Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks her up and THROWS HER against the wall..

Oh but there is a defense ...ask Jake...she disobeyed....

That's what they tried to sell us about Dajeeria Becton.

Oops, Casebolt got fired too. Once in a while there is justice.
Not often enough though.

Yep. And guess what? Youll never hear about the settlement checks these cops will get behind closed doors. Jackpot. Hell...I'm kinda jealous.

In the same way you never "heard" I was elected Emperor of the World.
Desperate post there. Danth goes third person.

Ha. You obviously have no clue how police and government employment works. You think he is the first cop ever thrown under the bus??? Departments will do it in a split second. The cop gets a lawyer and sues. They make a settlement behind closed doors...structured settlement payments...with stipulation of a gag order.

Guaranteed it happens here. The county gets to appease the cop haters and black community. The cop goes away and shuts up...because of the 00000s on the settlement checks.

So government has the right to hide legal issues from the public?

Amazing! I am going to let Hillary know about this right away!
People gotta grow a pair and stand up to this paramilitary horseshit.

Jesus these people are insane specially that creepy Jake...he draws no line on consequences boy for that guy once you disobey he does not give a fuck what the authorities do to you....after all "you disobeyed"

Likewise, you people think the first link of the causal chain is completely irrelevant. Reasonable people (meaning not you) understand that when people fight the police, bad things occur. That's why resisting arrest, assaulting a peace officer, etc is illegal.
I keep flashing back to a little story from my childhood --

One day the sun and the wind were arguing about who had more power. "See that man walking down there?" said the sun. "I can make him take his coat off. Can you do that?"

"Of course" said the wind. I can blow it off with my great strength!"

So the wind blew and howled and whipped around the man, but he just kept pulling his coat tighter and tighter against the wind.

The sun took pity on the man and shone down warm sunshine. "Ah, it's warm now", said the man. "Now I can take my coat off".

Guess not everyone learned that lesson.
Oh but there is a defense ...ask Jake...she disobeyed....

That's what they tried to sell us about Dajeeria Becton.

Oops, Casebolt got fired too. Once in a while there is justice.
Not often enough though.

Yep. And guess what? Youll never hear about the settlement checks these cops will get behind closed doors. Jackpot. Hell...I'm kinda jealous.

In the same way you never "heard" I was elected Emperor of the World.
Desperate post there. Danth goes third person.

Ha. You obviously have no clue how police and government employment works. You think he is the first cop ever thrown under the bus??? Departments will do it in a split second. The cop gets a lawyer and sues. They make a settlement behind closed doors...structured settlement payments...with stipulation of a gag order.

Guaranteed it happens here. The county gets to appease the cop haters and black community. The cop goes away and shuts up...because of the 00000s on the settlement checks.

So government has the right to hide legal issues from the public?

Amazing! I am going to let Hillary know about this right away!
Dude they are twisting themselves into pretzels to justify what the Steroid pumped gorilla did to that girl..specially weakling Jake who has no spine and can twist himself into grotesque shapes
Yup, the department played politics instead of serving the entire public.

This is the worst of AA in action.

Oh come OFF it Jake.

This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks her up and THROWS HER against the wall.

There IS NO defense for that. This animal should be locked up. Tightly.

He's god damn lucky more people weren't injured more seriously because he lost his head.

1. If he can bench press 600 pounds, his He Man Quest is no fantasy but an impressive reality.

2. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
Hey.............even the police chief said that this cop didn't follow the advanced training he was given so that he could be a school officer. He acted inappropriately and used more force than what was required for the situation.
Sheriff Lott also said that his deputies need more training for the school resource officer post. I'm sure that's going to be brought up in the lawsuit.

And every other cop who is summoned to a class room has been told to not do anything.

Repeal Truancy Laws Now!

I agree. But in this case, the girl is 18 and not subject to those laws. I remember that feeling, in my senior year of high school when I turned 18 and realized I was now going to school by choice. I think if adults abuse that choice and want to act like adult criminals, it's time to send them packing.
Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

So what? The girl should get charges put on her for acting out when she is having difficulties?
It's an offense but understandable given her circumstances and certainly shouldn't have been criminalized the way it was.
Wrong. Even kids that lose parents need to obey the law and the commands of law enforcement officials.
I agree, discipline should be applied but like I said earlier, kids who act out tend to do so because they have an issue. Putting charges on them does nothing to correct that issue but only creates more. The discipline should come from the school and not the criminal justice system.
Even police officers need to operate within the limits of their training and departmental policies or risk termination.
You all keep focusing on the girl but the entire story is about the actions of the officer. His dismissal is a result of his actions. The girl's status is unchanged. She is still facing the original charge although I really can't see the prosecutor pursuing them further. Continually pointing to her changes nothing for the officer.
Likewise, you people think the first link of the causal chain is completely irrelevant. Reasonable people (meaning not you) understand that when people fight the police, bad things occur. That's why resisting arrest, assaulting a peace officer, etc is illegal.

do not forget that Cliven Bundy gets an exception to that on account he is white........
More what? ... police killing unarmed citizens?

Not just police... and that is because one doesn't need to be armed to get themselves subjected to justified use of deadly force.

That kid attacked an innocent. He died as a consequence of that failure to bear the responsibilities that sustained his right to his life, which naturally came at the expense of his having forfeited that right.

See how that works?
That's the consensus of libs. That they should've just left her in the room and said something like "Ok...you win this time...but starting tomorrow you're suspended".

