'm not going to make assumptions either way, because neither of us know this man, or have any inside knowledge of his current relationship. Just because he's dating a black woman does not mean he is or isn't a racist. Neither of us know what kind of relationship he's in or whether or not it's abusive.

I think the more important issue is the excessive force he used on a non threatening minor.
Your kind sure gets off on violence
My kind? What kind is that? Look! If she doesn't learn that there are consequences for her actions now; she will make a costlier mistake in the future...that I promise you. I care more for her well being than you. All you are jazzed by is seeing a cop go down. Piggy? you are showing your age you old hippy.
Her well-being doesn't include being thrown across the floor by an adult man three times her size paid to protect her...
Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

I explained this to them, they still don't get it.
Thats correct. Most intelligent people dont get why you two think the officer couldnt drag her desk into the hallway.
Here, I'll show you again:

Thats a cartoon. Its also not a desk.
Yet the concept works just as well with desks.
No stupid. Desks are not as heavy as a car made of boulders.
Your kind sure gets off on violence
My kind? What kind is that? Look! If she doesn't learn that there are consequences for her actions now; she will make a costlier mistake in the future...that I promise you. I care more for her well being than you. All you are jazzed by is seeing a cop go down. Piggy? you are showing your age you old hippy.
Her well-being doesn't include being thrown across the floor by an adult man three times her size paid to protect her...
he was paid to enforce school policy like..... for instance..... no cell phone use in class perchance.
Your kind sure gets off on violence
My kind? What kind is that? Look! If she doesn't learn that there are consequences for her actions now; she will make a costlier mistake in the future...that I promise you. I care more for her well being than you. All you are jazzed by is seeing a cop go down. Piggy? you are showing your age you old hippy.
Her well-being doesn't include being thrown across the floor by an adult man three times her size paid to protect her...
he was paid to enforce school policy like..... for instance..... no cell phone use in class perchance.
No, he was not. That is up to the staff.

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