Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

I feel cheated. I did not get into police work until I joined the Sheriff's Auxiliary, at age 66. At my current age, I am too old to beat anyone up. I missed all the fun....

ROFL! You're speaking of Leftist indoctrination centers.

how the fuck would you know what goes on in a school?
No one can effectively police these kids, with the rules as they stand.

Hence the education gap.

What? Which gap is that?

You don't know about the Education Gap?

Jesus Christ you're ignorant!

Goggle is your friend.

What are you referring to? Please explain what you mean by the education gap. In your own words.

What's goggle? I've heard of Google.

Again you start out with the insults. Are you upset?

There is no legitimate reason to ask for me to define something that is common knowledge and already well defined.

I didn't insult you. I merely gave you the respect of responding to your statement seriously.

If you, after years of discussing political and social issues are unaware of the Educate Gap, than you are shockingly ignorant.

you goggle, educate yourself and return to the discussion.

I know what is meant by the term achievement gap. And I want to know what YOU THINK IT MEANS. As in.....who is the gap between.

You called me ignorant. That is an insult. Own it.

Now.....what DO YOU refer to as the education gap? Stop avoiding this simple question, please.

If you know what the term means, the real definition, then respond appropriately.

I called you ignorant because you were pretending that you needed the meaning of a well defined and documented and researched phenomena.

So, what's is the point that you are dancing around, if you have one.
I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.
Well, like the officer, you would have been fired, probably arrested for the beating part and face the loss of everything you own and a long term financial burden of payments for the law suite you would have to pay for.

Oh, no doubt.

WE have a society were using force to enforce civilized behavior is not considered civilized.

This is what is known as a "Doomed society".
Civilized behavior is determined by the people who live in the society. This particular society overwhelmingly has determined that full grown alpha males are not supposed to bully and assault teen age girls.

This particular society has overwhelmingly determined that teachers and law enforcement officers and law abiding citizens (the other students) have lower status and must defer to criminals.

As I said, this is a "Doomed society".

Your bizarre concern that the officer was larger than the girl in question is just a minor aspect of your detachment from reality.

A serious society does not expect law officers to have to engage in "fair fights" when attempting to enforce the law. A serious society wants the situation to be stacked, as often as possible so that the forces of civil society easily trumps that of barbarism.
OK, but you sound ridiculous to me. This is about a 16 year old girl who got a taste of police brutality. The bad cop didn't do the job he was being paid for. His boss fired him. The doomed society will be the one that approves and supports barbarian behavior. Barbarian behavior is not a teenage girl acting immature and foolish. Barbarian behavior is allowing grown men to abuse teenage girls. That guy belongs with ISIS, not in an American school.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

That's what these morons won't admit. She was determined to not get out of that chair or leave that room. Any attempt to was gonna be ugly.

How about just haul her with the chair outside? Or grabbed both hands then carry her outside. Is that so difficult for a big dude Buc?

Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.

Big deal grab her hand again. But he grabbed her flipped her then threw her to the floor. I NEVER said carry her with the chair. The chair is light weight he can easily grab the chair from behind and her haul her out side. I can do that easily. Don't tell me this big dude cannot do that?
Where did that pick up came from? If someone do that to your daughter is that acceptable?
The message is going out to police officers in schools, "Don't touch the students if you value your job." The message is also going out to students...do what you want and keep that phone handy. Students are coming to school for the social life, not learning. Tough to be a cop or a teacher that cares.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

That's what these morons won't admit. She was determined to not get out of that chair or leave that room. Any attempt to was gonna be ugly.

How about just haul her with the chair outside? Or grabbed both hands then carry her outside. Is that so difficult for a big dude Buc?

Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.

Big deal grab her hand again. But he grabbed her flipped her then threw her to the floor. I NEVER said carry her with the chair. The chair is light weight he can easily grab the chair from behind and her haul her out side. I can do that easily. Don't tell me this big dude cannot do that?
Where did that pick up came from? If someone do that to your daughter is that acceptable?

I posted a video earlier of this goon bench pressing over six hundred pounds. Yet we're told by the authoritarian sycophants that he would have been incapable of dragging the desk out with her still in it.