The consensus of Conserva dolts is that the cop should have pulled out a gun and capped her....
You are the liberal equivalent to where_r_my_keys and saintmichaeldefendthem.
I don't give a fuck what you think...you are a weakling
Says the liberal weakling. :lol:

Son, you talk the talk but don't walk the walk.
you do neither ...you are weakling I am laughing at you for being a pussy
Says the true weakling and pussy on the Board. :lol:
That's what they tried to sell us about Dajeeria Becton.

Oops, Casebolt got fired too. Once in a while there is justice.
Not often enough though.

Yep. And guess what? Youll never hear about the settlement checks these cops will get behind closed doors. Jackpot. Hell...I'm kinda jealous.

In the same way you never "heard" I was elected Emperor of the World.
Desperate post there. Danth goes third person.

Ha. You obviously have no clue how police and government employment works. You think he is the first cop ever thrown under the bus??? Departments will do it in a split second. The cop gets a lawyer and sues. They make a settlement behind closed doors...structured settlement payments...with stipulation of a gag order.

Guaranteed it happens here. The county gets to appease the cop haters and black community. The cop goes away and shuts up...because of the 00000s on the settlement checks.

So government has the right to hide legal issues from the public?

Amazing! I am going to let Hillary know about this right away!
Dude they are twisting themselves into pretzels to justify what the Steroid pumped gorilla did to that girl..specially weakling Jake who has no spine and can twist himself into grotesque shapes

I know. now they are claiming that she is assaulting an officer of the law.
The consensus of Conserva dolts is that the cop should have pulled out a gun and capped her....
You are the liberal equivalent to where_r_my_keys and saintmichaeldefendthem.
I don't give a fuck what you think...you are a weakling
Says the liberal weakling. :lol:

Son, you talk the talk but don't walk the walk.
you do neither ...you are weakling I am laughing at you for being a pussy
Says the true weakling and pussy on the Board. :lol:
You a losah....a weakling ...you are an automaton
Our local school district is re-doing its officer security program now with children like the one in OP.

The teacher will call in an AP and another admin person along with the campus resource officer.

The front office will use the office cell phone jammer until the child is secured.

One of the admin personnel will vid the entire sequence of events.

All children will be escorted from the classroom as the resource officer secures the door so that the offending child cannot leave.

When all children are safely away (probably the library), the officer will order the child to stand up, turn around, and put the arms behind the back. If the child refuses, the officer will wait for two more officers before securing the child.

The officer will secure and escort the child to the principal's office, where officer, principal, and child will wait for the jail personnel to arrive then take the child to custody.

When the child is taken away, the cell phone jammer will be turned off.

The parents will then be called.

I did not know that was procedure! That is what I thought should have been done! Escort the students out of the classroom and leave the student behind with the officer while waiting for back up (in your case you call the principal). Very interesting, Jake! I do believe that is using wisdom because it gives everyone the necessary time to calm down, isolate the situation and deal with it calmly. CALM being the operative word.

Of course... the only problem with that is that the student was in the process of refusing to leave the classroom, vis a vis: THE PROBLEM!
Do not forget obey or the Police get to savage you.... signed "Jake" :banana:
The above are the words of TyroneSlothrop, self acknowledge pussy and weakling.
You can't handle the truth on account you are a weakling...anyone who saw that video and approves of what the cop did is a weakling for authority ....you will do with no question whatever authority says ...weak
Sheriff Lott also said that his deputies need more training for the school resource officer post. I'm sure that's going to be brought up in the lawsuit.

And every other cop who is summoned to a class room has been told to not do anything.

Repeal Truancy Laws Now!

I agree. But in this case, the girl is 18 and not subject to those laws. I remember that feeling, in my senior year of high school when I turned 18 and realized I was now going to school by choice. I think if adults abuse that choice and want to act like adult criminals, it's time to send them packing.

LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

So what? The girl should get charges put on her for acting out when she is having difficulties?
It's an offense but understandable given her circumstances and certainly shouldn't have been criminalized the way it was.

Mitigating circumstances can be brought up at trial, especially for sentencing.

Expecting the officer at the scene to allow the young woman to remain in the room after the teacher has requested she be removed is not reasonable.

Handling the girl the way the officer did clearly was not reasonable.

Using her cell phone in class was not reasonable.

Not giving up her cell phone was not reasonable.

Not leaving the room was not reasonable.

Not standing up was unreasonable.

YOu dare a cop "three times your size" to pull you out of one of those chair desk combos and you are asking to get injured.
Sheriff Lott also said that his deputies need more training for the school resource officer post. I'm sure that's going to be brought up in the lawsuit.

And every other cop who is summoned to a class room has been told to not do anything.

Repeal Truancy Laws Now!

I agree. But in this case, the girl is 18 and not subject to those laws. I remember that feeling, in my senior year of high school when I turned 18 and realized I was now going to school by choice. I think if adults abuse that choice and want to act like adult criminals, it's time to send them packing.

LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

So what? The girl should get charges put on her for acting out when she is having difficulties?
It's an offense but understandable given her circumstances and certainly shouldn't have been criminalized the way it was.

Mitigating circumstances can be brought up at trial, especially for sentencing.

Expecting the officer at the scene to allow the young woman to remain in the room after the teacher has requested she be removed is not reasonable.

That's the consensus of libs. That they should've just left her in the room and said something like "Ok...you win this time...but starting tomorrow you're suspended".

And then they wonder why so many of our schools suck. Must be racism.:rolleyes:

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