Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

A minor misdemeanor at worst. The officer didn't have to use the amount of force that he did.

Let me guess, no matter what the crime, all criminals should be treated exactly the same, regardless of what their crime is. Treat a jaywalker the same as a serial murderer perhaps?

Yeah... tolerate that behavior. You can expect more of this:

Anybody who equates the child with Rosa Parks has the mental balance of where_r_my_keys, who is a true fascist.
A minor misdemeanor at worst. The officer didn't have to use the amount of force that he did.

Let me guess, no matter what the crime, all criminals should be treated exactly the same, regardless of what their crime is. Treat a jaywalker the same as a serial murderer perhaps?

Yeah... tolerate that behavior. You can expect more of this:

More what? Police brutality and police killing unarmed citizens?

No thanks...............we've had enough and need to stop.
love how the leftist media edited the whole video to fan the flames of hate and division.

so b/c of that, it's clear the cop was clearly in the right the whole time and did everything he could to control the situation.

he made no mistakes and the parents of the child should have their kids taken from them since they clearly have no idea how to raise them.

Did this guy just take the cops side only because he thinks the video is edited?

All you have to do with these guys is say the left likes their mothers and these idiots would chuck their moms off a cliff

Ah. How would Officer ClosedCaption have dealt with this brat bitch?

The only way to interact with a child of course...by mopping the floor with them
So you don't have any actionable ideas eh?
Drag her desk out into the hallway. Pretty simple huh?
You're an idiot.

There is so much stewpud in the statement it would take hours to explain
Our local school district is re-doing its officer security program now with children like the one in OP.

The teacher will call in an AP and another admin person along with the campus resource officer.

The front office will use the office cell phone jammer until the child is secured.

One of the admin personnel will vid the entire sequence of events.

All children will be escorted from the classroom as the resource officer secures the door so that the offending child cannot leave.

When all children are safely away (probably the library), the officer will order the child to stand up, turn around, and put the arms behind the back. If the child refuses, the officer will wait for two more officers before securing the child.

The officer will secure and escort the child to the principal's office, where officer, principal, and child will wait for the jail personnel to arrive then take the child to custody.

When the child is taken away, the cell phone jammer will be turned off.

The parents will then be called.

I did not know that was procedure! That is what I thought should have been done! Escort the students out of the classroom and leave the student behind with the officer while waiting for back up (in your case you call the principal). Very interesting, Jake! I do believe that is using wisdom because it gives everyone the necessary time to calm down, isolate the situation and deal with it calmly. CALM being the operative word.
A minor misdemeanor at worst. The officer didn't have to use the amount of force that he did.

Let me guess, no matter what the crime, all criminals should be treated exactly the same, regardless of what their crime is. Treat a jaywalker the same as a serial murderer perhaps?

Yeah... tolerate that behavior. You can expect more of this:

More what? Police brutality and police killing unarmed citizens?

No thanks...............we've had enough and need to stop.
All the 17 year old had to do was obey the officer. Once he laid hands on the officer and continued to struggle with him, his life, according to the law, was forfeit. That is not going to change.
I don't know what the rules are/were for the officer. If he broke rules, then that's it, he pays the appropriate price.

Sadly though, the PC Police are doing what they always do: Largely ignoring all the several rules broken by the student, painting her as an innocent, helpless abuse victim, and continuing the cynical and vile tradition of effectively enabling poor behavior by (especially) young blacks.

American Blacks continue to be victimized by the PC Police.
No. We are saying you don't have to resort to beating up a child when the child is being a brat. You are one unimaginative person. There are a lot of other tools in the toolbox beside truncheons and jackboots.

PLEASE...detail "lots of other tools" that can be used every day...probably several times a day...by cops in these...um...diverse high schools to remove students who are determined not to be removed?
You tell the kid to turn over the phone. If she doesn't turn over the phone, you tell the brat to go to the office. If she doesn't go to the office, you give her detention. If she doesn't show up for detention, you suspend her.

DONE! No cops needed.

They did all that. She was still disrupting class. They wanted her OUT. Gone. Bye. Just like she got kicked out of her previous school (OOOH...mainstream media not disclosed that yet??? Stand by....).

She was determined to not get up and not leave.

How do you get her ass out of the building...if she's determined her ass is staying???

Easy.... I was probably 150 lbs. at that time. While both of my hands holding the bench, cop grabbed both of my hand, wrapped ( embrace hug ) me around from behind, carry me while kicking. He was very strong white cop. I couldn't do anything.... Tell me this white big dude cannot do that to this teen age girl? Or just haul her with the chair outside. Is that so difficult?
Schools should invest in cell phone jammers.


I have one, it works beautifully. I like to use it on the highway when the dipshit in front of me is driving like a drunk because they are on their phone.

I flip a switch, and presto, the retard is magically transformed into a driver who fucking pays attention to the road.

Are you aware of the laws surrounding use of that device?

Are you aware of the accidents that happen because people are using their cell phones while driving? There is nothing so important that you cannot wait until you get to your destination to talk on a phone. If it is an emergency? Pull over to the side of the road and use the phone. But do not drive and use a cell phone. It's very dangerous.

What is your problem? I've not said anything about the need to use a cell phone while driving.

You are really in your own world. Please fuck off.
Anybody who equates the child with Rosa Parks has the mental balance of where_r_my_keys, who is a true fascist.
I am not comparing her to Rosa Parks ... I am comparing your reaction to the racist expectation of obedience or else even when it was unjust...attitudes like your would mean no progress no challenge to the UNFAIR am telling you that your categorical condemnation of "disobeying" the HOLY authorities is Stupid ....you want mindless obedience and if it does not happen you think Physical assaults are the answer...you approve of the Physical assault

by the way "Jake" your hero Gorilla is done............. time has told and I am telling you :banana:
Schools should invest in cell phone jammers.


I have one, it works beautifully. I like to use it on the highway when the dipshit in front of me is driving like a drunk because they are on their phone.

I flip a switch, and presto, the retard is magically transformed into a driver who fucking pays attention to the road.

Are you aware of the laws surrounding use of that device?

Are you aware of the accidents that happen because people are using their cell phones while driving? There is nothing so important that you cannot wait until you get to your destination to talk on a phone. If it is an emergency? Pull over to the side of the road and use the phone. But do not drive and use a cell phone. It's very dangerous.

What is your problem? I've not said anything about the need to use a cell phone while driving.

You are really in your own world. Please fuck off.
I agree with Holy Joe fucking off
Yup, the department played politics instead of serving the entire public.

This is the worst of AA in action.
Yup, the department played politics instead of serving the entire public.

This is the worst of AA in action.
what a cry baby ...oh poor baby ....hahhahahhahahahha he got canned
and Jake do you agree with this

A man like Ben Fields would have shown that nasty Rosa Parks that one has to obey the lawful orders of the Police.........
False analogy, Ty.

The forces of reverse AA won one. Congrats.

Won't be many more.
Son, I was the school board president for our district for some time and on the board for more than a decade.

I had no worry about weaklings like you, who are all talk and no walk.

We had a protocol that resolved issues like this one the child caused, and the parents knew they would be sued if any school personnel or children or property was injured.

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