Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?
Schools should invest in cell phone jammers.


I have one, it works beautifully. I like to use it on the highway when the dipshit in front of me is driving like a drunk because they are on their phone.

I flip a switch, and presto, the retard is magically transformed into a driver who fucking pays attention to the road.

Are you aware of the laws surrounding use of that device?

Are you aware of the accidents that happen because people are using their cell phones while driving? There is nothing so important that you cannot wait until you get to your destination to talk on a phone. If it is an emergency? Pull over to the side of the road and use the phone. But do not drive and use a cell phone. It's very dangerous.

What is your problem? I've not said anything about the need to use a cell phone while driving.

You are really in your own world. Please fuck off.

No, you were complaining about the cell phone jammer and asking if the poster knew what the laws were surrounding the use of such a device. He felt he was endangered by the driver in front of him using a cell phone while swerving down the road. I'm responding to you as you appear to be more concerned with the legality of his using the device rather than acknowledging that using a cell phone while driving is dangerous.

I did not complain. Not one bit.

You are an idiot. Those jammers are far reaching. They disable police communications as well as anyone trying to call 911 or other emergency numbers.

I am 100% against using cell phones while driving. Shithead.

You are a freakish weirdo who sees things that are not there. Like jeeebus.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

That's what these morons won't admit. She was determined to not get out of that chair or leave that room. Any attempt to was gonna be ugly.

How about just haul her with the chair outside? Or grabbed both hands then carry her outside. Is that so difficult for a big dude Buc?
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?

Everybody in the room learned (again) that we live in a police state where at any moment we're all an inch away from assault or worse.

The other students already knew this. That's why nobody moves or makes eye contact with goon-boy. They didn't want to be the next projectile. One girl did stand up for what's right -- she got arrested too.

Welcome to the world of fascism. Hope you enjoy it.
Glad to see the cop was fired. He doesn't have the temperament to effectively police these kids.

No one can effectively police these kids, with the rules as they stand.

Hence the education gap.

What? Which gap is that?

You don't know about the Education Gap?

Jesus Christ you're ignorant!

Goggle is your friend.

What are you referring to? Please explain what you mean by the education gap. In your own words.

What's goggle? I've heard of Google.

Again you start out with the insults. Are you upset?

There is no legitimate reason to ask for me to define something that is common knowledge and already well defined.

I didn't insult you. I merely gave you the respect of responding to your statement seriously.

If you, after years of discussing political and social issues are unaware of the Educate Gap, than you are shockingly ignorant.

you goggle, educate yourself and return to the discussion.

I know what is meant by the term achievement gap. And I want to know what YOU THINK IT MEANS. As in.....who is the gap between.

You called me ignorant. That is an insult. Own it.

Now.....what DO YOU refer to as the education gap? Stop avoiding this simple question, please.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

That's what these morons won't admit. She was determined to not get out of that chair or leave that room. Any attempt to was gonna be ugly.

How about just haul her with the chair outside? Or grabbed both hands then carry her outside. Is that so difficult for a big dude Buc?

Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?

Everybody in the room learned (again) that we live in a police state where at any moment we're all an inch away from assault or worse.

The other students already knew this. That's why nobody moves or makes eye contact with goon-boy. They didn't want to be the next projectile. One girl did stand up for what's right -- she got arrested too.

Welcome to the world of fascism. Hope you enjoy it.

Oh really? Why did some kids in the class say the cop did absolutely nothing wrong? Those other kids behaved like kids who want to get an education and know this is important. SHE was interruption THEIR one and only shot at high school.

And you libs make her a martyr.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

That's what these morons won't admit. She was determined to not get out of that chair or leave that room. Any attempt to was gonna be ugly.

How about just haul her with the chair outside? Or grabbed both hands then carry her outside. Is that so difficult for a big dude Buc?

Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.

He did not "carry her out" in the video -- he literally threw her against the wall --- as in hurled and released, like a bowling ball.

