Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

They are crazy they are stupid they both hate the Government but demand immediate obeisance to armed Govt representatives the "State Security apparatus"
The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.

When you fire the man the removed her, the only way he could, by force, you are saying that she can't be removed.

No I'm not. Obviously the officer was wrong.
If you choose not to believe that , fine. But don't project your fantasy onto me.

Logical fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.

When you fire the man the removed her, the only way he could, by force, you are saying that she can't be removed.

No I'm not. Obviously the officer was wrong.
If you choose not to believe that , fine. But don't project your fantasy onto me.

If you choose to believe that, don't project your fantasy onto me. That's the problem with you Liberal assholes. You do exactly what you say others shouldn't do and think it's OK.
Actually it sounded like he just described MOST of America.

Most people respect teh rules and rarely violate them and rarely see force used.

The girl, not so much.

Did not respect the rules, did not respect any authority or any social contract and thus force used to remove her.

As was right and proper.
Fired. Not proper.

Through excess force, the officer broke the social contract here. While we have the first amendment right to dissent in this contract.. against agents of the government, there's prohibition against your definition of proper in the 8th amendment, even for criminals.

A forcible arrest of somebody not following lawful directions does not break the social contract.

Stop lying, Leftists!

Except he lost his job and was banned from entering district properties, so yeah he obviously violated the public trust.

Nope. Society violated the trust because it could not handle seeing the force necessary to maintain civilization in our schools.

UmHm, that's what happened.

HIs job was to remove her. He did, the only possible way, by force.

And his employers have fired him for doing so.

Society violated the trust because it could not handle seeing the force necessary to maintain civilization in our schools.
A punk that doesn't want to be at school keeping others from learning in no way makes the schools better.

That is why Ben Fields steroid using Gorilla is no longer allowed on school grounds

When are you going to provide proof of your assertion of steroids? You won't but you'll keep saying it.

the only gorilla was the black girl.
He is fired he is gone Officer slam will not be bullying and abusing children as he rages in steroid use juice..............
The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.

Had she done what people in authority ASKED her to do, there wouldn't have been an incident of a police officer dealing with a criminal.

Except that's not what's in question here. The actions of the officer is.

It's the cause and something totally ignore. Had the punk kid done what she was rightfully asked to do, are you saying anything that occurred after her refusal would have occurred?
A punk that doesn't want to be at school keeping others from learning in no way makes the schools better.

That is why Ben Fields steroid using Gorilla is no longer allowed on school grounds

When are you going to provide proof of your assertion of steroids? You won't but you'll keep saying it.

the only gorilla was the black girl.
He is fired he is gone Officer slam will not be bullying and abusing children as he rages in steroid use juice..............

Still no proof of steroid? That's what I would expect from a ****** like you.
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

The girl choose that the only way for her to be removed was by force.

The resulting actions of his employer and the district shows that our society is too weak and decadent to maintain civilization in the classroom.

You libs claim you want better schools, and that education is so important, but your actions speak otherwise.

Except the girl is not the subject of the investigation. Cops abusing children is certainly in no way bettering our schools.

A punk that doesn't want to be at school keeping others from learning in no way makes the schools better.
That is why they fired the punk from the police force.
It's the cause and something totally ignore. Had the punk kid done what she was rightfully asked to do, are you saying anything that occurred after her refusal would have occurred?

Maybe Ben Fields should have "stood his ground" and shot her like the 12 year old kid in Cleveland ...........Tamir Rice..........
- LINK: Social media reaction to Florin High principal being thrown to floor by students

THIS is why there are police officers at schools now:

"Florin High Principal Thrown to floor by Students During student Brawl"

No respect, no discipline...and no fear of reprisal. Growing up we never even thought of striking a teacher - wasn't even an option. The roles have been reversed now. Teachers refuse to enforce discipline as they should, will not touch a child for fear of being attacked and/or sued.

There were officers patrolling the schools at least as far back as the early 70s, when I was in school...but you are correct, the teacher's hands are tied these days.

Considering that the environment of our schools are more like prisons these days...metal detectors, searches, bulls on patrol, etc...
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

It wasn't about blind obedience and submitting. It was about the girl first having disobeyed policy, then disobeying a legitimate request to go to the discipline office then continuing to refuse. When you know the rule and someone asked you to follow the rule, it isn't blindly obeying or submitting, it's doing what you're told, when you're told, by a person having the authority to tell you to do it. If you don't like being told what to do in that situation, too bad.

