Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks her up and THROWS HER against the wall..

Oh but there is a defense ...ask Jake...she disobeyed....

That's what they tried to sell us about Dajeeria Becton.

Oops, Casebolt got fired too. Once in a while there is justice.
Not often enough though.
When Correll sees the right answer but most of the rest of you, mostly good folks, don't because of your prejudices, we will have to leave it to the civil court. You will lose.
Only CC is foolishly saying, "They've been saying that the entire time. It's her fault for any actions the police take. Slam, shot, decapitated...hey, should've listened!" No one else said anything of the sort.
Right now in the US because of attitudes of total submission to authority you have heavily armed Police forces able to invade your home looking for marijuana and in the process beat you up terrorize you and your family , kill your pets and destroy half your house ... and weaklings say "Thank you sir and May I please have another"

Reading comments from various sources. This one is from the RCSO Facebook page. Citizens here are angry....they overwhelmingly support the cop in this.

The weak spined Democrat sheriff oversees this county, which is the Columbia metro area, SCs largest metro and MOST VIOLENT CRIME in the state. Ha...with his fresh impact on his troops...it's gonna just get worse.

In his speech....he said officers are also trained in pressure points and officer should've used that (they don't work for one). PPCT is the hand to hand system SC cops use. AND...to do the pressure points? You must secure your arm under the jaw from behind to stabilize the head. WHAT DOES THAT LOOK LIKE ON VIDEO? Like a choke. UUMMM...Sheriff....chokes don't look good.

They are for passive resistance. Which she was.

Now look at the video agian. Hmmm. The officer was putting his arm...around her jaw! Setting it up. THEN THE RESISTS....and throws a punch. She is now an "active aggressor" stage of resistance...which pressure points aren't used for (because again...they just rarely work).

Democrat Lott also said in his speech "Citizens jobs are to police the police with their cell phones." (www.thestate.com)

I can only imagine how the rest of his 700 deputies feel going on duty tonight....knowing if someone is being detained and they resist....could cost your career.

Good job Democrat Sheriff Lott. What a fuckup. No wonder Richland County is #1 in crime in SC and the Columbia region is seen as the armpit of SC behind the beautiful and thriving Charleston and Greenville region- thugs run Columbia.

You seem awfully hung up on political parties here. What exactly about this story is "political"?

Especially for a local office like Sheriff?

How does a Sheriff do his job in "left wing" or "right wing" ways exactly? :eusa_think:

First time I met my sheriff here he was running for re-election, as a Democrat. Next time he was running for re-election as a Republican.

Same guy.

Wind must have shifted.

Glad to see the cop was fired. He doesn't have the temperament to effectively police these kids.

No one can effectively police these kids, with the rules as they stand.

Hence the education gap.

What? Which gap is that?

You don't know about the Education Gap?

Jesus Christ you're ignorant!

Goggle is your friend.

What are you referring to? Please explain what you mean by the education gap. In your own words.

What's goggle? I've heard of Google.

Again you start out with the insults. Are you upset?

There is no legitimate reason to ask for me to define something that is common knowledge and already well defined.

I didn't insult you. I merely gave you the respect of responding to your statement seriously.

If you, after years of discussing political and social issues are unaware of the Educate Gap, than you are shockingly ignorant.

you goggle, educate yourself and return to the discussion.
This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks her up and THROWS HER against the wall..

Oh but there is a defense ...ask Jake...she disobeyed....

That's what they tried to sell us about Dajeeria Becton.

Oops, Casebolt got fired too. Once in a while there is justice.
Not often enough though.
Casebolt is the Gorilla cop who man handled a Black teen at a Texas pool party
Only CC is foolishly saying, "They've been saying that the entire time. It's her fault for any actions the police take. Slam, shot, decapitated...hey, should've listened!" No one else said anything of the sort.
YOU have been insisting on Obedience Uber ales
I have been insisting the child should have obeyed the officer, yes. If this had happened in my school district, the parents would have picked their child up at the police department after the presiding officer of the juvenile court had her say. If there had been problems with the parents, we had the option to turn the case over to the child protective services.
This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks her up and THROWS HER against the wall..

Oh but there is a defense ...ask Jake...she disobeyed....

That's what they tried to sell us about Dajeeria Becton.

Oops, Casebolt got fired too. Once in a while there is justice.
Not often enough though.

