Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

I explained this to them, they still don't get it.
Thats correct. Most intelligent people dont get why you two think the officer couldnt drag her desk into the hallway.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

That was mutual abuse. Not a genuine caring relationship...

And you have inside knowledge of this particular relationship?

Sheriff Lott himself commented on it.

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Why did PaintMyDick start a new thread on this. The firing of the officer has already been brought up here. Now we have to jump back and forth.
hahahaahahahahaaha you still haven't gotten the young person out of the class room because she put her hands on the door and then on the threshold and stopped the desk from moving, so now you have a bigger predicament because now you have no leverage since she is still in the room and you are now in the hall. Funny, you failed to extract the individual and you gave leverage back to her.

The Leftists here think that a desk can be moved even if the occupant pushes their feet down. They're not known for intelligence, that's for sure.

But there is no weight on your feet if you're sitting professor. You could also lean her back so her feet are off the floor.
You fools are taking this argument to pretty retarded lenghths.

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

Don't know HOW LONG you folks would allow this drama to go on with no response from the student. There's another confrontation every hour to resolve. And ONE cop. Only thing dragging her out into the hallway would have done ---- is DESTROYED THE VIDEO RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED..

Talk about not thinking clearly...
Dragging her desk into the hallway would have removed her from the class. That would have been caught on the video recording.

AND NOTHING would have likely been recorded showing her actually BEING REMOVED from desk and secured.
At the point she is out of the room there is no need to remove her from the desk. Come on man. Use your common sense.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

Considering he's being prosecuted by the United States Federal Government for being a "racist", he needs to muster all the evidence in his defense he can.

Do you have a link for that?
Read the fucking OP, lazy. The FBI and Federal Prosecutor are launching a civil rights investigation to investigate his "crime" of being a white man.

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Over him using excessive force...
She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

That was mutual abuse. Not a genuine caring relationship...

And you have inside knowledge of this particular relationship?

Donald Sterlings?? Sure. It was mutual abuse. Not likely to be the case here if even his Chief was aware of it.. Must have been somewhat serious to draw that attention..
Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

I explained this to them, they still don't get it.
Thats correct. Most intelligent people dont get why you two think the officer couldnt drag her desk into the hallway.
Here, I'll show you again:

You don't put Office Badass in a position and then expect him not to act like Officer Badass. Dealing with problems by bringing down the left fist of Law and the right fist of Order kind of is his job and the one he was trained to do.

Then fire officer "badass" and hire officer "professional"
The Leftists here think that a desk can be moved even if the occupant pushes their feet down. They're not known for intelligence, that's for sure.

But there is no weight on your feet if you're sitting professor. You could also lean her back so her feet are off the floor.
You fools are taking this argument to pretty retarded lenghths.

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

Don't know HOW LONG you folks would allow this drama to go on with no response from the student. There's another confrontation every hour to resolve. And ONE cop. Only thing dragging her out into the hallway would have done ---- is DESTROYED THE VIDEO RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED..

Talk about not thinking clearly...
Dragging her desk into the hallway would have removed her from the class. That would have been caught on the video recording.

AND NOTHING would have likely been recorded showing her actually BEING REMOVED from desk and secured.
At the point she is out of the room there is no need to remove her from the desk.

BULLSHIT.. You obviously haven't thought it thru --- She was ORDERED to report to the principal's office. That's where these kinds of disputes are solved. Putting her in a hallway solves nothing. And at this point -- she needed to be taken into custody..
The cop used excessive force.

The idea that he had to do this to send the right message to the rest of the class is ridiculous.

There are several alternative actions that could have been taken.

The kid was being a little asshole. And yes.....it wouldn't have happened TO HER had she not been an asshole....blah blah blah blah.

The cop did not perform his duties appropriately. He got fired. It is as it should be.
Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

Considering he's being prosecuted by the United States Federal Government for being a "racist", he needs to muster all the evidence in his defense he can.

Do you have a link for that?
Read the fucking OP, lazy. The FBI and Federal Prosecutor are launching a civil rights investigation to investigate his "crime" of being a white man.

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Over him using excessive force...

Don't be a dense Leftist. (As if!) The demonstrably racist Justice Department would not be involved if he wasn't white. His crime is his race.
Your kind sure gets off on violence
My kind? What kind is that? Look! If she doesn't learn that there are consequences for her actions now; she will make a costlier mistake in the future...that I promise you. I care more for her well being than you. All you are jazzed by is seeing a cop go down. Piggy? you are showing your age you old hippy.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

That was mutual abuse. Not a genuine caring relationship...

And you have inside knowledge of this particular relationship?

Donald Sterlings?? Sure. It was mutual abuse. Not likely to be the case here if even his Chief was aware of it.. Must have been somewhat serious to draw that attention..
How about the cops that sodomized Abner Louima? One of them had a Black girlfriend too. I wonder how long this fired cop will have his Black girlfriend after she sees the video?
This is an interesting issue because Republicans have traditionally supported state power (and they are more likely than Democrats to support any representative of government; whereas Democrats are less trustful of state power).

The cop was a representative of government; therefore, I bet Republicans on this board will support him.
Considering all the charges against him, this dirtbag needs to be in jail...

"(CNN) The South Carolina deputy who slammed a disruptive student on the floor and tossed her several feet has been fired.

Other students in the classroom at Spring Valley High School caught the incident on video.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Deputy Ben Fields without pay, and then fired him Wednesday."
Spring Valley High Officer Ben Fields fired - CNN.com

There are no charges filed against him.

He lost his job.

He was well-liked by students black and white.

Your post seems a bit of an overreaction.

It looks like a good cop had a really bad day and made a move (the trowing) which cost him his job.
The charges are in the pending lawsuits against him, and the potential Federal Civil Rights violations currently under investigation.

A civil action is not referred to as a "charge" -- that word generally refers to a criminal code violation.
Semantics. The "charges" against are mostly that he's a racist bastard with a bad tempter who knocks kids and others around. Imagine that...

I think your attitude would be different if it was some little red-neck white kid and and big Samoan cop.

Do you fuckers ever tire of doing that?
we don't know the entire story. There could be 10 mins worth of footage preceding that where the officer was asking nicely.

And that may be, but it doesn't justify what we saw in that video.

On the one hand, I think the girl used her body and weight to make the whole "take down" look worse than it was. OTH, I think the officer probably might have done it in a better way. It's obvious he lost his cool.

But she did needed to be removed from the situation. Disobedience at that point probably couldn't be allowed.

I think maybe some non-violent humiliation or shaming tactics should have been used. Perhaps if they had just brought in some harmless spiders and dropped them around her desk, she would have moved on her own. :lmao:

I'm sure a cold bucket of water could have been found. It's probably what she needed.
There are no charges filed against him.

He lost his job.

He was well-liked by students black and white.

Your post seems a bit of an overreaction.

It looks like a good cop had a really bad day and made a move (the trowing) which cost him his job.
The charges are in the pending lawsuits against him, and the potential Federal Civil Rights violations currently under investigation.

A civil action is not referred to as a "charge" -- that word generally refers to a criminal code violation.
Semantics. The "charges" against are mostly that he's a racist bastard with a bad tempter who knocks kids and others around. Imagine that...

I think your attitude would be different if it was some little red-neck white kid and and big Samoan cop.

Do you fuckers ever tire of doing that?
Do you?

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