In general, bullshit. Using your logic we would still be a British colony.

In this specific case, nobody is trying to justify the actions...or inaction of the girl. The problem is that none of the alleged adult authorities involved had the brains god gave a half-wit to deal with the situation without resorting to EXCESSIVE" violence. If you ain't got the brains to outwit a teenybopper, you ain't got the brains to be a cop or a teacher...though I might have to give the administrators a pass, since thinking outside the box isn't one of their core competencies.

Says the person that uses the word "Ain't"

Now you've exposed yourself as a moron. "Ain't" is in the dictionary. Indeed, this is what Merriam Webster has to say about it:

Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis <the wackiness of movies, once so deliciously amusing, ain't funny anymore — Richard Schickel><I am telling you—there ain't going to be any blackmail — R. M. Nixon>. It is used especially in journalistic prose as part of a consistently informal style <the creative process ain't easy — Mike Royko>. This informal ain't is commonly distinguished from habitual ain't by its frequent occurrence in fixed constructions and phrases<well—class it ain't — Cleveland Amory><for money? say it ain't so, Jimmy! — Andy Rooney><you ain't seen nothing yet><that ain't hay><two out of three ain't bad><if it ain't broke, don't fix it>. In fiction ain't is used for purposes of characterization; in familiar correspondence it tends to be the mark of a warm personal friendship. It is also used for metrical reasons in popular songs<Ain't She Sweet><It Ain't Necessarily So>. Our evidence shows British use to be much the same as American.

The bolding is mine. Yes, my moron friend, this hick just trapped you into exposing yourself as one of those faux conservatives who, when caught without logical rebuttal, resorts to silly word and grammar police games...a favorite tactic of liberal elitists. Good job, dipshit!
They are crazy they are stupid they both hate the Government but demand immediate obeisance to armed Govt representatives the "State Security apparatus"

Different playing fields with different players and standards.
Those God fearing, patriotic, white, law abiding gun owners have a birthright to protect our nation by any means necessary.

On the other team, blacks, other minorities, liberals, gays, essentially anyone they don't recognize as having that birthright must comply as they are , after all, the drivers of all decay and destruction of civilization.

You're right, it's schitzo as hell and retarded.
A punk that doesn't want to be at school keeping others from learning in no way makes the schools better.

That is why Ben Fields steroid using Gorilla is no longer allowed on school grounds

When are you going to provide proof of your assertion of steroids? You won't but you'll keep saying it.

the only gorilla was the black girl.

He's said the officer should be tested about twenty times derp.
- LINK: Social media reaction to Florin High principal being thrown to floor by students

THIS is why there are police officers at schools now:

"Florin High Principal Thrown to floor by Students During student Brawl"

No respect, no discipline...and no fear of reprisal. Growing up we never even thought of striking a teacher - wasn't even an option. The roles have been reversed now. Teachers refuse to enforce discipline as they should, will not touch a child for fear of being attacked and/or sued.

There were officers patrolling the schools at least as far back as the early 70s, when I was in school...but you are correct, the teacher's hands are tied these days.

Considering that the environment of our schools are more like prisons these days...metal detectors, searches, bulls on patrol, etc...
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

It wasn't about blind obedience and submitting. It was about the girl first having disobeyed policy, then disobeying a legitimate request to go to the discipline office then continuing to refuse. When you know the rule and someone asked you to follow the rule, it isn't blindly obeying or submitting, it's doing what you're told, when you're told, by a person having the authority to tell you to do it. If you don't like being told what to do in that situation, too bad.

In general, bullshit. Using your logic we would still be a British colony.

In this specific case, nobody is trying to justify the actions...or inaction of the girl. The problem is that none of the alleged adult authorities involved had the brains god gave a half-wit to deal with the situation without resorting to EXCESSIVE" violence. If you ain't got the brains to outwit a teenybopper, you ain't got the brains to be a cop or a teacher...though I might have to give the administrators a pass, since thinking outside the box isn't one of their core competencies.

