Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

I think there's always a Dan Campbell to step in for every incompetent Philbin. But these are major achievers. For the avoidance of doubt, the guy who screwed up their security guard job is the dummy. There are hundreds of real cops to replace this guy with.
Cops aren't stupid, and in fact most of them have at least a BA. I can't think any would be so dumb that they don't figure out that what happened to this cop could happen to them too. They'll either refuse the post, or they'll take it but never actually do anything. They aren't dummies.
Having a college degree and being a cop with it doesn't vindicate smarts or wisdom. Setting that aside, a school cop is an old man job suited to nice people with a community service mindset and the willingness to work for that sort of pay. Only from shit government workers will you hear that it is stupid to take a position where you're expected to do your job professionally.

Really? You think that Constable Grandpa is the man they choose to deal with gang, drug, and violence invested public high schools?

There were two grampas at a school I went to. At this particular school they had all these problems, but the police were not expected to intimidate students. I assume you don't think that's what's needed in schools. Narcs would come to school and deal with drugs. The school called the police when there was violence. By no means were school cops and truancy cops classroom security.

Sounds like you went to a nice school. You're not that bright, I can see that, but I'm sure you're at least intelligent to know there are high schools in this country that make Eastside High look like a theme park. In fact, you can gage how violent a school is by how much "color" it has.

BTW, I went to a nice school here in Idaho. I was one of about 10 students who wasn't white. It was calm, orderly, and the kids relatively well behaved. We didn't have a police officer on campus.

Really? You can tell that a school is violent based on how much color it has?
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..

I don't know if the man is a racist or not. I don't know him. But you keep throwing out there, the fact that he's dating a black woman, which is proof he's no racist??? Huh, whaaa?

Remember Donald Sterling? I believe his ex girlfriend was half black, half Hispanic. He was a racist, without a doubt.

Considering he's being prosecuted by the United States Federal Government for being a "racist", he needs to muster all the evidence in his defense he can.

Do you have a link for that?
"The Columbia FBI Field Office, the Civil Rights Division, and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of South Carolina have opened a civil rights investigation into the circumstances surrounding the arrest of a student at Spring Valley High School," FBI Special Agent in Charge David Thomas said in a statement Tuesday. " The FBI will collect all available facts and evidence in order to determine whether a federal law was violated. As this is an ongoing investigation, per Department of Justice policy we are unable to comment further at this time.""
Feds Open Civil Rights Investigation Into Spring Valley Incident

We know a State law was violated yet nothing will happen to this punk kid as a result.

Wonder if the FBI would be called in if it was a white girl or any white person. We don't have to wonder. Those of us know that blacks are pandered to in this type of situation know the answer.
Is that you in your bunker working through your butthurt. It seems you can't sit still.
hahahaahahahahaaha you still haven't gotten the young person out of the class room because she put her hands on the door and then on the threshold and stopped the desk from moving, so now you have a bigger predicament because now you have no leverage since she is still in the room and you are now in the hall. Funny, you failed to extract the individual and you gave leverage back to her.

The Leftists here think that a desk can be moved even if the occupant pushes their feet down. They're not known for intelligence, that's for sure.

But there is no weight on your feet if you're sitting professor. You could also lean her back so her feet are off the floor.
You fools are taking this argument to pretty retarded lenghths.

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

Don't know HOW LONG you folks would allow this drama to go on with no response from the student. There's another confrontation every hour to resolve. And ONE cop. Only thing dragging her out into the hallway would have done ---- is DESTROYED THE VIDEO RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED..

Talk about not thinking clearly...
Dragging her desk into the hallway would have removed her from the class. That would have been caught on the video recording.

And still produced the same result because she is black. Black people don't like being told what to do by white people even though the person doing the telling has the authority to do it. Isn't that right Kunta, or is it Toby?
Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.

Though, we could maybe cut her some slack, she lost her mom in January, and her Grandmother in June. She is still just a kid, they are all different, each with their own story.

What she needed was some structure, some discipline, and most of all, love. She needed a home, as it looked like she lost hers.

At that particular moment, she probably needed her case worker to deal with the situation, not a storm trooper.

Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother
Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother

From reading the article, I think she just wanted he world's attention, she wants the entire nation to know the pain and isolation she is in.

Cop didn't know any of that, maybe we should cut him some slack.

Oh, is that different?

I haven't noted anyone asking about how hard his day or week was.

I am sure that he is a conservative, and knows that he must take responsibility for his own actions, including consequences of his failure to follow police training and protocols.

Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.
hahahaahahahahaaha you still haven't gotten the young person out of the class room because she put her hands on the door and then on the threshold and stopped the desk from moving, so now you have a bigger predicament because now you have no leverage since she is still in the room and you are now in the hall. Funny, you failed to extract the individual and you gave leverage back to her.

The Leftists here think that a desk can be moved even if the occupant pushes their feet down. They're not known for intelligence, that's for sure.

But there is no weight on your feet if you're sitting professor. You could also lean her back so her feet are off the floor.
You fools are taking this argument to pretty retarded lenghths.

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

Don't know HOW LONG you folks would allow this drama to go on with no response from the student. There's another confrontation every hour to resolve. And ONE cop. Only thing dragging her out into the hallway would have done ---- is DESTROYED THE VIDEO RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED..

Talk about not thinking clearly...
Dragging her desk into the hallway would have removed her from the class. That would have been caught on the video recording.

