Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.

The representative of civilization who removed her from the classroom has lost his job.

The teacher who had her removed has learned that doing is not tolerated by society. She/he has lost. What are they to do next time this comes up?

The rest of the class lost. THey lost a whole period down the drain. And will lose more as society cannot maintain civilization in the class room.

What do you think is going to happen to her?
She has been suspended. Being a Special Ed teacher and working in mental health institutions, this is not the way you properly handle unruly kids.

How do you remove an adult teen from a class...when they are determined not to go? I assume you do not support calling the police to do this....since dealing with brat kids isn't their job. Right?

"adult teen"....is that like being a "little pregnant"? :lol:

If you don't have the brains to outwit a teenybopper into doing what you want rather than what they want, you don't have the brains to be either a teacher or a cop. Period.
- LINK: Social media reaction to Florin High principal being thrown to floor by students

THIS is why there are police officers at schools now:

"Florin High Principal Thrown to floor by Students During student Brawl"

No respect, no discipline...and no fear of reprisal. Growing up we never even thought of striking a teacher - wasn't even an option. The roles have been reversed now. Teachers refuse to enforce discipline as they should, will not touch a child for fear of being attacked and/or sued.
Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

The girl choose that the only way for her to be removed was by force.

The resulting actions of his employer and the district shows that our society is too weak and decadent to maintain civilization in the classroom.

You libs claim you want better schools, and that education is so important, but your actions speak otherwise.
GOP Goons are schizophrenic ...........

GOP Goon #1 : We need our guns in case the government ever decides to savagely come after us.

GOP Goon #1 Why didn't she just listen to the officer!?
Detroit Public Schools: 93% Not Proficient in Reading; 96% Not Proficient in Math
Affirmative Action negroes hired to teach negro children with both parties IQs hovering around 80 who can barely read and write themselves. Endemic HPD. Parentless homes. Teachers protected by the powerful teachers unions.
Check out the worst cities on the graph. Who runs these failing cities? Who do they 'block vote' for every election?
The 'bonobo' in the room no one has the courage to address is the socio-economic system of which the education system is part of in the US evolved around the premise that kids attending school had an average IQ of something like 110-120.
The 'Three R's' were designed so they could be learned by the vast majority of students.
They were not designed to be learned by people with IQs around 80. Nor were they designed to be learned by kids with IQs of 150 who need a far more challenging learning format.
What happened?
Inner city class room started filling up with the vast majority of students who don't have sufficiently high enough IQs to be able to learn the 'Three R's'
It's not rocket science to understand this simple fact.
The unavoidable reality is simply 'dumbing down' a curriculum so negroes can be 'streamed' through school ironically only makes their already challenging lives worse.
They can't even get hired flipping burgers anymore. Too much competition from Latino kids who are willing to show up, put in a day's work, keep their fucking pants pulled up and their fucking mouths shut except to say thank you when they are handed the paycheque.
There is no solution American society being what it is. Wait a few years until the Latinos REALLY get their feet under the table. You can kiss any hope for the vast majority of negroes ever moving up the socioeconomic ladder goodbye forever.
Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.
Your society that works best is bullshit. Fuck Canada. The rule of law is a social contract in the United States. We're not sheep and the government is not our shepherd.

Actually it sounded like he just described MOST of America.

Most people respect teh rules and rarely violate them and rarely see force used.

The girl, not so much.

Did not respect the rules, did not respect any authority or any social contract and thus force used to remove her.

As was right and proper.
Fired. Not proper.

Through excess force, the officer broke the social contract here. While we have the first amendment right to dissent in this contract.. against agents of the government, there's prohibition against your definition of proper in the 8th amendment, even for criminals.

A forcible arrest of somebody not following lawful directions does not break the social contract.

Stop lying, Leftists!

Except he lost his job and was banned from entering district properties, so yeah he obviously violated the public trust.

Nope. Society violated the trust because it could not handle seeing the force necessary to maintain civilization in our schools.
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

It wasn't about blind obedience and submitting. It was about the girl first having disobeyed policy, then disobeying a legitimate request to go to the discipline office then continuing to refuse. When you know the rule and someone asked you to follow the rule, it isn't blindly obeying or submitting, it's doing what you're told, when you're told, by a person having the authority to tell you to do it. If you don't like being told what to do in that situation, too bad.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

The girl choose that the only way for her to be removed was by force.

The resulting actions of his employer and the district shows that our society is too weak and decadent to maintain civilization in the classroom.

You libs claim you want better schools, and that education is so important, but your actions speak otherwise.

Except the girl is not the subject of the investigation. Cops abusing children is certainly in no way bettering our schools.
Detroit Public Schools: 93% Not Proficient in Reading; 96% Not Proficient in Math
Affirmative Action negroes hired to teach negro children with both parties IQs hovering around 80 who can barely read and write themselves. Endemic HPD. Parentless homes. Teachers protected by the powerful teachers unions.
Check out the worst cities on the graph. Who runs these failing cities? Who do they 'block vote' for every election?
The 'bonobo' in the room no one has the courage to address is the socio-economic system of which the education system is part of in the US evolved around the premise that kids attending school had an average IQ of something like 110-120.
The 'Three R's' were designed so they could be learned by the vast majority of students.
They were not designed to be learned by people with IQs around 80. Nor were they designed to be learned by kids with IQs of 150 who need a far more challenging learning format.
What happened?
Inner city class room started filling up with the vast majority of students who don't have sufficiently high enough IQs to be able to learn the 'Three R's'
It's not rocket science to understand this simple fact.
The unavoidable reality is simply 'dumbing down' a curriculum so negroes can be 'streamed' through school ironically only makes their already challenging lives worse.
They can't even get hired flipping burgers anymore. Too much competition from Latino kids who are willing to show up, put in a day's work, keep their fucking pants pulled up and their fucking mouths shut except to say thank you when they are handed the paycheque.
There is no solution American society being what it is. Wait a few years until the Latinos REALLY get their feet under the table. You can kiss any hope for the vast majority of negroes ever moving up the socioeconomic ladder goodbye forever.