Not that that would have been the ideal approach but it shows how far they're willing to bend over.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

That's what these morons won't admit. She was determined to not get out of that chair or leave that room. Any attempt to was gonna be ugly.

How about just haul her with the chair outside? Or grabbed both hands then carry her outside. Is that so difficult for a big dude Buc?

Um....he did grab her with two hands to carry her out. We see what happened. She resisted and tried punching.

Carry the desk out? Seriously? Thats getting silly now. And do what....put it in a pickup truck and drive her home...in the desk? Fuck her. She can be removed....well....guess not now. Guess now she'll sit her ass in class grinning and talking on her phone while class is going on.

Big deal grab her hand again. But he grabbed her flipped her then threw her to the floor. I NEVER said carry her with the chair. The chair is light weight he can easily grab the chair from behind and her haul her out side. I can do that easily. Don't tell me this big dude cannot do that?
Where did that pick up came from? If someone do that to your daughter is that acceptable?

The Chair is not lightweight. It is attached to the desk.

If he tried to carry a struggling young woman inside the awkward chair/desk combo with the girl inside, he would have been putting himself, and bystanders at risk.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.

The cop did his job.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.

Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.

The cop did his job.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.

Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.

He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.

Though, we could maybe cut her some slack, she lost her mom in January, and her Grandmother in June. She is still just a kid, they are all different, each with their own story.

What she needed was some structure, some discipline, and most of all, love. She needed a home, as it looked like she lost hers.

At that particular moment, she probably needed her case worker to deal with the situation, not a storm trooper.

Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother

From reading the article, I think she just wanted he world's attention, she wants the entire nation to know the pain and isolation she is in.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.

The cop did his job.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.

Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
He could NOT have removed her from the room with any less force.

No one could.

Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.

Though, we could maybe cut her some slack, she lost her mom in January, and her Grandmother in June. She is still just a kid, they are all different, each with their own story.

What she needed was some structure, some discipline, and most of all, love. She needed a home, as it looked like she lost hers.

At that particular moment, she probably needed her case worker to deal with the situation, not a storm trooper.

Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother
Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother

From reading the article, I think she just wanted he world's attention, she wants the entire nation to know the pain and isolation she is in.

Cop didn't know any of that, maybe we should cut him some slack.

Oh, is that different?

I haven't noted anyone asking about how hard his day or week was.
Does it not occur to knuckledraggers that not everything is accomplished by "force"?

No, apparently it doesn't.

All law and civil society is based ultimately on force.

THe fact that you are disturbed by this is a sign of our cultural decadence.

As the force fails civilized society retreats and barbarism rises.

What a crock of complete horseshit.

Grow up there, GI Joe.

Um....actually he's 100% right. Humanity throughout history has governed by the assumed risk of use of force. From the church or gangs or government. Someone is in charge. And they use force to be in charge.

Now....the society that works best is one where almost all people respect the rules and rarely violate them....thus...the force is very rare.

Others....see it daily.

He's right. You're just too retarded to grasp it.

Though, we could maybe cut her some slack, she lost her mom in January, and her Grandmother in June. She is still just a kid, they are all different, each with their own story.

What she needed was some structure, some discipline, and most of all, love. She needed a home, as it looked like she lost hers.

At that particular moment, she probably needed her case worker to deal with the situation, not a storm trooper.

Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother
Teen Girl Beaten By Cop In Classroom Recently Orphaned After Losing Her Mother

From reading the article, I think she just wanted he world's attention, she wants the entire nation to know the pain and isolation she is in.

Cop didn't know any of that, maybe we should cut him some slack.

Oh, is that different?

I haven't noted anyone asking about how hard his day or week was.

I am sure that he is a conservative, and knows that he must take responsibility for his own actions, including consequences of his failure to follow police training and protocols.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.

The cop did his job.
His boss said he did not do his job. That is why he got fired. His job was to follow procedure and protocol as he was trained. That is what he was being paid for. When you become a Chief or Mayor, you can hire him.

Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.
he had a duty to gain compliance, but the adult woman refused to come out of the chair.

Man, they grow up fast in these threads. When this thread started she was 16. Then today she became 18. Now just hours later she's an "adult woman".

By midnight she'll be in an assisted living facility and by the time the sun comes up, decomposed with only two surviving great-grandchildren.
18 is an adult, skid mark.

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