That of course was after he flipped her over backward, crashing a desk with a person still in it into an innocent bysitter's desk, nearly impaling her in the eye with it.

That sound like "responsible" behavior to you, Dickhead?

No, neither did it to his boss, which is why he's on the way to the unemployment office.
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?

Everybody in the room learned (again) that we live in a police state where at any moment we're all an inch away from assault or worse.

The other students already knew this. That's why nobody moves or makes eye contact with goon-boy. They didn't want to be the next projectile. One girl did stand up for what's right -- she got arrested too.

Welcome to the world of fascism. Hope you enjoy it.

Oh really? Why did some kids in the class say the cop did absolutely nothing wrong? Those other kids behaved like kids who want to get an education and know this is important. SHE was interruption THEIR one and only shot at high school.

And you libs make her a martyr.

An "education"?
--- In South Carolina???

Dude. That's like a surfer going to Nebraska to catch a wave. There's a reason we have a wall between the states.

I can't say why "some kids" said something you posted on a message board with no link. That's impossible. Why did you stop beating your wife?
He did not "carry her out" in the video -- he literally threw her against the wall --- as in hurled and released, like a bowling ball.

Well that what you can expect when you attack a cop many times your size.

So it's all about size to you is it?


So all this girl needs to do is hire a bigger goon than this goon.... and then she'll be right and Ben Dover will be wrong.

What a fucking world.
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?

Everybody in the room learned (again) that we live in a police state where at any moment we're all an inch away from assault or worse.

The other students already knew this. That's why nobody moves or makes eye contact with goon-boy. They didn't want to be the next projectile. One girl did stand up for what's right -- she got arrested too.

Welcome to the world of fascism. Hope you enjoy it.
Since when enforcing the law is fascism? What a stupid statement, a very stupid statement. She broke the law then defied the officer of the law.

What was he supposed to do when she said "no"?
No one can effectively police these kids, with the rules as they stand.

Hence the education gap.

What? Which gap is that?

You don't know about the Education Gap?

Jesus Christ you're ignorant!

Goggle is your friend.

What are you referring to? Please explain what you mean by the education gap. In your own words.

What's goggle? I've heard of Google.

Again you start out with the insults. Are you upset?

There is no legitimate reason to ask for me to define something that is common knowledge and already well defined.

I didn't insult you. I merely gave you the respect of responding to your statement seriously.

If you, after years of discussing political and social issues are unaware of the Educate Gap, than you are shockingly ignorant.

you goggle, educate yourself and return to the discussion.

I know what is meant by the term achievement gap. And I want to know what YOU THINK IT MEANS. As in.....who is the gap between.

You called me ignorant. That is an insult. Own it.

Now.....what DO YOU refer to as the education gap? Stop avoiding this simple question, please.
You are either ignorant or malignantly motivated.
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?

Everybody in the room learned (again) that we live in a police state where at any moment we're all an inch away from assault or worse.

The other students already knew this. That's why nobody moves or makes eye contact with goon-boy. They didn't want to be the next projectile. One girl did stand up for what's right -- she got arrested too.

Welcome to the world of fascism. Hope you enjoy it.

Oh really? Why did some kids in the class say the cop did absolutely nothing wrong? Those other kids behaved like kids who want to get an education and know this is important. SHE was interruption THEIR one and only shot at high school.

And you libs make her a martyr.

An "education"?
--- In South Carolina???

Dude. That's like a surfer going to Nebraska to catch a wave. There's a reason we have a wall between the states.

I can't say why "some kids" said something you posted on a message board with no link. That's impossible. Why did you stop beating your wife?

Actually SC has some pretty good schools....if you look at them individually rather than rating them with all the ghetto ones lumped in to ruin the averages. Academic Magnet High in Charleston is a national top 10 ranked school.

But...as usual...certain schools drag the good ones down to the abyss.

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