Yep. And guess what? Youll never hear about the settlement checks these cops will get behind closed doors. Jackpot. Hell...I'm kinda jealous.
No one can effectively police these kids, with the rules as they stand.

Hence the education gap.

Hey.............even the police chief said that this cop didn't follow the advanced training he was given so that he could be a school officer. He acted inappropriately and used more force than what was required for the situation.
Sheriff Lott also said that his deputies need more training for the school resource officer post. I'm sure that's going to be brought up in the lawsuit.

And every other cop who is summoned to a class room has been told to not do anything.

Repeal Truancy Laws Now!

I agree. But in this case, the girl is 18 and not subject to those laws. I remember that feeling, in my senior year of high school when I turned 18 and realized I was now going to school by choice. I think if adults abuse that choice and want to act like adult criminals, it's time to send them packing.
If the student will not leave and will not comply, what alternative do you suggest?

Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

So what? The girl should get charges put on her for acting out when she is having difficulties?
It's an offense but understandable given her circumstances and certainly shouldn't have been criminalized the way it was.

Mitigating circumstances can be brought up at trial, especially for sentencing.

Expecting the officer at the scene to allow the young woman to remain in the room after the teacher has requested she be removed is not reasonable.
Only CC is foolishly saying, "They've been saying that the entire time. It's her fault for any actions the police take. Slam, shot, decapitated...hey, should've listened!" No one else said anything of the sort.
YOU have been insisting on Obedience Uber ales
I have been insisting the child should have obeyed the officer, yes. If this had happened in my school district, the parents would have picked their child up at the police department after the presiding officer of the juvenile court had her say. If there had been problems with the parents, we had the option to turn the case over to the child protective services.
We were a district that was about 40 40 20 white black latino. We never had issues. Parents made sure the children knew what would happen if they crossed the line.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

That's what these morons won't admit. She was determined to not get out of that chair or leave that room. Any attempt to was gonna be ugly.
Hey.............even the police chief said that this cop didn't follow the advanced training he was given so that he could be a school officer. He acted inappropriately and used more force than what was required for the situation.
Sheriff Lott also said that his deputies need more training for the school resource officer post. I'm sure that's going to be brought up in the lawsuit.

And every other cop who is summoned to a class room has been told to not do anything.

Repeal Truancy Laws Now!

I agree. But in this case, the girl is 18 and not subject to those laws. I remember that feeling, in my senior year of high school when I turned 18 and realized I was now going to school by choice. I think if adults abuse that choice and want to act like adult criminals, it's time to send them packing.
Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

So what? The girl should get charges put on her for acting out when she is having difficulties?
It's an offense but understandable given her circumstances and certainly shouldn't have been criminalized the way it was.

Mitigating circumstances can be brought up at trial, especially for sentencing.

Expecting the officer at the scene to allow the young woman to remain in the room after the teacher has requested she be removed is not reasonable.

Handling the girl the way the officer did clearly was not reasonable.
This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks her up and THROWS HER against the wall..

Oh but there is a defense ...ask Jake...she disobeyed....

That's what they tried to sell us about Dajeeria Becton.

Oops, Casebolt got fired too. Once in a while there is justice.
Not often enough though.

Yep. And guess what? Youll never hear about the settlement checks these cops will get behind closed doors. Jackpot. Hell...I'm kinda jealous.

In the same way you never "heard" I was elected Emperor of the World.
Desperate post there. Danth goes third person.
Hey.............even the police chief said that this cop didn't follow the advanced training he was given so that he could be a school officer. He acted inappropriately and used more force than what was required for the situation.
Sheriff Lott also said that his deputies need more training for the school resource officer post. I'm sure that's going to be brought up in the lawsuit.

And every other cop who is summoned to a class room has been told to not do anything.

Repeal Truancy Laws Now!

I agree. But in this case, the girl is 18 and not subject to those laws. I remember that feeling, in my senior year of high school when I turned 18 and realized I was now going to school by choice. I think if adults abuse that choice and want to act like adult criminals, it's time to send them packing.
Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

So what? The girl should get charges put on her for acting out when she is having difficulties?
It's an offense but understandable given her circumstances and certainly shouldn't have been criminalized the way it was.

Mitigating circumstances can be brought up at trial, especially for sentencing.

Expecting the officer at the scene to allow the young woman to remain in the room after the teacher has requested she be removed is not reasonable.

That's the consensus of libs. That they should've just left her in the room and said something like "Ok...you win this time...but starting tomorrow you're suspended".

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