Says the person that uses the word "Ain't"

Now you've exposed yourself as a moron. "Ain't" is in the dictionary. Indeed, this is what Merriam Webster has to say about it:

Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis <the wackiness of movies, once so deliciously amusing, ain't funny anymore — Richard Schickel><I am telling you—there ain't going to be any blackmail — R. M. Nixon>. It is used especially in journalistic prose as part of a consistently informal style <the creative process ain't easy — Mike Royko>. This informal ain't is commonly distinguished from habitual ain't by its frequent occurrence in fixed constructions and phrases<well—class it ain't — Cleveland Amory><for money? say it ain't so, Jimmy! — Andy Rooney><you ain't seen nothing yet><that ain't hay><two out of three ain't bad><if it ain't broke, don't fix it>. In fiction ain't is used for purposes of characterization; in familiar correspondence it tends to be the mark of a warm personal friendship. It is also used for metrical reasons in popular songs<Ain't She Sweet><It Ain't Necessarily So>. Our evidence shows British use to be much the same as American.

The bolding is mine. Yes, my moron friend, this hick just trapped you into exposing yourself as one of those faux conservatives who, when caught without logical rebuttal, resorts to silly word and grammar police games...a favorite tactic of liberal elitists. Good job, dipshit!

It wasn't done to catch attention. You did it because you're stupid.

You couldn't trick yourself retard.

Blacks used ebonics to communicate. That doesn't make it appropriate.
A punk that doesn't want to be at school keeping others from learning in no way makes the schools better.

That is why Ben Fields steroid using Gorilla is no longer allowed on school grounds

When are you going to provide proof of your assertion of steroids? You won't but you'll keep saying it.

the only gorilla was the black girl.

He's said the officer should be tested about twenty times derp.

Tyrone has already made the determination without any testing.
It's the cause and something totally ignore. Had the punk kid done what she was rightfully asked to do, are you saying anything that occurred after her refusal would have occurred?

Maybe Ben Fields should have "stood his ground" and shot her like the 12 year old kid in Cleveland ...........Tamir Rice..........

Perhaps Tamir shouldn't have taken the orange piece off the gun.
- LINK: Social media reaction to Florin High principal being thrown to floor by students

THIS is why there are police officers at schools now:

"Florin High Principal Thrown to floor by Students During student Brawl"

No respect, no discipline...and no fear of reprisal. Growing up we never even thought of striking a teacher - wasn't even an option. The roles have been reversed now. Teachers refuse to enforce discipline as they should, will not touch a child for fear of being attacked and/or sued.

There were officers patrolling the schools at least as far back as the early 70s, when I was in school...but you are correct, the teacher's hands are tied these days.

Considering that the environment of our schools are more like prisons these days...metal detectors, searches, bulls on patrol, etc...
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

It wasn't about blind obedience and submitting. It was about the girl first having disobeyed policy, then disobeying a legitimate request to go to the discipline office then continuing to refuse. When you know the rule and someone asked you to follow the rule, it isn't blindly obeying or submitting, it's doing what you're told, when you're told, by a person having the authority to tell you to do it. If you don't like being told what to do in that situation, too bad.

In general, bullshit. Using your logic we would still be a British colony.

In this specific case, nobody is trying to justify the actions...or inaction of the girl. The problem is that none of the alleged adult authorities involved had the brains god gave a half-wit to deal with the situation without resorting to EXCESSIVE" violence. If you ain't got the brains to outwit a teenybopper, you ain't got the brains to be a cop or a teacher...though I might have to give the administrators a pass, since thinking outside the box isn't one of their core competencies.

Says the person that uses the word "Ain't"

Now you've exposed yourself as a moron. "Ain't" is in the dictionary. Indeed, this is what Merriam Webster has to say about it:

Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis <the wackiness of movies, once so deliciously amusing, ain't funny anymore — Richard Schickel><I am telling you—there ain't going to be any blackmail — R. M. Nixon>. It is used especially in journalistic prose as part of a consistently informal style <the creative process ain't easy — Mike Royko>. This informal ain't is commonly distinguished from habitual ain't by its frequent occurrence in fixed constructions and phrases<well—class it ain't — Cleveland Amory><for money? say it ain't so, Jimmy! — Andy Rooney><you ain't seen nothing yet><that ain't hay><two out of three ain't bad><if it ain't broke, don't fix it>. In fiction ain't is used for purposes of characterization; in familiar correspondence it tends to be the mark of a warm personal friendship. It is also used for metrical reasons in popular songs<Ain't She Sweet><It Ain't Necessarily So>. Our evidence shows British use to be much the same as American.