With the high rate of social welfare use in Detroit, the only things they need to do with reading and math is see the word "Gubmint" on the check and that it has numbers/dollar sign on it.
Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.

When you fire the man the removed her, the only way he could, by force, you are saying that she can't be removed.
You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

The girl choose that the only way for her to be removed was by force.

The resulting actions of his employer and the district shows that our society is too weak and decadent to maintain civilization in the classroom.

You libs claim you want better schools, and that education is so important, but your actions speak otherwise.

Except the girl is not the subject of the investigation. Cops abusing children is certainly in no way bettering our schools.

A punk that doesn't want to be at school keeping others from learning in no way makes the schools better.
Your society that works best is bullshit. Fuck Canada. The rule of law is a social contract in the United States. We're not sheep and the government is not our shepherd.

Actually it sounded like he just described MOST of America.

Most people respect teh rules and rarely violate them and rarely see force used.

The girl, not so much.

Did not respect the rules, did not respect any authority or any social contract and thus force used to remove her.

As was right and proper.
Fired. Not proper.

Through excess force, the officer broke the social contract here. While we have the first amendment right to dissent in this contract.. against agents of the government, there's prohibition against your definition of proper in the 8th amendment, even for criminals.

A forcible arrest of somebody not following lawful directions does not break the social contract.

Stop lying, Leftists!

Except he lost his job and was banned from entering district properties, so yeah he obviously violated the public trust.

Nope. Society violated the trust because it could not handle seeing the force necessary to maintain civilization in our schools.

UmHm, that's what happened.
Nope. Society violated the trust because it could not handle seeing the force necessary to maintain civilization in our schools.

The Government is coming for your guns resistance ....Wolverines !!!!

GOP Goon #1 Why didn't she just listen to the officer!?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.

When you fire the man the removed her, the only way he could, by force, you are saying that she can't be removed.

More than one of her supporters, when asked, provide suggestions that fall under forcibly removing her.
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

It wasn't about blind obedience and submitting. It was about the girl first having disobeyed policy, then disobeying a legitimate request to go to the discipline office then continuing to refuse. When you know the rule and someone asked you to follow the rule, it isn't blindly obeying or submitting, it's doing what you're told, when you're told, by a person having the authority to tell you to do it. If you don't like being told what to do in that situation, too bad.

In general, bullshit. Using your logic we would still be a British colony. Free people have a right to question the legitimacy of rules and authority.

In this specific case, nobody is trying to justify the actions...or inaction of the girl. The problem is that none of the alleged adult authorities involved had the brains god gave a half-wit to deal with the situation without resorting to EXCESSIVE violence. If you ain't got the brains to outwit a teenybopper, you ain't got the brains to be a cop or a teacher...though I might have to give the administrators a pass, since thinking outside the box isn't one of their core competencies.
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.

When you fire the man the removed her, the only way he could, by force, you are saying that she can't be removed.

No I'm not. Obviously the officer was wrong.
If you choose not to believe that , fine. But don't project your fantasy onto me.
You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

The girl choose that the only way for her to be removed was by force.

The resulting actions of his employer and the district shows that our society is too weak and decadent to maintain civilization in the classroom.

You libs claim you want better schools, and that education is so important, but your actions speak otherwise.

Except the girl is not the subject of the investigation. Cops abusing children is certainly in no way bettering our schools.

Logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

The choice facing society is to maintain civilization in the class room or NOT.

You libs claim you want better schools, and that education is so important, but your actions speak otherwise.
- LINK: Social media reaction to Florin High principal being thrown to floor by students

THIS is why there are police officers at schools now:

"Florin High Principal Thrown to floor by Students During student Brawl"

No respect, no discipline...and no fear of reprisal. Growing up we never even thought of striking a teacher - wasn't even an option. The roles have been reversed now. Teachers refuse to enforce discipline as they should, will not touch a child for fear of being attacked and/or sued.

There were officers patrolling the schools at least as far back as the early 70s, when I was in school...but you are correct, the teacher's hands are tied these days.

Considering that the environment of our schools are more like prisons these days...metal detectors, searches, bulls on patrol, etc...
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

It wasn't about blind obedience and submitting. It was about the girl first having disobeyed policy, then disobeying a legitimate request to go to the discipline office then continuing to refuse. When you know the rule and someone asked you to follow the rule, it isn't blindly obeying or submitting, it's doing what you're told, when you're told, by a person having the authority to tell you to do it. If you don't like being told what to do in that situation, too bad.

In general, bullshit. Using your logic we would still be a British colony.

In this specific case, nobody is trying to justify the actions...or inaction of the girl. The problem is that none of the alleged adult authorities involved had the brains god gave a half-wit to deal with the situation without resorting to EXCESSIVE" violence. If you ain't got the brains to outwit a teenybopper, you ain't got the brains to be a cop or a teacher...though I might have to give the administrators a pass, since thinking outside the box isn't one of their core competencies.

Says the person that uses the word "Ain't"
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

The girl choose that the only way for her to be removed was by force.

The resulting actions of his employer and the district shows that our society is too weak and decadent to maintain civilization in the classroom.

You libs claim you want better schools, and that education is so important, but your actions speak otherwise.

Except the girl is not the subject of the investigation. Cops abusing children is certainly in no way bettering our schools.

A punk that doesn't want to be at school keeping others from learning in no way makes the schools better.


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