Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

In Catholic School, where my kids attend, ALL the children respect authority and are well behaved. Zoos are not the optimum place to educate children.
I went to Catholic school chump...Dominus Vobiscum, LOL and look at me a Heathen LOL

I know a lot of ex-Catholics myself. They just hated Catholic school. They refused to become automatons, unlike Saint Mike's little 'bots.
Hey, Saint Mike, your kids ever been molested by a priest? Little Johnny come home with a sore hiney? You?
I know of two men who said they were approached by priests but managed to escape their scared penises.

In Catholic School, where my kids attend, ALL the children respect authority and are well behaved. Zoos are not the optimum place to educate children.
I went to Catholic school chump...Dominus Vobiscum, LOL and look at me a Heathen LOL

But not in jail. Thanks for proving my point.
Been there done that too Chump but I beat them I got out with no convictions...Cops ain't the smartest critters around .... I smoke marijuana and I laugh at Armageddon LOl
Those aren't children, they're half grown feral thugs.
Speak for your own. Children are what they are. If you have problems in your personal life please dont project them onto everyone elses children.

My children are very well behaved, respectful, and obedient as their mother and I raise them to be. They also don't go to school at the Zoo with the monkeys and apes in public schools.
If you raised them, then they will turn out to be racist, ignorant drags on decent society, just like you.
I think you're projecting. You're racist, ignorant, and a drag on society. Still confused?

Here's a picture of you:

God help your children when they get out of that cocoon of school and have live in the real world. How profoundly disappointed they are going to be when the realize their dad was a fucking liar. That all of the nonsense he told them about people who were different than them were sick, twisted lies. It would be like the time they came home and found you beating your meat to videos of burning crosses. That is an image I am sure they have had trouble erasing. But, as a product of a private Catholic Education, and as a father who provided the same to my son, I am sure that they long ago understood what a useless fuck their father was. That education will go a long way to counter your hate and ignorance.
Ha ha! You just admitted you ARE projecting!

Speak for your own. Children are what they are. If you have problems in your personal life please dont project them onto everyone elses children.

My children are very well behaved, respectful, and obedient as their mother and I raise them to be. They also don't go to school at the Zoo with the monkeys and apes in public schools.
I dont believe you. If that was true you wouldnt call children thugs.
Those "kids" are half grown thugs as is the case in most public integrated schools.

In Catholic School, where my kids attend, ALL the children respect authority and are well behaved. Zoos are not the optimum place to educate children.
Thanks for proving my point. There was a reason I didnt believe you.

Don't care if you believe me or not. My kids aren't going to be in the news for assaulting police officers. Your kids? That's a different story.
Of course you care. If you didnt care you wouldnt be trying to convince me. Sorry but I simply dont believe you. Like most people you spoke from personal experience.
I might add that you have no obligation to obey a police officer if they are wrong. Thats pure unadulterated bullshit.

Do black kids have an obligation to obey the teacher? The assistant principal? Seems she took a pass on a LOT of obeyance until the cops got the call. Can't believe you think the cop just showed up and it's all about HIS orders or decisions..

Ya think the SCHOOL personnel wouldn't have called the cops on a WHITE kid??
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

His job is to keep the educators from direct physical engagements with abusive students. He was ASKED to exercise that authority by the staff. That's why he was there in the first place.
Do black kids have an obligation to obey the teacher? The assistant principal? Seems she took a pass on a LOT of obeyance until the cops got the call. Can't believe you think the cop just showed up and it's all about HIS orders or decisions..

Ya think the SCHOOL personnel wouldn't have called the cops on a WHITE kid??
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

His job is to keep the educators from direct physical engagements with abusive students. He was ASKED to exercise that authority by the staff. That's why he was there in the first place.
So why didnt he do his job instead of playing King Chimp?
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..
He no longer has a job because he is a steroid using weight lifting brutal gorilla...thank God he has been fired and hopefully they will throw him in jail where he can impress the inmates with his big muscles about being an Ex Cop
"Some of my best friends are Black"

If this crazy UNEMPLOYED person does have a Black Girl friend someone needs to check on whether she has suffered Domestic violence at his hand ....
Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..
That didnt make sense. What are you trying to say?
No more posts from Conservative, I think his old ass has stroked out.
He is somewhere in a corner drooling about now...
Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..
That didnt make sense. What are you trying to say?
He has a black girlfriend, duncecap.
"Some of my best friends are Black"

If this crazy UNEMPLOYED person does have a Black Girl friend someone needs to check on whether she has suffered Domestic violence at his hand ....
My grampa told me white men feel like more of a man if they have had sex with a Black woman. Like its a rite of passage.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..
That didnt make sense. What are you trying to say?
He has a black girlfriend, duncecap.
That means he is extra dangerous. He is one of those racists that think having a Black sex partner makes them more manly. I guess all those mixed breed Black kids during slavery had fathers that werent racists.
"Some of my best friends are Black"

If this crazy UNEMPLOYED person does have a Black Girl friend someone needs to check on whether she has suffered Domestic violence at his hand ....
My grampa told me white men feel like more of a man if they have had sex with a Black woman. Like its a rite of passage.

Or black women can't get enough of that Saxon cock.
Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.
She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..
That didnt make sense. What are you trying to say?
He has a black girlfriend, duncecap.
That means he is extra dangerous. He is one of those racists that think having a Black sex partner makes them more manly.
I prefer white women myself. I don't see the appeal in black women and I certainly don't see the appeal in my own race's women (fugly!)
He no longer has a job because he is a steroid using weight lifting brutal gorilla...thank God he has been fired and hopefully they will throw him in jail where he can impress the inmates with his big muscles about being an Ex Cop
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