Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Tyrone has already made the determination without any testing.

How come they do not automatically test the "strength coach" eh ...when he gets sued I hope her lawyers demand a drug screen...hair testing will show 90 days previous drug use... He navigates in circles were steroid use is routine.........

So now you want testing for what you've already said was a fact? Which one is it boy?
These Right wing goons approve of what is shown below


but but but she should have obeyed the Goon

But but but the little boy should have acted more responsible than the armed goon who murdered him
Tyrone has already made the determination without any testing.

How come they do not automatically test the "strength coach" eh ...when he gets sued I hope her lawyers demand a drug screen...hair testing will show 90 days previous drug use... He navigates in circles were steroid use is routine.........

So now you want testing for what you've already said was a fact? Which one is it boy?
He is on steroids and you know it just as well as I do...the video shows "Roid rage"
There were officers patrolling the schools at least as far back as the early 70s, when I was in school...but you are correct, the teacher's hands are tied these days.

Considering that the environment of our schools are more like prisons these days...metal detectors, searches, bulls on patrol, etc...
In general, bullshit. Using your logic we would still be a British colony.

In this specific case, nobody is trying to justify the actions...or inaction of the girl. The problem is that none of the alleged adult authorities involved had the brains god gave a half-wit to deal with the situation without resorting to EXCESSIVE" violence. If you ain't got the brains to outwit a teenybopper, you ain't got the brains to be a cop or a teacher...though I might have to give the administrators a pass, since thinking outside the box isn't one of their core competencies.

Says the person that uses the word "Ain't"

Now you've exposed yourself as a moron. "Ain't" is in the dictionary. Indeed, this is what Merriam Webster has to say about it:

Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis <the wackiness of movies, once so deliciously amusing, ain't funny anymore — Richard Schickel><I am telling you—there ain't going to be any blackmail — R. M. Nixon>. It is used especially in journalistic prose as part of a consistently informal style <the creative process ain't easy — Mike Royko>. This informal ain't is commonly distinguished from habitual ain't by its frequent occurrence in fixed constructions and phrases<well—class it ain't — Cleveland Amory><for money? say it ain't so, Jimmy! — Andy Rooney><you ain't seen nothing yet><that ain't hay><two out of three ain't bad><if it ain't broke, don't fix it>. In fiction ain't is used for purposes of characterization; in familiar correspondence it tends to be the mark of a warm personal friendship. It is also used for metrical reasons in popular songs<Ain't She Sweet><It Ain't Necessarily So>. Our evidence shows British use to be much the same as American.

The bolding is mine. Yes, my moron friend, this hick just trapped you into exposing yourself as one of those faux conservatives who, when caught without logical rebuttal, resorts to silly word and grammar police games...a favorite tactic of liberal elitists. Good job, dipshit!

It wasn't done to catch attention. You did it because you're stupid.

You couldn't trick yourself retard.

Blacks used ebonics to communicate. That doesn't make it appropriate.

Stupid would be the one who can't refute what I said with anything more than liberal grammar police bullshit, cupcake. You effectively admitted that an illiterate hick like me is smarter than you...how embarrassin' for you fer shure, masa moron! :lol:

I will communicate in the manner I see fit, dipshit...and if you little liberal speech police don't like it, tough shit.

When what you said refuted itself, no need for me to do what you did for me.

And you'll be called a dumb ****** for doing it. Don't like it, don't be one.

Your reply is the intellectual equivalent of "oh yeah?"
You want to charge me with a hate crime too, libtard? :lol:
Tyrone has already made the determination without any testing.

How come they do not automatically test the "strength coach" eh ...when he gets sued I hope her lawyers demand a drug screen...hair testing will show 90 days previous drug use... He navigates in circles were steroid use is routine.........

Nobody is lifting 600lbs without roids.
Cliven Bundy and his gang took up sniper positions against Law Enforcement Officers [LEO s]

There is no way the PUNK RIGHT wingers will say

Cliven Bundy should have obeyed the Officers ...hey they are that punk

Tyrone has already made the determination without any testing.

How come they do not automatically test the "strength coach" eh ...when he gets sued I hope her lawyers demand a drug screen...hair testing will show 90 days previous drug use... He navigates in circles were steroid use is routine.........

So now you want testing for what you've already said was a fact? Which one is it boy?
He is juiced
when it comes to teenage black students they are Law and Order Hawks when it comes to heavily armed drunken methamphetamine monsters at the Cliven Ranch they are doves...the same shit heads who say "she should have obeyed the Officer" approve of white drunks and druggies aiming guns at LEO s
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.
That is a Police Groupie ....
To Summarize the Insane Wing nut view of this incident:
The teenage student should have obeyed the Officer or she would not have been brutalized.

Second..the alcoholics and drug addicts aiming guns at Police in the Cliven Bundy incident should have shot the Police.....
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Wait until the negro bitch calls 911 because her pimp smacked her around.
She is being charged with multiple felons.
Hope she likes 'getting married' to a bunch of stinking hairy sweaty 300 pound 'Bull Dykes' in prison.
The message is going out to police officers in schools, "Don't touch the students if you value your job." The message is also going out to students...do what you want and keep that phone handy. Students are coming to school for the social life, not learning. Tough to be a cop or a teacher that cares.
My wife works with a resource officer. He is appalled at this feral chimps actions and as a fellow cop he feels this makes his job that much harder..
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
They are crazy they are stupid they both hate the Government but demand immediate obeisance to armed Govt representatives the "State Security apparatus"

Different playing fields with different players and standards.
Those God fearing, patriotic, white, law abiding gun owners have a birthright to protect our nation by any means necessary.

On the other team, blacks, other minorities, liberals, gays, essentially anyone they don't recognize as having that birthright must comply as they are , after all, the drivers of all decay and destruction of civilization.

You're right, it's schitzo as hell and retarded.

Schizo is right on the money. It's all about division.

What these racist asshole dipshits don't get is that they themselves are the source of the problems they claim to decry. What goon-boy does in these videos is in the larger sense dehumanizes her. That's the only way you can take actions like that; you cannot do that to a life form you consider your equal, so you have to first conceive them as an undercaste of Untouchables.

And that's what dickheads like the delinquents in this thread want -- a striated society where one group is set aside to dominate another group. The old cowboys-and-Indians bullshit the rest of us outgrew. They're not allowed to say "******" any more so they find new euphemisims. "Simian"... "zoo animal"... we all know what they mean.... a classed society where a lower caste takes all the blame and serves as punching bag for the upper class. The irony being that they deem themselves "superior" after having gone down that road, which obviously goes the opposite direction. Denialism at work.

That juvenile attitude is what drives and encourages goons like Ben Dover here to take the same view, and with their target identified and dehumanized for them, feel free to throw them across the room and worse.

When humans are dehumanized and abused, they're going to resist. Because they know better. Sometimes it'll be in passive or subtle ways, other times in screamingly obvious ones. But however they can they're going to fight back. As well they should, and as well they must.

And when I say "they", I mean "we".

Racists suck moose cock.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Boys: fired for excessive force - Google Search

He's out of a job, will not be paid off, and will not be getting another in law enforcement.

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