Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom


Is that you in your bunker working through your butthurt. It seems you can't sit still.
hahahaahahahahaaha you still haven't gotten the young person out of the class room because she put her hands on the door and then on the threshold and stopped the desk from moving, so now you have a bigger predicament because now you have no leverage since she is still in the room and you are now in the hall. Funny, you failed to extract the individual and you gave leverage back to her.

The Leftists here think that a desk can be moved even if the occupant pushes their feet down. They're not known for intelligence, that's for sure.

But there is no weight on your feet if you're sitting professor. You could also lean her back so her feet are off the floor.
You fools are taking this argument to pretty retarded lenghths.

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

Don't know HOW LONG you folks would allow this drama to go on with no response from the student. There's another confrontation every hour to resolve. And ONE cop. Only thing dragging her out into the hallway would have done ---- is DESTROYED THE VIDEO RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED..

Talk about not thinking clearly...

OMG! You could also carry the entire desk.
Lean her back one guy grabs the chair legs while the other has the back. This doesn't need to be a criminal issue. She didn't rob a freak'n bank. Most kids act out because they have an issue. Putting charges on her does nothing to resolve that issue.
And yes it is retarded to continue arguing about this in this detail.
A man chased police with a machete. Was apprehended with no shots fired, no beat-down, no pepper spray, and no taser. How is this possible? It happened in Britain and not America.

OMG! You could also carry the entire desk.
Lean her back one guy grabs the chair legs while the other has the back. This doesn't need to be a criminal issue. She didn't rob a freak'n bank. Most kids act out because they have an issue. Putting charges on her does nothing to resolve that issue.
And yes it is retarded to continue arguing about this in this detail.

The ignorance expressed by those who have no earthly idea about what they're talking about.
Is that you in your bunker working through your butthurt. It seems you can't sit still.
hahahaahahahahaaha you still haven't gotten the young person out of the class room because she put her hands on the door and then on the threshold and stopped the desk from moving, so now you have a bigger predicament because now you have no leverage since she is still in the room and you are now in the hall. Funny, you failed to extract the individual and you gave leverage back to her.

The Leftists here think that a desk can be moved even if the occupant pushes their feet down. They're not known for intelligence, that's for sure.

But there is no weight on your feet if you're sitting professor. You could also lean her back so her feet are off the floor.
You fools are taking this argument to pretty retarded lenghths.

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

Don't know HOW LONG you folks would allow this drama to go on with no response from the student. There's another confrontation every hour to resolve. And ONE cop. Only thing dragging her out into the hallway would have done ---- is DESTROYED THE VIDEO RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED..

Talk about not thinking clearly...

OMG! You could also carry the entire desk.
Lean her back one guy grabs the chair legs while the other has the back. This doesn't need to be a criminal issue. She didn't rob a freak'n bank. Most kids act out because they have an issue. Putting charges on her does nothing to resolve that issue.
And yes it is retarded to continue arguing about this in this detail.


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Force of this nature is only appropriate if the person constitutes a danger to himself, or others. This child did not. In addition, a cop should never act out of anger, which is what this cop did. The cop could have permanently injured the girl, who was passively resisting. (In fact, the cop almost injured the kid sitting behind her). While she is obviously a problem child who should be removed from the school, there are many other ways to do that other than by tossing her around the room like a rag doll.
but she did create a danger to herself and others.

Oh, yeah. She made the cop mad, which caused danger to people. Sounds just like the usual "blame the victim' mentality of the Right.
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Who are they going to get to do the job if those they hire get thrown to the wolves for doing the job?

If they do their job the way it should be done, there are no wolves.
White guys like StevenR live vicariously through white cops that beat up Black female teenagers.
There is never a situation involving a Black person being savaged that elicits any support for the victims...
Force of this nature is only appropriate if the person constitutes a danger to himself, or others. This child did not. In addition, a cop should never act out of anger, which is what this cop did. The cop could have permanently injured the girl, who was passively resisting. (In fact, the cop almost injured the kid sitting behind her). While she is obviously a problem child who should be removed from the school, there are many other ways to do that other than by tossing her around the room like a rag doll.
but she did create a danger to herself and others.

Oh, yeah. She made the cop mad, which caused \danger to people. Sounds ajust like the usual "blame the victim' mentality of the Right.
You should ask him what specific danger the class was in because the teenage girl did not get up and watch him squirm. :laugh:
Who are they going to get to do the job if those they hire get thrown to the wolves for doing the job?

If they do their job the way it should be done, there are no wolves.
White guys like StevenR live vicariously through white cops that beat up Black female teenagers.
There is never a situation involving a Black person being savaged that elicits any support for the victims...
Not at Stormfront-lite, AKA here...
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Donald Sterlings?? Sure. It was mutual abuse. Not likely to be the case here if even his Chief was aware of it.. Must have been somewhat serious to draw that attention..
How about the cops that sodomized Abner Louima? One of them had a Black girlfriend to. I wonder how long this fired cop will have his Black girlfriend after she sees the video?

That was hard to ignore. When the FIRST 2 BLACK responders are unable to move the kid with reason and words, and THEY call the resident cop -- It's not likely THIS black girlfriend is gonna see him as a renegade racist. And neither will the FBI when this is all done..

Racist isnt the concern...the level of violence is. And THATS on video

Racist is the concern, which is why the Race Department is getting involved.
Thats what happens when you call people the N-word and have a track record.