The bolding is mine. Yes, my moron friend, this hick just trapped you into exposing yourself as one of those faux conservatives who, when caught without logical rebuttal, resorts to silly word and grammar police games...a favorite tactic of liberal elitists. Good job, dipshit!

It wasn't done to catch attention. You did it because you're stupid.

You couldn't trick yourself retard.

Blacks used ebonics to communicate. That doesn't make it appropriate.

Stupid would be the one who can't refute what I said with anything more than liberal grammar police bullshit, cupcake. You effectively admitted that an illiterate hick like me is smarter than you...how embarrassin' for you fer shure, masa moron! :lol:

I will communicate in the manner I see fit, dipshit...and if you little liberal speech police don't like it, tough shit.
Tyrone has already made the determination without any testing.

How come they do not automatically test the "strength coach" eh ...when he gets sued I hope her lawyers demand a drug screen...hair testing will show 90 days previous drug use... He navigates in circles were steroid use is routine.........
- LINK: Social media reaction to Florin High principal being thrown to floor by students

THIS is why there are police officers at schools now:

"Florin High Principal Thrown to floor by Students During student Brawl"

No respect, no discipline...and no fear of reprisal. Growing up we never even thought of striking a teacher - wasn't even an option. The roles have been reversed now. Teachers refuse to enforce discipline as they should, will not touch a child for fear of being attacked and/or sued.

There were officers patrolling the schools at least as far back as the early 70s, when I was in school...but you are correct, the teacher's hands are tied these days.

Considering that the environment of our schools are more like prisons these days...metal detectors, searches, bulls on patrol, etc...
It wasn't about blind obedience and submitting. It was about the girl first having disobeyed policy, then disobeying a legitimate request to go to the discipline office then continuing to refuse. When you know the rule and someone asked you to follow the rule, it isn't blindly obeying or submitting, it's doing what you're told, when you're told, by a person having the authority to tell you to do it. If you don't like being told what to do in that situation, too bad.

In general, bullshit. Using your logic we would still be a British colony.

In this specific case, nobody is trying to justify the actions...or inaction of the girl. The problem is that none of the alleged adult authorities involved had the brains god gave a half-wit to deal with the situation without resorting to EXCESSIVE" violence. If you ain't got the brains to outwit a teenybopper, you ain't got the brains to be a cop or a teacher...though I might have to give the administrators a pass, since thinking outside the box isn't one of their core competencies.

Says the person that uses the word "Ain't"

Now you've exposed yourself as a moron. "Ain't" is in the dictionary. Indeed, this is what Merriam Webster has to say about it:

Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis <the wackiness of movies, once so deliciously amusing, ain't funny anymore — Richard Schickel><I am telling you—there ain't going to be any blackmail — R. M. Nixon>. It is used especially in journalistic prose as part of a consistently informal style <the creative process ain't easy — Mike Royko>. This informal ain't is commonly distinguished from habitual ain't by its frequent occurrence in fixed constructions and phrases<well—class it ain't — Cleveland Amory><for money? say it ain't so, Jimmy! — Andy Rooney><you ain't seen nothing yet><that ain't hay><two out of three ain't bad><if it ain't broke, don't fix it>. In fiction ain't is used for purposes of characterization; in familiar correspondence it tends to be the mark of a warm personal friendship. It is also used for metrical reasons in popular songs<Ain't She Sweet><It Ain't Necessarily So>. Our evidence shows British use to be much the same as American.

The bolding is mine. Yes, my moron friend, this hick just trapped you into exposing yourself as one of those faux conservatives who, when caught without logical rebuttal, resorts to silly word and grammar police games...a favorite tactic of liberal elitists. Good job, dipshit!

It wasn't done to catch attention. You did it because you're stupid.

You couldn't trick yourself retard.

Blacks used ebonics to communicate. That doesn't make it appropriate.

Stupid would be the one who can't refute what I said with anything more than liberal grammar police bullshit, cupcake. You effectively admitted that an illiterate hick like me is smarter than you...how embarrassin' for you fer shure, masa moron! :lol:

I will communicate in the manner I see fit, dipshit...and if you little liberal speech police don't like it, tough shit.

When what you said refuted itself, no need for me to do what you did for me.

And you'll be called a dumb ****** for doing it. Don't like it, don't be one.

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