Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.
He no longer has a job because he is a steroid using weight lifting brutal gorilla...thank God he has been fired and hopefully they will throw him in jail where he can impress the inmates with his big muscles about being an Ex Cop

He may be with the person who could be this
No more posts from Conservative, I think his old ass has stroked out.
He is somewhere in a corner drooling about now...

Working boy so people like this girl and her baby mama can eat, buy cell phones to disrupt class, etc. because they think they're owed what the rest of us have to EARN.

Mind set of SOBs like you and the cop is really what is wrong with society and with the final destruction of civilization.
Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.
Kids are removed from classrooms all the time for bad behavior but this cop never gave her a chancel. He walked up to her and turn the chair over with her in it, threw her across the room and dragged her out of the class room. As I said before if I had did this to my child I would be doing 20 years in prison for child abuse. You cannot spank a child but can do what this cop did and expect to be honored?

Are you claiming he said nothing to her about leaving? Are you claiming he did nothing but walk up and turn over the desk?
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.

The representative of civilization who removed her from the classroom has lost his job.

The teacher who had her removed has learned that doing is not tolerated by society. She/he has lost. What are they to do next time this comes up?

The rest of the class lost. THey lost a whole period down the drain. And will lose more as society cannot maintain civilization in the class room.

What do you think is going to happen to her?

At the most, she'll get a day(s) out of somewhere she could care less about being, a reward for her, and may get invited to the White House.

No one seems to care that those who actually wanted to learn had to go without instruction that day due to one person thinking it's OK to defy authority.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.
He no longer has a job because he is a steroid using weight lifting brutal gorilla...thank God he has been fired and hopefully they will throw him in jail where he can impress the inmates with his big muscles about being an Ex Cop

He may be with the person who could be this
No more posts from Conservative, I think his old ass has stroked out.
He is somewhere in a corner drooling about now...

Working boy so people like this girl and her baby mama can eat, buy cell phones to disrupt class, etc. because they think they're owed what the rest of us have to EARN.

Mind set of SOBs like you and the cop is really what is wrong with society and with the final destruction of civilization.

The final destruction of society comes when people like this turd think it's OK to not do what is expected of them because they don't want to.

She broke school policy, her choice, then broke State law, her choice. When you act like an asshole, don't be shocked when you're treated like one.

Try that crap as an adult when a police officer asks you to do what he has the authority to ask you to do and see what rightfully happens.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.

Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.
The reason he didn't "try something else" is because the escort position...taking someone by the arm and leading them away....works almost every single time all over America. 99.99% of people....when touched by a cop and told "Let's go..." will go. No reason the cop would think she would be any different.

But...she pulled her arm away and tightened up. Determined not to go.

Should we then hit the "Oh Shit Button" and say "Hold on folks! She doesn't wanna go! Evacuate the room. Get some backup and some cameras in here. Notify the Sheriff and the media. Condition red. Repeat. Condition red."

OR....should cops handle the situation and get her ass out of the chair and handcuffed?

The answer to that....is the new era of policing and will have drastic effects on law and order in the future.
Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

So Captain Hindsight....how should he have handled it??
What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.
Your society that works best is bullshit. Fuck Canada. The rule of law is a social contract in the United States. We're not sheep and the government is not our shepherd.

Actually it sounded like he just described MOST of America.

Most people respect teh rules and rarely violate them and rarely see force used.

The girl, not so much.

Did not respect the rules, did not respect any authority or any social contract and thus force used to remove her.

As was right and proper.
Fired. Not proper.

Through excess force, the officer broke the social contract here. While we have the first amendment right to dissent in this contract.. against agents of the government, there's prohibition against your definition of proper in the 8th amendment, even for criminals.

A forcible arrest of somebody not following lawful directions does not break the social contract.

Stop lying, Leftists!

Except he lost his job and was banned from entering district properties, so yeah he obviously violated the public trust.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.

The representative of civilization who removed her from the classroom has lost his job.

The teacher who had her removed has learned that doing is not tolerated by society. She/he has lost. What are they to do next time this comes up?

The rest of the class lost. THey lost a whole period down the drain. And will lose more as society cannot maintain civilization in the class room.

What do you think is going to happen to her?
She has been suspended. Being a Special Ed teacher and working in mental health institutions, this is not the way you properly handle unruly kids.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.

The representative of civilization who removed her from the classroom has lost his job.

The teacher who had her removed has learned that doing is not tolerated by society. She/he has lost. What are they to do next time this comes up?

The rest of the class lost. THey lost a whole period down the drain. And will lose more as society cannot maintain civilization in the class room.

What do you think is going to happen to her?
She has been suspended. Being a Special Ed teacher and working in mental health institutions, this is not the way you properly handle unruly kids.

How do you remove an adult teen from a class...when they are determined not to go? I assume you do not support calling the police to do this....since dealing with brat kids isn't their job. Right?
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

So Captain Hindsight....how should he have handled it??