And still produced the same result because she is black. Black people don't like being told what to do by white people even though the person doing the telling has the authority to do it. Isn't that right Kunta, or is it Toby?
Crock of bull shit. White kids and adults defy white authority all the time by going back and shooting up the whole F#@% ing classroom or work place.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.
Your want me to believe that you raised four kids and they NEVER misbehaved? LMAO You probably sent them to their room to watch tv, play video games and chat on their cell phones or internet. He turned her over with her in the chair, dragged her and threw her across the room. Ni99er hater. Simple as that.
The Leftists here think that a desk can be moved even if the occupant pushes their feet down. They're not known for intelligence, that's for sure.

But there is no weight on your feet if you're sitting professor. You could also lean her back so her feet are off the floor.
You fools are taking this argument to pretty retarded lenghths.

Not retarded at all. You can put enough weight on your feet to destroy any mobility in moving that desk. She would have EVENTUALLY been pulled out of it and onto the floor.

Don't know HOW LONG you folks would allow this drama to go on with no response from the student. There's another confrontation every hour to resolve. And ONE cop. Only thing dragging her out into the hallway would have done ---- is DESTROYED THE VIDEO RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED..

Talk about not thinking clearly...
Dragging her desk into the hallway would have removed her from the class. That would have been caught on the video recording.

And still produced the same result because she is black. Black people don't like being told what to do by white people even though the person doing the telling has the authority to do it. Isn't that right Kunta, or is it Toby?
Crock of bull shit. White kids and adults defy white authority all the time by going back and shooting up the whole F#@% ing classroom or work place.

Yeah, it happens daily doesn't it? Bullshit
She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

Except the black folks who loves and dates..
That didnt make sense. What are you trying to say?
He has a black girlfriend, duncecap.
That means he is extra dangerous. He is one of those racists that think having a Black sex partner makes them more manly. I guess all those mixed breed Black kids during slavery had fathers that werent racists.

I thought you black boys could keep your women. Seems a white MAN took what you couldn't take care of.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.
Your want me to believe that you raised four kids and they NEVER misbehaved? LMAO You probably sent them to their room to watch tv, play video games and chat on their cell phones or internet. He turned her over with her in the chair, dragged her and threw her across the room. Ni99er hater. Simple as that.

Why do you liars keep saying he threw her across the ROOM?

You don't mention that because of her I don't have to listen to white people in authority attitude, she broke state law.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
Though, we could maybe cut her some slack, she lost her mom in January, and her Grandmother in June. She is still just a kid, they are all different, each with their own story.

What she needed was some structure, some discipline, and most of all, love. She needed a home, as it looked like she lost hers.

At that particular moment, she probably needed her case worker to deal with the situation, not a storm trooper.

Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother
Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother

From reading the article, I think she just wanted he world's attention, she wants the entire nation to know the pain and isolation she is in.

Cop didn't know any of that, maybe we should cut him some slack.

Oh, is that different?

I haven't noted anyone asking about how hard his day or week was.

I am sure that he is a conservative, and knows that he must take responsibility for his own actions, including consequences of his failure to follow police training and protocols.

Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

His job is to keep the educators from direct physical engagements with abusive students. He was ASKED to exercise that authority by the staff. That's why he was there in the first place.
So why didnt he do his job instead of playing King Chimp?

Had the black punk girl who doesn't like white people in authority telling her what to do not been such a bitch, the staff wouldn't have called him into the room. What about that do you not get? She initiated the situation by REFUSING to do what she was told to do. Nothing happens if she simply does what she asked to do.

Your mindset is that of the family/friends of a drunk driver killed in a single car accident and their outlook that people should feel sorry for them for causing the situation by not doing what should have been done. Why couldn't the black girl just go to the office when the teacher asked her to go? Is it that she didn't like the rule and thought she didn't have to go by it because she didn't agree? Is it because he baby mama told her that the school can't tell her when and where she can use her phone? Is it because she doesn't like white people in positions of authority telling her what to do? I say it's some of all three.
Cop didn't know any of that, maybe we should cut him some slack.

Oh, is that different?

I haven't noted anyone asking about how hard his day or week was.

I am sure that he is a conservative, and knows that he must take responsibility for his own actions, including consequences of his failure to follow police training and protocols.

Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.
Cop didn't know any of that, maybe we should cut him some slack.

Oh, is that different?

I haven't noted anyone asking about how hard his day or week was.

I am sure that he is a conservative, and knows that he must take responsibility for his own actions, including consequences of his failure to follow police training and protocols.

Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

A black girl texting in class was against school policy. Had she gone to the office like she was asked to do, nothing happens. Her multiple refusals to do so is against State law. I guess that makes no difference to you.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.
He no longer has a job because he is a steroid using weight lifting brutal gorilla...thank God he has been fired and hopefully they will throw him in jail where he can impress the inmates with his big muscles about being an Ex Cop

He may be with the person who could be this
No more posts from Conservative, I think his old ass has stroked out.
He is somewhere in a corner drooling about now...

Working boy so people like this girl and her baby mama can eat, buy cell phones to disrupt class, etc. because they think they're owed what the rest of us have to EARN.
I am sure that he is a conservative, and knows that he must take responsibility for his own actions, including consequences of his failure to follow police training and protocols.

Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.
Kids are removed from classrooms all the time for bad behavior but this cop never gave her a chancel. He walked up to her and turn the chair over with her in it, threw her across the room and dragged her out of the class room. As I said before if I had did this to my child I would be doing 20 years in prison for child abuse. You cannot spank a child but can do what this cop did and expect to be honored?
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.

In what way? You mean a day(s) out of somewhere she could care less about being?
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.

The representative of civilization who removed her from the classroom has lost his job.

The teacher who had her removed has learned that doing is not tolerated by society. She/he has lost. What are they to do next time this comes up?

The rest of the class lost. THey lost a whole period down the drain. And will lose more as society cannot maintain civilization in the class room.

What do you think is going to happen to her?

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