"But in a sworn affidavit filed this year as part of a federal lawsuit against Deputy Fields, Christopher Dewitt said that as a student in 2013, he “personally witnessed Deputy Fields call two of my friends at Spring Valley High School the ‘n-word.’ ”

Dear God, he used an offensive word! Not that, anything but that!
I thought about this for a while, and I'm on the officer's side. When all peaceful efforts are exhausted, what other choice is there?
Do the right thing, and back off. She's a kid, not a terrorist. All they had to do was get her mom on the phone.
If that had failed, would you be okay with letting her disrupt the rest of the class? And sending the message to the other students that they can disrupt the class whenever they want?
Yep, because you can't teach kids that it's okay to start beating on someone when they won't do as you tell them to.
and then there is the real world liberal man. Then there is the real world. You should go out of the house and experience it once in a while, it will educate you. The girl got her consequence for misbehaving. Fine with me and it must have been fine with her she choose that option.
The problem resides in the absence of rigid discipline in the school environment rather than the kind of permissiveness which eventually results in the kind of exceptional behavior by students that provoked this incident.

My brother and I attended parochial school and academy (St. Francis Xavier, in Brooklyn, NY) during the 1940s and 50s. We were introduced to rigid discipline from day one. We wore uniforms, silence rules were strictly enforced. The Franciscan brothers, the Carmelite nuns and the lay teachers tolerated absolutely no misbehavior. It was common in most classrooms to see some kid(s) standing "nose and toes" to the wall in the "punishment corner." Kids who could not conform with the rules were simply expelled, so the parents fully supported (and paid for) the school's policies.

There were times when a brother or a nun would drag a kid into the coatroom and slap the hell out of him (I went home with a red face once). But these quietly administered lessons in proper behavior were rarely necessary and never occurred as examples of brutal violence.

The bottom line is we learned! That's what we were there for and that's what we got. St. Francis grade school and academy (high school) students consistently earned highest scores in New York State annual educational ratings and our grads were invited to the finest universities in the Country. (And we had good wrestling and basketball teams, too.)

Wow. You are awesome.
How about the cops that sodomized Abner Louima? One of them had a Black girlfriend to. I wonder how long this fired cop will have his Black girlfriend after she sees the video?

That was hard to ignore. When the FIRST 2 BLACK responders are unable to move the kid with reason and words, and THEY call the resident cop -- It's not likely THIS black girlfriend is gonna see him as a renegade racist. And neither will the FBI when this is all done..

Racist isnt the concern...the level of violence is. And THATS on video

Racist is the concern, which is why the Race Department is getting involved.
Thats what happens when you call people the N-word and have a track record.


"But in a sworn affidavit filed this year as part of a federal lawsuit against Deputy Fields, Christopher Dewitt said that as a student in 2013, he “personally witnessed Deputy Fields call two of my friends at Spring Valley High School the ‘n-word.’ ”

Dear God, he used an offensive word! Not that, anything but that!
I would label it as a "racist" word which is why he is being investigate by the "race department" like SMD was complaining about. Is this your version of pretending it was no big deal?
I thought about this for a while, and I'm on the officer's side. When all peaceful efforts are exhausted, what other choice is there?
Do the right thing, and back off. She's a kid, not a terrorist. All they had to do was get her mom on the phone.
If that had failed, would you be okay with letting her disrupt the rest of the class? And sending the message to the other students that they can disrupt the class whenever they want?
Yep, because you can't teach kids that it's okay to start beating on someone when they won't do as you tell them to.
and then there is the real world liberal man. Then there is the real world. You should go out of the house and experience it once in a while, it will educate you. The girl got her consequence for misbehaving. Fine with me and it must have been fine with her she choose that option.
Good thing you werent in charge of firing this guy. Seems like intelligence and professionalism prevailed.
Or better yet, no school cops. What cop wants to go through that shit?
Cops that enjoy working with children.

Those aren't children, they're half grown feral thugs.
Speak for your own. Children are what they are. If you have problems in your personal life please dont project them onto everyone elses children.
why does it bother you? So we're not allowed to use our freedom of speech because you don't like our speech? Funny stuff these liberals, another non freedom subject.
Why does what bother me? You can use whatever words you want. I just asked that you keep your personal issues where they belong and to not pretend everyone has that issue.
So my personal opinions bother you f00l? You just asked me to take them somewhere else. At least you implied such. So, again, you wish to remove my right to my opinion? That's worse than anything this cop did.
That was hard to ignore. When the FIRST 2 BLACK responders are unable to move the kid with reason and words, and THEY call the resident cop -- It's not likely THIS black girlfriend is gonna see him as a renegade racist. And neither will the FBI when this is all done..

Racist isnt the concern...the level of violence is. And THATS on video

Racist is the concern, which is why the Race Department is getting involved.
Thats what happens when you call people the N-word and have a track record.


"But in a sworn affidavit filed this year as part of a federal lawsuit against Deputy Fields, Christopher Dewitt said that as a student in 2013, he “personally witnessed Deputy Fields call two of my friends at Spring Valley High School the ‘n-word.’ ”

Dear God, he used an offensive word! Not that, anything but that!
I would label it as a "racist" word which is why he is being investigate by the "race department" like SMD was complaining about. Is this your version of pretending it was no big deal?

It's just a word. No one is harmed by its mere utterance.


Did your eyes bleed because your read it? Was your pocket picked or your legs broken?

It's just a word.
I thought about this for a while, and I'm on the officer's side. When all peaceful efforts are exhausted, what other choice is there?
Do the right thing, and back off. She's a kid, not a terrorist. All they had to do was get her mom on the phone.
If that had failed, would you be okay with letting her disrupt the rest of the class? And sending the message to the other students that they can disrupt the class whenever they want?
Yep, because you can't teach kids that it's okay to start beating on someone when they won't do as you tell them to.
and then there is the real world liberal man. Then there is the real world. You should go out of the house and experience it once in a while, it will educate you. The girl got her consequence for misbehaving. Fine with me and it must have been fine with her she choose that option.
Good thing you werent in charge of firing this guy. Seems like intelligence and professionalism prevailed.
I would have decorated the guy!

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