That has been discussed over and over. We get that your brain only works in a circular fashion but others have moved on. Obviously throwing the girl accross the room is what doomed him, so any action that didn't include that action is your answer.
Your society that works best is bullshit. Fuck Canada. The rule of law is a social contract in the United States. We're not sheep and the government is not our shepherd.

Actually it sounded like he just described MOST of America.

Most people respect teh rules and rarely violate them and rarely see force used.

The girl, not so much.

Did not respect the rules, did not respect any authority or any social contract and thus force used to remove her.

As was right and proper.
Fired. Not proper.

Through excess force, the officer broke the social contract here. While we have the first amendment right to dissent in this contract.. against agents of the government, there's prohibition against your definition of proper in the 8th amendment, even for criminals.

A forcible arrest of somebody not following lawful directions does not break the social contract.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Excessive force does. Procedures help guys like this to do their jobs without their issues creating situations like this. This cop didn't follow procedures... ended up screwing up public trust in an excess use of force.
Excess use of force is a judgment call, in fact it's nothing more than an opinion, one you're stupid enough to take for fact. The only time it becomes clear excessive use of force is once the suspect is immobilized and force continues to be used, such as on Rodney King. Kicking, punching, nightsticking a suspect repeatedly is excessive force. This is important because in the lawsuit, the City of Columbia is going to be asked to demonstrate why they deemed excessive force and they will not be able to defend their reasoning. So he will end up getting $1.5 million because Sheriff Lott was a pussy who wanted to fire one of his own deputies to stave off having the city burned down by feral chimpanzees rioting and looting.

Excess use of force is a judgment call

Yes it is, and his actions were deemed as bad judgement .
His termination is more likely due to the department covering its ass... They sold out one of their own... And that's how we will degrade into lawlessness.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.
Your want me to believe that you raised four kids and they NEVER misbehaved? LMAO You probably sent them to their room to watch tv, play video games and chat on their cell phones or internet. He turned her over with her in the chair, dragged her and threw her across the room. Ni99er hater. Simple as that.

Why do you liars keep saying he threw her across the ROOM?

You don't mention that because of her I don't have to listen to white people in authority attitude, she broke state law.

No one is lying. That is the exact reason the sheriff gave for his termination. Why are you lying? You act as if that never happened.
I am sure that he is a conservative, and knows that he must take responsibility for his own actions, including consequences of his failure to follow police training and protocols.

Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.
Your want me to believe that you raised four kids and they NEVER misbehaved? LMAO You probably sent them to their room to watch tv, play video games and chat on their cell phones or internet. He turned her over with her in the chair, dragged her and threw her across the room. Ni99er hater. Simple as that.

Why do you liars keep saying he threw her across the ROOM?

You don't mention that because of her I don't have to listen to white people in authority attitude, she broke state law.

No one is lying. That is the exact reason the sheriff gave for his termination. Why are you lying? You act as if that never happened.

The reason the sheriff gave was that he went against policy and procedure.
Mmm, from what I've seen cops do TEND to be Republican, but assuming that he is a conservative is going way out on a limb.

BTW, are you implying that we should give the girl a pass because you think she is probably a liberal?
Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.

Had she done what people in authority ASKED her to do, there wouldn't have been an incident of a police officer dealing with a criminal.
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

So if you want to be a common thug rather than a good cop...go for it...but don't whine when good cops and citizens (those people you work FOR) hold you accountable for your actions.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.
Your want me to believe that you raised four kids and they NEVER misbehaved? LMAO You probably sent them to their room to watch tv, play video games and chat on their cell phones or internet. He turned her over with her in the chair, dragged her and threw her across the room. Ni99er hater. Simple as that.

Why do you liars keep saying he threw her across the ROOM?

You don't mention that because of her I don't have to listen to white people in authority attitude, she broke state law.

No one is lying. That is the exact reason the sheriff gave for his termination. Why are you lying? You act as if that never happened.

The reason the sheriff gave was that he went against policy and procedure.

Nope. just saying that she should not be physically abused,...period.

The choice she presented society, was either use force to remove her from the room, or let her stay and shit can the rules, the teachers authority, and the rest of the student's right to an education.

Our society has reached a point where we are too squeamish to use the force necessary to maintain civilization.
A black girl texting in class is uncivilized??? Who has really fucked up civilization? The Anglo Saxon man. Every where he has placed his foot.His feeling of superiority gives him the right? Forcing the native Americans off their land and genocide entire tribes is maintaining civilization? Removing native american children from their homes and families and placing them in white homes destroyed the NA family unit and this country is not paying the price. Not to mention the atrocities of black slavery in this country. White man invade and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and continue to other middle east countries and call those who "defy" them terrorist? LMAO
You place this girl in a category you are so familiar with your self.

No, the fact that society can't remove a bad girl from the class room is uncivilized.

The rest of your rant is nothing but more of the decadence I mentioned.

No one said she can't be removed. It's how he did it that is the story.

Had she done what people in authority ASKED her to do, there wouldn't have been an incident of a police officer dealing with a criminal.

Except that's not what's in question here. The actions of the officer is.

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