Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.

Though, we could maybe cut her some slack, she lost her mom in January, and her Grandmother in June. She is still just a kid, they are all different, each with their own story.

What she needed was some structure, some discipline, and most of all, love. She needed a home, as it looked like she lost hers.

At that particular moment, she probably needed her case worker to deal with the situation, not a storm trooper.

Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother
Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother

From reading the article, I think she just wanted he world's attention, she wants the entire nation to know the pain and isolation she is in.

Cop didn't know any of that, maybe we should cut him some slack.

Oh, is that different?

I haven't noted anyone asking about how hard his day or week was.

I am sure that he is a conservative, and knows that he must take responsibility for his own actions, including consequences of his failure to follow police training and protocols.

Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?
It's hard to imagine there will be a replacement, unless they find a really dumb cop who doesn't realize Sheriff Lott can throw him under the bus too.
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?

Everybody in the room learned (again) that we live in a police state where at any moment we're all an inch away from assault or worse.

The other students already knew this. That's why nobody moves or makes eye contact with goon-boy. They didn't want to be the next projectile. One girl did stand up for what's right -- she got arrested too.

Welcome to the world of fascism. Hope you enjoy it.

Oh really? Why did some kids in the class say the cop did absolutely nothing wrong? Those other kids behaved like kids who want to get an education and know this is important. SHE was interruption THEIR one and only shot at high school.

And you libs make her a martyr.

And in fact, when you watch the video, the girl behind her was trying very hard to attend to her studies in spite of the interruption caused by the thug sitting in front of her. Even the desk flying in front of her face could not break her rivet on what she was studying.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

That's what these morons won't admit. She was determined to not get out of that chair or leave that room. Any attempt to was gonna be ugly.

How about just haul her with the chair outside? Or grabbed both hands then carry her outside. Is that so difficult for a big dude Buc?

Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.

She would rock side to side. The drooling retards don't get the fact she was RESISTING ARREST and there's no non-violent way of dealing with people who do that.
Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.

I don't claim to be or to have been an exceptional wrestler. I was pretty good in my teens and twenties but I haven't been on the mat in over fifty years. Still I can tell you with full confidence that if a man the size of that cop could not apply a control hold to that diminutive girl and quietly move her out of the classroom without all the dramatic violence he does not belong in that job.

I'm not suggesting the girl didn't deserve that level of reactive violence. But not from a uniformed police officer who is obliged by the nature of that occupation to conduct himself with restraint rather than respond to situations in accord with his emotional impulses.

If that tiny girl had been a very big boy, the size of Michael Brown for example, what would that cop have done -- shoot him?
The cop did his job.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.

Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?
It's hard to imagine there will be a replacement, unless they find a really dumb cop who doesn't realize Sheriff Lott can throw him under the bus too.
I think there's always a Dan Campbell to step in for every incompetent Philbin. But these are major achievers. For the avoidance of doubt, the guy who screwed up their security guard job is the dummy. There are hundreds of real cops to replace this guy with.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.

The cop did his job.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.
He's a cop. His boss is a politician. I'm sure you still don't understand.
Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.

I don't claim to be or to have been an exceptional wrestler. I was pretty good in my teens and twenties but I haven't been on the mat in over fifty years. Still I can tell you with full confidence that if a man the size of that cop could not apply a control hold to that diminutive girl and quietly move her out of the classroom without all the dramatic violence he does not belong in that job.

I'm not suggesting the girl didn't deserve that level of reactive violence. But not from a uniformed police officer who is obliged by the nature of that occupation to conduct himself with restraint rather than respond to situations in accord with his emotional impulses.

If that tiny girl had been a very big boy, the size of Michael Brown for example, what would that cop have done -- shoot him?

And then she struggles against the hold and it hurts her, and we see video of that and if that hold is not banned, then libs ask why not, and they want the cop fired anyway.

The girl did deserve that level of reactive violence.

PUt down the phone and get out of the room you crazy ass bitch.

(the student, not you)
He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.

Though, we could maybe cut her some slack, she lost her mom in January, and her Grandmother in June. She is still just a kid, they are all different, each with their own story.

What she needed was some structure, some discipline, and most of all, love. She needed a home, as it looked like she lost hers.

At that particular moment, she probably needed her case worker to deal with the situation, not a storm trooper.

Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother
Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother

From reading the article, I think she just wanted he world's attention, she wants the entire nation to know the pain and isolation she is in.
Church, family, friends, school counselor, these are just a few ways of getting noticed and getting help with the pain of bereavement that doesn't involve the police or committing felonies and misdemeanors.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.

The cop did his job.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.
He's a cop. His boss is a politician. I'm sure you still don't understand.
Former cop.
Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.

I don't claim to be or to have been an exceptional wrestler. I was pretty good in my teens and twenties but I haven't been on the mat in over fifty years. Still I can tell you with full confidence that if a man the size of that cop could not apply a control hold to that diminutive girl and quietly move her out of the classroom without all the dramatic violence he does not belong in that job.

I'm not suggesting the girl didn't deserve that level of reactive violence. But not from a uniformed police officer who is obliged by the nature of that occupation to conduct himself with restraint rather than respond to situations in accord with his emotional impulses.

If that tiny girl had been a very big boy, the size of Michael Brown for example, what would that cop have done -- shoot him?

Right. He should have used the Vulcan Neck Pinch.
. Destroying a law enforcement officer for not being gentle with an asshole who is breaking the law is not a reasonable response from a society that wants the law enforced.
He is not in law enforcement now...he is just another steroid using muscle dude

Meanwhile what has that girl learned? What has that teacher learned? What has the other students learned? What will that officer's replacement learn?
It's hard to imagine there will be a replacement, unless they find a really dumb cop who doesn't realize Sheriff Lott can throw him under the bus too.
I think there's always a Dan Campbell to step in for every incompetent Philbin. But these are major achievers. For the avoidance of doubt, the guy who screwed up their security guard job is the dummy. There are hundreds of real cops to replace this guy with.
Cops aren't stupid, and in fact most of them have at least a BA. I can't think any would be so dumb that they don't figure out that what happened to this cop could happen to them too. They'll either refuse the post, or they'll take it but never actually do anything. They aren't dummies.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.

The cop did his job.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.
He's a cop. His boss is a politician. I'm sure you still don't understand.
Former cop.
Still a cop and 1000 times the man a POS like you will ever be.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.
Your society that works best is bullshit. Fuck Canada. The rule of law is a social contract in the United States. We're not sheep and the government is not our shepherd.
He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.
Your society that works best is bullshit. Fuck Canada. The rule of law is a social contract in the United States. We're not sheep and the government is not our shepherd.
Resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer breaks that social contract.
Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.

Though, we could maybe cut her some slack, she lost her mom in January, and her Grandmother in June. She is still just a kid, they are all different, each with their own story.

What she needed was some structure, some discipline, and most of all, love. She needed a home, as it looked like she lost hers.

At that particular moment, she probably needed her case worker to deal with the situation, not a storm trooper.

Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother
Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother

From reading the article, I think she just wanted he world's attention, she wants the entire nation to know the pain and isolation she is in.

Cop didn't know any of that, maybe we should cut him some slack.

Oh, is that different?

I haven't noted anyone asking about how hard his day or week was.

I've thought of that. It appears in his record he has been warned to think before he acts a few times.

Added to that, let us not forget, this girl is now in a shit load of trouble.
He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.
Your society that works best is bullshit. Fuck Canada. The rule of law is a social contract in the United States. We're not sheep and the government is not our shepherd.

Actually it sounded like he just described MOST of America.

Most people respect teh rules and rarely violate them and rarely see force used.

The girl, not so much.

Did not respect the rules, did not respect any authority or any social contract and thus force used to remove her.

As was right and proper.

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